Our memoirs where myth becomes reality: two reviews…

J.L. This book is pure inspiration.  It is like sitting down with a shaman, a philosopher, a spiritual master and a far traveler to have a conversation about the adventures of a reluctant prophet and his soulmate.  The book meanders and wanders in a most mysterious way just like the authors’ lives following the hero’s call to adventure.  It is the story of unique, authentic, refreshing, old-world, modern day spiritual seekers who quest to far unknown lands, cultures, countries from around the world. On every page there are spiritual teachings, life lessons, insights, awakenings, sacred knowledge and thought-provoking revelations. These stories are written in a narrative style and blend the profoundly mystical otherworldly experiences with the completely down to earth personalities of the adventurers, like the classic myths and legends–a true-life wonder to behold.

I.O. The fifth book from Dr. Husfelt, “Tequila & Chocolate” is part memoir, part travelogue, part cultural history, and part spiritual guidebook. This is many parts, because Dr. and Sherry Husfelt are a most unusual couple who have led unique and fascinating lives of exploration of self, the Otherworld and ancient spiritual knowledge, spanning four continents and five decades. Think Indiana Jones meets Gandalf the Grey. No light reading, this book will enlighten. Loosely chronological, the often hilarious travel stories are interwoven with historical and spiritual teachings, along with copious end notes that will richly reward the diligent reader. Among the many true stories, you will learn how time is not absolute, how dragons and angels are real, that spirits walk among us (and can attach to us), that nature responds to our intentions and that meatloaf can really fly. This book is like the Amazon river: deep, broad and full of mystery; and though seeming to meander through dark and scary wilderness, will eventually bring you back to the Light.

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