
Life Eternal

I would imagine that “death” is on people’s mind more than at any other recent time.

We are all going to die sooner or later. But, our souls are eternal. We do not “pass away.” We “pass-over.” Think a beautiful rainbow from the earth to the heavens and back down to the earth.

This is a poem that I wrote for one of our apprentices after he had lost his mother. In tribute to his mother, we included it in our memoirs:

Life Eternal

Once again our earthly journey,

Separating from the loving womb of mother.

We take our first breath of life, of God’s breath,

And we remember

The love and purity of the heavens,

The perfection and oneness of all.

With our cry our journey of life,

Of life’s joys and struggles, begins,

And remembrance slowly fades

But is never totally gone.

Throughout the joys and struggles,

The joys of family and friends,

Of pets, music, and the delights of life,

There are the struggles.

Ones that may strengthen our spirit,

The turbulence of life, the cares and sorrows

That hang heavy over our heart,

the grief and sorrow of death.

But we remember at certain times

the love and perfection,

Times when we gaze into the eyes of loved ones,

The closeness of family and friends,

The sounds of laughter, the playful glee of children, the innocence of a baby.

Freshly falling snow may bring remembrance,

As may the first blossom of spring,

A visit by hummingbird, the beauty of a butterfly,

The first star of night,

The mystery and beauty of nature.

Our remembrance is of our heart and soul,

Of the starlight eternal.

Remember, remember, remember.

Then it is time, the heavens call.

A time to return,

Return to the purity of heavenly love,

To the perfection and oneness of heaven.

In the heavens a star shines brighter.

To the ones we leave behind,

Know that you are loved,

And know you are never alone.

– JC, 2014


Greed, Greed, Greed – Wake-Up People!

Greed, Greed, Greed – Wake-up people! What is more important: your life and your loved ones or providing for the greed of Wall Street and Millionaires/Billionaires. The elites want you to keep being “sheep-slaves.” Become wolves and remember what is important in life:

Don’t focus on fear, focus on the love of family and friends. Laugh, laugh, laugh. All can be writers, write about your feelings and reexamine your life – what is important. Be spiritual – light a candle reminding you of the divine fire/spark within all of us. Reboot the love and closeness of families instead of working excessively for more things and lining the pockets of the millionaire/billionaire asses.

If possible, begin growing food and help others in your neighborhood/community if possible for your safety and theirs. Rethink your concept of need (for things). Become Simple: A simple person is also a free person. Their wants and needs are small therefore they must not constantly toil to satisfy them. They cannot be tempted or bought easily by material wealth since they have no excessive need for it.

Why would you need a new car every few years—trying to impress others? Practice one of the main Delphic maxims of the ancient Greeks: Nothing in Excess. Other maxims are worth considering: Love friendship, Help your friends, Respect your parents/elders, Despise hubris, Take pleasure in what you have, and there are many more.

And here is an example of GREED:

Dick Kovacevich, former CEO of Wells Fargo with an estimated net worth of $3 billion: “We’ll gradually bring those people back and see what happens. Some of them will get sick, some may even die, I don’t know. Do you want to take an economic risk or a health risk? You get to choose.”

Lloyd Blankfein, former CEO of Goldman Sachs with a net worth of $1.1 billion: “Within a very few weeks let those with a lower risk to the disease return to work.”

Tom Galisano, founder of Paychex with a net worth $2.8 billion: “The damages of keeping the economy closed as it is could be worse than losing a few more people…You’re picking the better of two evils.”

Wake-Up, Wake-Up, Wake-Up…

A Rose or Mother Nature’s Revenge


A half-page advertisement in the Seattle times was titled “Hell and Salvation in the Bible.” Let me just say this is dogmatic “bullshit,” geared to generate fear and recruit followers to fill their greedy coffers. I would venture to say that some of us have already experienced hell while alive.  The Mesoamericans believed that the (our souls) descent into matter was hell. In other words, hell may be a state we experience, hopefully briefly, during our present incarnation.

And dogmatic Salvation—Wrong. The truth is Reincarnation. Briefly, I did a prayer asking to give a sign of who I was in a past life. And the signs given, such as three gigantic pillars of light, was witnessed by our twelve apprentices and my wife and me. Considering my past life, angels would be the most appropriate name for the Otherworldly pillars of light. The full story of the Visitation is told in our memoirs.

