
If you have not, I would suggest you investigate the ancient knowledge of Vedic astrology. In your horoscope  you will discover the planet that identifies the type of human being you really are, the quality & mettle of your character (one of the meanings of karma) and even the spiritual development for you in this lifetime. It’s the planet ruling over your Soul. It is your “Atmakaraka” planet. It completely defines your worldly pursuits that you are engaged into this lifetime. Most interestingly, your Atmakaraka also holds the answers to why you came back on this earth and what your greater role in the cosmic scheme of things is.

My soul planet is Venus and my soul goddess is Shri Lakshmi. Shri is the name I chose for my wife in our exciting spiritual novel – “The Fifth Sun – A Storm’s Coming…” available on Amazon and BookBaby.

In the Vedic culture, the Goddess Lakshmi symbolizes prosperity, wealth, and good fortune. For our apprentices and others that know me, wealth doesn’t seem to be part of my character.

And they are right. Physical wealth is not the reason, I incarnated. The ancient Vedas describe wealth as more than just physical wealth. There are many different aspects of wealth including health, courage, knowledge, success, and physical wealth is just one of them. Here are others: wisdom, knowledge, courage and strength, intelligence, happiness and bliss (read Joseph Campbell’s works), high-thinking and broad-mindedness, meditative mind, understanding of morality and ethics, good health and longevity.

But the most important wealth for me and my reason to incarnate is the wealth represented by the Eldest and most primeval form of the Goddess, Adi Lakshmi, also known as Maha Lakshmi. She is portrayed as having four arms, one holding a lotus, a white flag, while the other two maintain the posture of Abhaya Mudra and Varada mudra.

She represents purity of heart.

“Adi” means source. Adi Lakshmi represents the divine principle that supports the seeker in uniting with the source — divine consciousness. To awaken the divine spark/light within our hearts. She helps the seeker quiet the restless, chattering mind which is a necessary stage to realize the Divine and awaken. She connects one to the highest wealth possible — which is in achieving union with the Divine.

Since everything that exists is supported by the Divine Consciousness, to achieve union with that Truth represents the highest form of wealth. Since the highest Truth transcends space and time — this wealth is beyond measure and beyond the boundaries of finite existence. Yet, on a material plane, this promotes wealth through hard-work, dedication, patience, sincerity, and effort.

Adi Lakshmi represents the state beyond time — beyond the concept of a beginning and an end. Hence her wealth flows perennially for one who knows and has achieved union with the Highest Truth.

Adi Lakshmi is the force that rekindles the knowledge of our true identity — which is that we are one with the highest source (not separate). So, it helps us transcend the forces of duality. When we take ourselves to be a small part of creation, we feel small, insecure and worthless, but when we realize that we are integral and connected to the whole and that part is an expression of the whole, we then outgrow the false ideas of self (limited self-identity) that we have clung to. It is metaphorically explained by the idea of the river uniting with the ocean and losing its false sense of separateness. The power of Adi Lakshmi helps us realize our true roots and true identity where we are no longer plagued by the idea of separation.

And this my friends is the message we bring of Divine Humanity.

And for the ones who have short attention spans and stopped reading, the reason for this posting now… Monday, October 24th, new moon 25th, begins the five-day festival of lights Diwali, symbolizing the spiritual victory of “inner light over inner dysfunctional darkness and knowledge over ignorance.” Knowledge as wealth is an invaluable resource and is treasured by those who understand its true worth. Knowledge that helps in the purification of the mind is real knowledge, all else is trivial.

You guessed it… Diwali is a celebration of the Goddess Lakshmi, and her promise of prosperity and good fortune.

Simplest way to celebrate is a lighted candle outside your home in the dark of night. And don’t forget to honor and bliss Maha Lakshmi.


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