Part 2 – Feathered Serpent Initiation aka Shaktipāt Initiation

I stood barefoot on the warm grass under the midday sun, facing east in the Sun Angel Temple.   Relaxed, open, and trusting, I remained receptive, not anticipating anything.  My spiritual teacher, aka the Wizard, stood before me with a bottle of spirits in his hand, and I knew enough to close my eyes before he purified me.  Then he “worked” on my third eye with his hands. (Honestly, I have no idea what he did!)  At first I just felt pressure on my forehead and then I experienced an explosion in my mind.

I saw the sun and the cosmos –literally within my brain–radiating in my mind and blowing it wide open. The pain increased…one minute I was standing there on the earth in my normal daily consciousness and the next moment, I had no thoughts and was filled with the vision of the fiery brilliant sun and cosmos, obliterating all normal sense of reality and yet, this felt more real than anything else, and I was one with it all–the brilliant sun and ever-expanding galaxy.  The force was so powerful and the light so vibrant that my consciousness, mind and body became illuminated and ignited by this vast spiritual experience.  And the pain was extreme in my third eye, to the limit of my threshold, where the Wizard was pressing his hand. I could no longer contain the energy; bending over and erupting with sound, I emoted and vocalized like when giving birth to my son.  What was I giving birth to now?  I felt immensely powerful.

Then after what felt like an eternity of being suspended in that space of timelessness and immortal blending, the Wizard went to my side and placed his hand on my lower spine/pelvic region to awaken the coiled serpent-kundalini energy.  I roared like a lion as the power surged through me and I saw a volcano of fire-lava erupting as the energy flooded up my spine like wildfire.  At this point I was doubled over with an intensely electrifying energetic force that was purifying my body with spirit-fire.  I felt bathed in the spiritual realm (and oddly, a type of death of personality, ego, identity –?– of sorts and then a rebirth…there was purely spirit in my body from the pelvis up through my spine and out through my brain).  The power was immense.  I felt plugged into the heavens and earth, raw and immortal; had I known what was coming, I would not have been so relaxed and open.  I had no idea this was possible.  I felt an intense magnetic pull to the earth, especially in my brain and was leaning forwards, tugged and pulled as if by the earth’s magnetic force.  Once I had my belly to the ground, I became a conduit of heaven and earth like old mythological Egyptian tales of Geb and Nut and the erotic love between them, like the sky goddess and earth god or the sky god and earth goddess uniting.  I was merged. And I was flying.

With the sun in my head and the volcano in my pelvis, visions of a howling silver fox, a roaring Mesoamerican lion and a fierce owl flashed through my mind.  I felt like a serpent, earthy and one with the land.  My mind felt blended as if it was screwed down to the earth.  Then the Wizard placed his hands on my pelvis and top of my spine between my shoulder blades and gave a gentle pressure which felt healing, wholesome, and aligning, like a master chiropractor.  Then he worked on the base of my skull (cave of spirit), which simply felt calming, balancing, and comforting.  But my third eye and pelvis were completely opened up to the spiritual universal energies and the power that coursed through me has only been felt akin to while giving birth, which was physical and led me to a spiritual realm.  This was spiritual which led me to a physical realm, where the two blended as one and I felt awakened, transformed, and uncensored: raw, wild, devouring, fierce, purified, open, washed, bathed by spirit and fire and yet not consumed, but purified and awakened. Having a mind-bending glimpse of this otherworldly divine consciousness, where the oneness of reality was accessed in my body in broad daylight, I perceived truth in both a physical form and a spiritual way.

I could not lift my head up off the earth.  As mad as that sounds, as hard as I tried, I could not raise my head up.  It was as if it weighed as much as the sun. I could not stir. Eventually I began to shift my legs and hands, but could not push my head up.  My teachers asked if I wanted or needed help and I tried to get up on my own, but couldn’t. Sherry, aka the Faerie Queen, came and moved my neck ever so slightly and touched my head; with gentle energy work she released the drill that had screwed down my brain to the earth, like a cosmic merging.  I gradually lifted my head and torso, swaying side to side like a serpent.  I saw like a primal creature and my gaze was detached and yet one, whole, no filters. No thoughts. I couldn’t even think how bizarre, unexpected, strange this was.  I was in total awe.

I had entered another reality, or it had entered me, and we had merged; it was so phenomenal that every cell in my body was wide open, electrified to the spirit world.  My teachers gave me a cup of water to drink.  I could have drunk an ocean.  I needed assistance to stand.  I sang my spirit song to help me ground. I was orbiting. I had a shot of mezcal and wanted five more. I needed to feel my feet in the waters and went to the ocean and put my feet and legs in without even feeling the 50 degree temperature. A month later, I still have heat coming off my third eye and no chatter; my mind is quiet and still and my pelvis is on fire with heat and waves of burning energy ascending up my spine.  This initiation has awakened a knowing of oneness, immortal/divine consciousness, and spiritual power that is truly hard to express in words.

A Month later:

The initiation was so profound, transformative, powerful, and deep for me.  It’s as if the sun literally burned the synapses of unhealthy thoughts in my brain and I see, perceive, and experience the world in a totally new way.  I feel so privileged, blessed, and grateful to have received this from you. The vibration and energy was utterly intense, otherworldly, visceral, and I was completely open/ed to it.  I understand and feel in my heart that I walked (or was actually blasted) through a portal and that the journey is just beginning anew…. Your spiritual power is awesome, like turning lead into gold….So hard to put into words.

As for your name, the Wizard, I believe that it encompasses so many prominent aspects of you: the storm, the staff, the owl, the warrior spirit, the martial artist, the shaman, the healer, the metaphysical philosopher, the far traveler, the strong mind/hands, the energy alchemist, the teacher/prophet/visionary who is connected to the heavens, angels, planets, and stars…and of course, the wizard would be married to a Faerie Queen! Plus, a wizard is a “stranger in a strange land” and is “slightly terrifying” but also fun and real.  And a wizard’s timing is impeccable (just like your surname, Husfelt!!)

I’m still integrating and orbiting, walking the edge of where the ocean meets the land, gazing at the horizon and sky…like a poet, pondering, pondering, pondering.


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