For Hindus and Buddhists their daily life is so entirely based on Reincarnation and on its foundation, the law of Causality, that this belief gives them patience in the present and hope for the future; for it teaches that each of us, every moment we live, is subject to the circumstances we have created, and that, though bound by the past, we are yet masters of the future.

Before the virus (PC-COVID-19), the world had already gone mad. It was and is widely out-of-balance. Nature and its creatures are being destroyed; and for what…. The focus has been on technology (such as smart phones) and the external consumption of things. Home and family have taken a backseat to these compulsions.

Is this novel virus, Mother Nature’s way of bringing the earth back into balance? It is interesting, and I’m glad that the young ones seem to be spared as it would be their responsibility for rebuilding civilization based on compassion, love, and kindness.

If this is the Great Mothers way then take the opportunity now that you are home-bound to focus on the most important things in life: hearth, home, family, and other loved ones. Focus on what you have, not what you don’t. Read, laugh, and play games together. Be creative. Talk to each other and forget spending excessive time on smart phones or computers. The Wheel of Time, turns and turns. And “there is a time[i] for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:

A time to be born and a time to die,

A time to plant and a time to uproot,

A time to kill and a time to heal,

A time to tear down and a time to build,

A time to weep and a time to laugh,

A time to mourn and a time to dance,

A time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,

A time to embrace and a time to refrain,

A time to search and a time to give up,

A time to keep and a time to throw away,

A time to tear and a time to mend,

A time to be silent and a time to speak,

A time to love and a time to hate,

A time for war and a time for peace.” (Eccl. 3:1–8)

[i] The ancient motto of Husfelt (Scottish-Norse earthly lineage) is “In Time,” with the image of an hourglass.

Our memoirs where myth becomes reality: two reviews…

J.L. This book is pure inspiration.  It is like sitting down with a shaman, a philosopher, a spiritual master and a far traveler to have a conversation about the adventures of a reluctant prophet and his soulmate.  The book meanders and wanders in a most mysterious way just like the authors’ lives following the hero’s call to adventure.  It is the story of unique, authentic, refreshing, old-world, modern day spiritual seekers who quest to far unknown lands, cultures, countries from around the world. On every page there are spiritual teachings, life lessons, insights, awakenings, sacred knowledge and thought-provoking revelations. These stories are written in a narrative style and blend the profoundly mystical otherworldly experiences with the completely down to earth personalities of the adventurers, like the classic myths and legends–a true-life wonder to behold.

I.O. The fifth book from Dr. Husfelt, “Tequila & Chocolate” is part memoir, part travelogue, part cultural history, and part spiritual guidebook. This is many parts, because Dr. and Sherry Husfelt are a most unusual couple who have led unique and fascinating lives of exploration of self, the Otherworld and ancient spiritual knowledge, spanning four continents and five decades. Think Indiana Jones meets Gandalf the Grey. No light reading, this book will enlighten. Loosely chronological, the often hilarious travel stories are interwoven with historical and spiritual teachings, along with copious end notes that will richly reward the diligent reader. Among the many true stories, you will learn how time is not absolute, how dragons and angels are real, that spirits walk among us (and can attach to us), that nature responds to our intentions and that meatloaf can really fly. This book is like the Amazon river: deep, broad and full of mystery; and though seeming to meander through dark and scary wilderness, will eventually bring you back to the Light.

Peace and Harmony where art thou?

The following is excerpted from Tequila and Chocolate, The Adventures of the Morning Star and Soulmate, A Memoir.

Peace and Harmony where art thou?

Wherever there is separation, there is conflict. When we individually separate our heart from our mind, there is conflict within our soul. When we feel separate from nature, our mind wants to either conquer or control.

There is only one Earth—at least in our Solar System. Yet, so many people are blind to the realization that they are first and foremost “citizens” of Earth—Human Beings with a divine spark within. It escapes people’s mind that we share the earth equally with all other creatures and things of nature. This blindness causes separation as people egotistically identify with their own gender, race, religion and country as their sole persona. There is no unity of being or thought as each identifies with “their own.” This leads to thinking that I’m right (our own) and you’re wrong (others not like us).

The “I’m right,” “You’re wrong” mentality is the worst case of dualism. Where there is dualism, there is separation. There can be no unity. Where there is separation, there is always the potentiality for conflict and most assuredly, no peace. Inner peace is seldom found with this form of thinking. We are not born with dualistic thinking. So where does it originate? Could it be where we first learned to focus our attention while growing up?

