Part 1 Feathered Serpent Initiation aka Shaktipāt Initiation

One thing we help our apprentices with is becoming an authentic human being with the knowledge of divine spark/dark energy internally, which we help them awaken. This dark energy may be referred to as Kundalini. Within every human lies a divine/cosmic dark energy (dark, meaning unseen) called Kundalini. Kundalini is Shakti, whom the sages of India worship as mother of the universe. She is the active aspect of the Absolute. Keep in mind, I awakened my feminine energy in 1988 during midnight ceremony in Machu Picchu at the Pachamama (World Mother) stone (story in our memoirs).

Over the years I’ve came across people who call themselves awakened… From my experience and knowledge authentic awakening is difficult and takes years, decades, maybe lifetimes to achieve. A fact many do not want to hear or acknowledge… in view of the preceding, for ones interested in authentic awakening, we will be offering a mentorship program for two individuals beginning in February 2024. For information on our mentorship program, please e-mail:

Let me present an explanation of the first two paragraphs. During our September Apprentice training, we wanted to awaken their feathered serpent dark energy via a Feathered Serpent Initiation. At this point let me be clear, I am not Hindu, a yogi, and do not practice yoga, the closest I come is as a student of Vedic Astrology. In all my far-travels, I have never been to India even though in one of my past lives, I supposedly spent time in India.

No mystery so far concerning the Initiation except, we kept making sure our apprentices were OK after experiencing the energy. It was a few days after the initiation and our training had completed, my wife Sher had a dream. The next morning as she came down the stairs, she asked me to research what the word Shaktipāt meant. It was the only word spoken at the end of her dream. I had never heard of it and was shocked to say the least of what I discovered.

My Feathered Serpent Initiation was in fact a Shaktipāt Initiation – Transfer of cosmic energy – Lighting of a candle! If Sher had not had the dream, I would have never known I had initiated/awakened our apprentices using an ancient yoga technique.

A unique spiritual practice, Shaktipāt involves transferring divine energy from a realized spiritual master to an individual seeking this spiritual growth. Shaktipāt is not an independent yoga system. It is simply an ancient yoga technique. However, it is the highest yoga technique or the mother of all yoga techniques known to humankind.

Receiving Shaktipat is not a cakewalk, but if you find the right master, they can bless you with this energy thoroughly. This transmission of energy is also said to be healing for the mind and body.

The right master is someone who has reached enlightenment. As a disciple, you’ve got to be completely receptive to the energy that your master would transmit to you. Shaktipat is not a one-way process. It depends on the synergy between giver and receiver. Once the seed of Shakti is planted, it needs to be nurtured through dedicated practice and commitment, with a devotional heart for perpetual growth and spiritual unfoldment.

For those who seek enlightenment and true union with the divine powers, the kundalini awakens. It can awaken by itself, but that’s quite rare. In most people, it has to be awakened by certain means.

And one of those means is through a guru or a spiritual master—a Siddha Guru.

Siddha Gurus are extremely rare to find, at the same time they are not impossible to find. Siddha Yoga is one of the oldest yoga path. Siddha yoga is few thousand years old yoga path. The perfect yoga, Siddha Yoga, is also called Maha Yoga (great yoga) because it encompasses all other yoga’s.

The science of Shaktipāt is a secret of all secrets and its use for worldly purposes is strictly prohibited in scriptures.

Like a spark that ignites whatever latent fuel is in its path, the ancient technique Shaktipat is believed to be a catalyst that can ignite the dormant spirituality within us, unleashing a powerful and fervent fire of transformation.

However, in today’s world, people calling themselves shamans without training from authentic indigenous shamans is rampant. Classroom sessions and beating a drum with a cloth over your eyes is not authentic shamanic training.

But what I discovered about the “selling” of Shaktipāt is worst and outdoes the “plastic” shamans.

The guru or spiritual guide acts as a channel or conduit for transmitting the spiritual energy, and for this reason, their own realization and spiritual attainment are considered essential for an effective transmission.

In modern times, it may appear that the accessibility of shaktipāt has increased, with numerous spiritual masters offering this initiation to seekers.

However, this expansion has gone hand in hand with the commercialization of the practice which can make it even more difficult to find the real deal.

I can’t overstress the importance of this step, for another key reason:

Being such an intimate technique predicated on trust, shaktipāt sadly leaves lots of space for abuse of power, so be very careful about the spiritual teacher you get instruction from for a shaktipāt initiation.

Part 2: words of one apprentice who went through the Initiation.



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