Smoking Mirror America


Concerning the protest at Standing Rock where water and indigenous rights to their sacred and ancestral land is up against America’s corporate ruled government of arrogance, power and greed. Is protest the solution? Of course, it is important. But on the other hand, could a modification of lifestyle have more of a long lasting impact? Could modification result in a longer lasting transformation of inequality and greed in America?

The American lifestyle only reinforces the sirens sound of the importance of oil over water with many families having at least two vehicles, recreational vehicles and the constant on-going consumption of stuff. The supposed need for stuff is nothing more than smoke and mirror illusion perpetrated by the corporate elites.

“Americans consume petroleum products at a rate of three-and-a-half gallons of oil and more than 250 cubic feet of natural gas per day each! But, as shown here petroleum is not just used for fuel. One 42-gallon barrel of oil creates 19.4 gallons of gasoline. The rest (over half) is used to make at least 6000 consumable items.”[i] Additionally, “Petrochemicals are found in food additives, which are in many canned foods to increase their shelf life. Many food colorings are added to food to make them more attractive (making a green apple greener), and many of those food colorings are made from petroleum. Some studies have linked food coloring to the development of ADHD in children.”[ii] So enjoy that next bright green or red apple. Sadly due to the manipulation of the economy, many people can’t afford to buy organic. Are you upset yet?

What is and has been happening is exemplified by ancient Mesoamerican teachings. To the Mesoamericans evil is exploitation and mindlessness. Such a person is labeled as being two-hearted—saying one thing but meaning another. Does this sound familiar?

In their mythology the archetype of this evil is Tezcatlipoca—Smoking Mirror. His arch-rival is Quetzalcóatl—the Feathered Serpent who represents the single heart of love, peace and understanding.

Ponder for a moment the name Smoking Mirror. Now ponder exploitation and mindlessness.

It seems to me that the political-capitalistic bloc personifies Tezcatlipoca—the Smoking Mirror. You’re being exploited into a state of mindlessness where you feel the need to consume and consume. Do you actually need a new car every few years?

A two year old smart phone for many is outdated, only the newest version will feed one’s unhealthy ego. How many pictures do you really need? Have you ever considered using your mind instead of your smartphone to capture and remember a precious moment in time? Those mind-body images are internal, locked away, and are a part of your immortal consciousness.

You may be wondering what the difference is with a picture remembered with the mind vs. one with a smartphone. Utilizing a smartphone, the primary sense you use is visual, which is limited in scope. The other senses are minimalized whereas remembering with your mind-body involves not only seeing but hearing, smelling, feeling and possibly tasting the present moment. Which is more important to you?

In conclusion, what is your choice going forward? Consume more or consume less?

[i] – Check out the list yourself.


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