First Attention/Second Attention

Our basic patterns of life are based on what I call “first attention,” based on our dualistic consciousness. You may have heard the expression, “energy flows where attention goes.” Repetitive energy flow, a constant focus of our mind and our thoughts, will establish our reality and our beliefs about life – about the Earth, nature, others, and ourselves. It will erect core beliefs about all kinds of things including life, death and religion. From these core beliefs, our rules of life, assumptions, and our attitudes will be formed.

Each of us is more of a product of our past than we even realize. Troubling behaviors become ignored or unconscious in our stress-filled, hectic, materialistic lives. In addition, these behaviors are connected to our basic rules of life or belief system. All are a result of our “first attention.” This is where our patterns of life were formed growing up.

An example would be represented by a belief resulting from our “first attention” that made our mind view the glass as half-empty. Our “second attention,” where we would focus on optimism and the positive potentialities of life, would then produce a belief where we would view the glass as half-full and not half-empty.

All our reality comes from our mind. First and foremost, we need to practice forgiveness and release the past’s destructive emotional baggage of resentment, anger, guilt, fear, uncertainty and doubt. Then by transforming our “first attention” to a “second attention,” we change our patterns, our rules of life and our beliefs. Usually the greatest “first attention” that we accept is fear. The opposite emotion from fear is the emotion of love. Take a moment and list the “first attentions” that you feel need to be changed to a “second attention.” Then compose and implement an action plan to replace your dysfunctional (and possibly destructive) “first attentions” with functional “second attentions.”

The Exorcist that Came to the Sacred Mountain to Find Me—Kōyasan

The following is excerpted from Tequila and Chocolate, The Adventures of the Morning Star and Soulmate, A Memoir.

The Exorcist that Came to the Sacred Mountain to Find Me—Kōyasan

“Floating in that space between heaven and Earth, I have a knowing of both. My soul’s power suspends as a star in the luminous web of Oneness. I am divine and I am human, I am human and I am divine; a child of God and a brother/sister to all creatures of the Earth. A moment is an eternity as this knowledge engulfs my heart. Is it a dream? But isn’t it all a dream? A scream and I awaken.” – JC

These words are the closest that I can come to verbalizing my Otherworldly experience, an experience that thrust me through a tear in the fabric of dualistic reality. Even the setting for the happening was mythically mystical.

As I look back on it, this descending spirit exorcism was the initial quickening of my awakening mind and a knowing of non-dualistic interpenetrating reality. It was a sacred midnight experience that I will never forget and carry within my soul for an eternity.

The setting was a cemetery on a sacred mountain in Japan and the time was October of 1987, only two months after our mystical journey to the Yucatán during the Harmonic Convergence…

Merry Christ

The following is excerpted from Do You Like Jesus – Not the Church?

From a mathematical and sacred geometric aspect, the father (Source, God) is phi (φ) and has no beginning and no end. The mother is the Fibonacci sequence, in which each number is the sum of the two previous ones (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, etc.). This sequence of numbers is nature’s numbering system (Mother Nature). It has a beginning and interpenetrates with phi (golden ratio). The further the progression of numbers goes, the closer it gets to the Source, becoming more divine. And the aspect of the father that interpenetrates the mother in the totality of the universe has been labeled the Christ.

“The Christ is within every person. The Christ is the innate divinity of everyone. There is a higher self within us; not separate from us. The higher self, the God self, the Christ, is the ultimate reality of us. If this reality is true, then why are we not aware of it? God is so marvelous that God gave us freedom of choice. We may choose to live from an awareness of this intrinsic God presence, or we may choose to live from an outer, sense consciousness perspective.”[1]

In other words, we must awaken to our innate divinity, our divine spark, our father, our Christ, and then awaken this divine light and bring it to the surface of our being.

Jesus the Christ – Not Jesus Christ the name concocted by the Liar Saul (Paul).

“Doctrines which Paul invented were totally different from the revolutionary egalitarian ideas of Jesus. Jesus had been a revolutionary and a pioneer of democratic thinking. Thanks to Paul and the non-Jewish hierarchical cult that he developed, Jesus’s teachings were buried and forgotten.”[2]

To further his lie, Paul used “Christ” as a proper name, implying that Jesus had a double nature as fully human and fully divine. But this is an oxymoron—an impossibility. We are human, and we do have a divine spark within us that needs to be awakened,[3] but that does not make us fully divine.

