Merry Christ

The following is excerpted from Do You Like Jesus – Not the Church?

From a mathematical and sacred geometric aspect, the father (Source, God) is phi (φ) and has no beginning and no end. The mother is the Fibonacci sequence, in which each number is the sum of the two previous ones (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, etc.). This sequence of numbers is nature’s numbering system (Mother Nature). It has a beginning and interpenetrates with phi (golden ratio). The further the progression of numbers goes, the closer it gets to the Source, becoming more divine. And the aspect of the father that interpenetrates the mother in the totality of the universe has been labeled the Christ.

“The Christ is within every person. The Christ is the innate divinity of everyone. There is a higher self within us; not separate from us. The higher self, the God self, the Christ, is the ultimate reality of us. If this reality is true, then why are we not aware of it? God is so marvelous that God gave us freedom of choice. We may choose to live from an awareness of this intrinsic God presence, or we may choose to live from an outer, sense consciousness perspective.”[1]

In other words, we must awaken to our innate divinity, our divine spark, our father, our Christ, and then awaken this divine light and bring it to the surface of our being.

Jesus the Christ – Not Jesus Christ the name concocted by the Liar Saul (Paul).

“Doctrines which Paul invented were totally different from the revolutionary egalitarian ideas of Jesus. Jesus had been a revolutionary and a pioneer of democratic thinking. Thanks to Paul and the non-Jewish hierarchical cult that he developed, Jesus’s teachings were buried and forgotten.”[2]

To further his lie, Paul used “Christ” as a proper name, implying that Jesus had a double nature as fully human and fully divine. But this is an oxymoron—an impossibility. We are human, and we do have a divine spark within us that needs to be awakened,[3] but that does not make us fully divine.

What resulted from this lie was an incarnation doctrine where “the Two Natures were so intrinsically fused that Jesus was simultaneously all human and all divine—an utterly impossible combination of opposites quite beyond anyone’s capacity to understand or explain. And yet this incomprehensible notion continues to be voiced from pulpits, and congregations and men of the cloth take it for granted.”[4]

Can you see the very slight difference, but totally different meaning, between this incarnation doctrine and one where human and divine interpenetrate, resulting in not being fully one or the other? Paul promoted the lie that Jesus was the Son of God—fully human, fully divine. This was directly opposite to Jesus’s true message that each one of us is human (son of man) and each one of us has the spirit of God within (son of God). Think for a moment how different the world would have been over the past two thousand years if Jesus’s true message had been spread and not the lie of Saul’s.

There is one last point that magnifies Paul’s duplicity, deceit, and, at the same time, brilliance. Saul would have known about the “dying-and-rising god” myths of the ancient Near East, such as the Egyptian death-and-resurrection myth of Osiris. These gods are too numerous to list, but here are a few: Adonis, a Greek symbol of the seasonality of vegetable life; Baal, a Canaanite weather and fertility god; and Dionysus, the Greek god of wine and of all liquid elements in nature, such as the sap in trees. It was not too much of a stretch for Paul to spread the message that a “myth” had walked the earth in human form. This was the first time ever that a “dying-and-rising god” had lived, breathed, died, and, of course, resurrected—Jesus Christ.

And one last point: Each one of us have the potential to be a Christ when we awaken and bring to the surface our divine fire-divine spark-divine light.

[1] John A. V. Strickland, “Jesus’s Religion: The Greatness of God in All Humankind,” Unity (August 1993): 52.

[2] Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas, The Hiram Key, 253.

[3] All things in creation have consciousness. For example, trees have consciousness. This consciousness is of a oneness of existence; there is no separation. Thus, there is no need for awakening. However, human beings have a consciousness that views things dualistically, with an egocentric self that only sees separatism. The divine spark represents the consciousness of unity or oneness. Thus, there is the need in humans to awaken it. This then awakens us out of our sleepwalking state of separateness into an awakened state of oneness. And as in all other things of creation, the awakening in humans is a gradual process that may eventually result in enlightenment, even though one will still have human frailties.

[4] Douglas Lockhart, Jesus the Heretic, 44.

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