‘Tis the Season

This is a season of darkness. Everyday light diminishes. This season of darkness portends a spiritual importance, knowledge that is lost on so many in the fanatic compulsion to purchase—a consumption brainwashing slyly done over past decades by capitalistic vultures.

This is a time to go inward not outward. A time to embrace the darkness within ourselves and the darkness outside in nature, knowing that a time is coming when the day of the longest dark will give birth to the return of light.

As without so within… a question needs to be asked: what dysfunctional darkness within you imprisons a part of your light? A light that needs to be released. A light that was probably there at one time but through the trails and tribulations of life has been imprisoned by a dysfunctional darkness of past wounding’s and behaviors that inhibits the creative darkness of growth and power that we hold within ourselves.

The blending of our light and dark is the quest of awakening our divine spark, represented by the Lightbringers who are symbolically birthed at the time of the Winter Solstice.

Madness it is… there was a time not that far past, when we could seek out the perfect Christmas tree a few days before the Winter Solstice with no problem of discovering the perfect tree. No longer is that true.

And then we have Black Friday, Black Monday… buy, buy, buy. What a dysfunctional culture this is… before anyone thinks, “well then move to another country.” But does the lotus want or need to move out of its muddy environment—no, its light thrives even within the mud.

This is supposedly a season of peace and joy. But war and the slaughter of the innocent one’s rages across the world—all in the name of safety and security but in reality it is the greedy need for wealth and power. Wake-up…

This is a time of family togetherness. A time to helps others who are struggling with the very basics of life. It is not a time to line the pockets of the few elites through the excessive consumption of THINGS. It is a time to sit on the earth and remember that our Mother is the provider of her gifts to Humanity. Without her gifts, her blessings, suffering increases, and eventually, humanity no longer exists.

Amazon, Google, Apple, Microsoft and so-forth. and let us not forget the Pandora’s Box of Artificial intelligence, are not coming to the rescue but in truth are accelerating humanities rush to the edge of the cliff… And then there is that thing called Climate Change…

Wake-up, look within your heart, do not let fear rule your life but love, and the knowledge that we are all in this together as One. And then, do something about it…

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