What resulted from this lie was an incarnation doctrine where “the Two Natures were so intrinsically fused that Jesus was simultaneously all human and all divine—an utterly impossible combination of opposites quite beyond anyone’s capacity to understand or explain. And yet this incomprehensible notion continues to be voiced from pulpits, and congregations and men of the cloth take it for granted.”[4]

Can you see the very slight difference, but totally different meaning, between this incarnation doctrine and one where human and divine interpenetrate, resulting in not being fully one or the other? Paul promoted the lie that Jesus was the Son of God—fully human, fully divine. This was directly opposite to Jesus’s true message that each one of us is human (son of man) and each one of us has the spirit of God within (son of God). Think for a moment how different the world would have been over the past two thousand years if Jesus’s true message had been spread and not the lie of Saul’s.

There is one last point that magnifies Paul’s duplicity, deceit, and, at the same time, brilliance. Saul would have known about the “dying-and-rising god” myths of the ancient Near East, such as the Egyptian death-and-resurrection myth of Osiris. These gods are too numerous to list, but here are a few: Adonis, a Greek symbol of the seasonality of vegetable life; Baal, a Canaanite weather and fertility god; and Dionysus, the Greek god of wine and of all liquid elements in nature, such as the sap in trees. It was not too much of a stretch for Paul to spread the message that a “myth” had walked the earth in human form. This was the first time ever that a “dying-and-rising god” had lived, breathed, died, and, of course, resurrected—Jesus Christ.

And one last point: Each one of us have the potential to be a Christ when we awaken and bring to the surface our divine fire-divine spark-divine light.

[1] John A. V. Strickland, “Jesus’s Religion: The Greatness of God in All Humankind,” Unity (August 1993): 52.

[2] Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas, The Hiram Key, 253.

[3] All things in creation have consciousness. For example, trees have consciousness. This consciousness is of a oneness of existence; there is no separation. Thus, there is no need for awakening. However, human beings have a consciousness that views things dualistically, with an egocentric self that only sees separatism. The divine spark represents the consciousness of unity or oneness. Thus, there is the need in humans to awaken it. This then awakens us out of our sleepwalking state of separateness into an awakened state of oneness. And as in all other things of creation, the awakening in humans is a gradual process that may eventually result in enlightenment, even though one will still have human frailties.

[4] Douglas Lockhart, Jesus the Heretic, 44.

Lord of Light

The following excerpted from Tequila and Chocolate, The Adventures of the Morning Star and Soulmate: A Memoir.

“The herald of the light is the morning star. This way man and woman approach the dawn of knowledge, because in it is the germ of life, being a blessing of the eternal.” Haji Ibrahim of Kerbala

Usually the accepted consensus is that indigenous cultures of the past worshiped the sun and moon as the primary deities. But that was not the case. Worship of the lord of light, sometimes known as the “Sun behind the sun” predates the worship of the sun and moon. With no doubt, the returning heroes were known as the “lightbringers.” These lords of light were also lords of wind such as Viracocha and Quetzalcóatl.

And then we have the Irish legend that tells us the sacred site of Newgrange was built by the tuatha de danann, “the lords of light,” six thousand years ago. Newgrange’s entrance is aligned with the rising sun on the winter solstice. At dawn, from December 19 to December 23, a narrow beam of light penetrates an opening known as the roof-box and reaches the floor of the chamber, gradually extending to the rear.

The most important of all things to life is light:

This the primitive savage felt, and, personifying it, he made Light his chief god. The beginning of the day served, by analogy, for the beginning of the world. Light comes before the sun, brings it forth, creates it, as it were. Hence the Light-God is not the Sun-God, but his Antecedent and Creator.

The light appears in the East, and thus defines that cardinal point, and by it the others are located. These points, as indispensable guides to the wandering hordes, became, from earliest times, personified as important deities, and were identified with the winds that blew from them, as wind and rain gods. This explains the four brothers, who were nothing else than the four cardinal points, and their mother, who dies in producing them, is the eastern light, which is soon lost in the growing day. The East, as their leader, was also the supposed ruler of the winds, and thus god of the air and rain.

As more immediately connected with the advent and departure of light, the East and West are twins, the one of which sends forth the glorious day-orb, which the other lies in wait to conquer. Yet the light-god is not slain. The sun shall rise again in undiminished glory, and he lives, though absent.

By sight and light, we see and learn. Nothing, therefore, is more natural than to attribute to the light-god the early progress in the arts of domestic and social life. Thus, light came to be personified as the embodiment of culture and knowledge, of wisdom, and of the peace and prosperity which are necessary for the growth of learning.[i]

The spiritual importance of light is one of the reasons why, when conducting the bathing ritual of the Northwest Coast First People, bathing is done not at sunrise but at first light, just as Venus, the morning star, brings the light out of the darkness. As we can see in the following:

“I, Jesus, sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the root and offspring of David, the bright morning star.” Revelation 22:16[ii] (Please note that the “root” of David is divine nature and the “offspring” of David is human nature).

As well as this:

It is told that sitting meditation in the predawn hours of the morning the Buddha looked up and saw the morning star, a sight that occasioned his enlightenment. With the sun crawling up from the eastern mountains, he called out into the dawn, crying, “I am awakened together with the whole of the great earth and all its beings.”[iii]

It is important to note that too often we forget that without the dark, there would be no light. Our lives are usually organized into a separation between the symbolic light and symbolic dark with the light held up as our ultimate goal in spiritual/religious life. The true secret that most never realize is that light and dark are equal components that interpenetrate as one reality. True spiritual/religious teachings are then based on the acknowledgement of the interpenetrative aspect of dark and light within us and then the growth of our light or the divine aspect of our soul from the creative darkness of our humanity.[iv]

[i] Daniel G. Brinton, M.D., American Hero-Myths (Start Classics, 2013) 29 – 30.

[ii] Considering my soul vendetta against Christianity and my knowledge that it is based on the greatest lie ever told, it may seem strange that I would quote from a Catholic website, but considering the strange times we are living in, perhaps it’s not. This following is quoted from Stephen Beale, “Why Jesus is the Bright Morning Star,” Catholic Exchange, October 10, 2016 (

“Before the sunrise: The morning star, which is actually the planet Venus, derives its name from the fact that it appears before sunrise. Its appearance, therefore, heralds the coming of a new day while it is still dark.

“Constant light: Stars twinkle; planets, especially Venus, don’t. The light of Christ never wavers, never fails.

“Morning and evening: Venus is not only a ‘morning star’ but also an ‘evening star.’ This makes it all the more fitting as a name for Christ, who is called the alpha and the omega and the beginning and the end in Revelation.

“The Shepherd’s Star: The fact that Venus appears in both the evening and morning has also lent it its own nickname. Certainly, while Venus may not have had that name in the first century, a shepherd keeping watch over the flocks by night indeed might have been among the few in ancient Israel—other than insomniacs and military guards—to always glimpse this star in both its evening and morning appearances.”

[iii] “All who follow the Buddha Way have read of that moment, seeing in the Buddha’s pronouncement whatever registers in their own hearts. But for me, his spontaneous outcry on sight of the morning star was the first and perhaps most penetrating revelation of the deep ecology that permeates Buddhist life, for the Buddha’s enlightenment was itself a realization that he, the star, and the whole of the earth were manifestations of one being. He saw that the surface of his skin was not the termination of self and that the ‘I’ for which he could no longer discern beginning or ending was as wide as the universe and as long as forever. The eye with which he looked upon the morning star was the one great organ of sight that awakens all our dawns.” [Lin Jensen, Deep Down Things: The Earth in Celebration and Dismay (Wisdom Publications, 2010), via Tricycle, December 8, 2010,]

[iv] This is not the Jungian concept of the shadow but the actual and physical reality of dualistic concepts, such as light and dark, or spirit and matter, which interpenetrate. The dualistic separation of light and dark is the illusion, as our individual sense of reality (of separateness or duality) is an extension of the illusion of our basic core sense perceptions. Our eyes perceive separation between us and all things viewed. This constant reinforcement tricks us into thinking and believing that we are separate and an island unto ourselves. Similarly, our personal symbolic light and dark are not separate, but interpenetrate to define our wholeness as individuals. Additionally, the two sides of our inner darkness also interpenetrate. There is no separate shadow, just a darkness that is both creative and destructive at the same time.

This concept of the dark within us is known as “the beast within.” According to the Coptic Gospel of Thomas, Jesus said, “Blessed is the lion which the man eats, and the lion will become man, and cursed is the man whom the lion eats, and the lion will become man.” The Beast Within is explained fully in my book Do You Like Jesus –Not the Church?

Ponder… Seven Days


Seven embraces all other numbers unconditionally–what was and what will be. Seven is sanctified, destined, spiritual, 7 is Universal Love.

Fear is the opposite of love. It separates our heart from our mind while oozing an oily film of irrational sense. Fear covers the light and love of truth and freedom with an ironclad basket of materialistic desires. And fear is the primary tool of institutional materialistic greed and power.

There is an esoteric Buddhist prayer that contains words of personal destiny. It basically says that you will know 7 days hence your “passing over” or physical death so that you may put your affairs in order. 7 Days.

What would you do if you had the knowledge that in 7 days you would die, not 6, not 8 but 7?

I have had people tell me that they’re into the “stock market” for the long term. I don’t think they were figuring on 7 days. So would they sell all the stocks and count their money for the 7 days? See in heaven, they don’t accept American Express, so you can’t take your stocks or money with you.

Would you throw a parade in your honor because you are worth millions/billions of dollars, or you hold a high position in industry or government, or maybe you are a Bishop or the Pope? Oh, that’s right, in heaven they only look at your light, your love, your actions, your words, your thoughts, your heart and your soul’s evolution. Sorry gang, there are no positions of power in heaven. Of course, you could wrestle with an Archangel to take over their position. Ah, even if you won, you would be instantly transported back to earth re-incarnated as a worm. Please don’t judge the value of a worm. And I never said that heaven was fair.

Of course, there are other ways to spend your last 7 days on earth. Life is eternal, so you will possibly be back on earth again, or if your love and light is bright enough, off to another part of creation—maybe even as a Vulcan or as an Archangel to help guide another star system.

7 Days. You could gather your family and loved ones around you and laugh and cry, kiss and hug and say, “I love you.” You could write that myth of your life or your memoirs that you have always been meaning to write for oh so many years, but something else continually came up and took preference over your myth/memoir.

You could let go of any enemies and make them your friends. And you could lie in the grass, or in the snow, or dance while singing in the rain. Does it really matter that you might catch a cold? You could kiss the trees and talk to the animals. I guess there are many other things that you could do.

So let me ask you a question. What would you do?

Friday 13th

Friday the thirteenth is a powerful day of transformation; knowledge that is not normally known. Friday the thirteenth was always viewed by pagan cultures as a day of power. It was transformed into a day of dread (supposedly bad luck) by the fear mongering lying church. One of the reasons: Friday is the honoring day of the morning/evening star Venus, the goddess that has been honored by various names from all cultures before the rise of Christianity. One of these names was Aphrodite, the goddess of love. And one of the prime directives of Christianity was destroying the goddess paradigm and the concept of earthly love.

Furthermore, according to the Norse-Germanic tradition, Friday is the day of the Norse-Germanic Frigg. But isn’t Friday the day of Freyja. But of course it is as Freyja and Frigg are one and the same originating from a common Goddess—Mother Nature of creation where Frigg is Mother Nature of the cosmos’ (the macrocosm) while Freyja is Mother Nature of the Earth (the microcosm). In other words, today is a day to honor Mother Nature of the earth and cosmos’. So every Friday is a time to make a special effort to honour Mother Nature. Of course, every day we need to honor and bless nature and all things of this beautiful earth – a personal simple green philosophy.

What is the knowledge of pairing the thirteenth with Friday as a powerful day of transformation. Let’s look at this number and its meaning. It is a Fibonacci number, the result of the sum of 5 and 8. Five (5) is the number of the divine human— the sum of the first male and female numbers, 2 and 3; the first number beyond the Monad formed from the union of the first odd and even numbers. 8 is infinity – thus 13 represent the immortality of divine humans.

Furthermore, tarot card 13 is Death with the Hebrew letter mem (40): Transformation, Mother – Great Sea of Life, Water. But this is not physical death. Tarot card 13 denotes the death of the unhealthy ego and the victory of spirit. It is both an end and a beginning.

This Friday 13th coming so near the December full moon and the Winter Solstice is a perfect time to dedicate or rededicate your life to a spiritual not a materialistic journey of life.