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The following is radical creative thinking in the mold of Einstein’s belief that “we have to learn to think in a new way.” My conclusion that consciousness permeates all matter comes from my firsthand experiences[i] and logical thought. This philosophy is shared by another, the late physicist David Bohm, a colleague of Einstein’s.

As most know, the usual physical understanding in science is that the universe consists of matter and energy, with Einstein’s equation of the two with E = mc2. If consciousness interpenetrates all matter, could there be a third factor?  There is: meaning. The nature of reality is the interpenetration of matter, energy, and meaning. And you cannot come to this conclusion with fragmented thinking. We must view the whole not pieces of reality as science does today. This is the paradigm of separation thinking that underlies all the sciences and religious institutions that are bastions of fear (separation), not of love (oneness/unity).

Moreover, fragmented thinking is one of the root causes of stupidity. Stupidity breeds ignorance, arrogance, false views, anger, and fear.


According to Bohm, meaning has the same ontological primacy as matter and energy. Bohm says, “Energy enfolds matter and meaning, while matter enfolds energy and meaning. But also, meaning enfolds both matter and energy. So, each of these three basic notions enfolds the other two.”

This points us to the knowledge of the interpenetration of matter, energy, and meaning. Bohn further states: “This implies, in contrast to the usual view, that meaning is an inherent and essential part of our overall reality, and it is not merely a purely abstract ethereal quality having its existence only in the mind, or to put it differently, in human life. Quite generally, meaning is being. In a way, we could say that we are the totality of our meanings.”

For Bohm and the philosophical foundation of Divine Humanity, the nature of reality is the interpenetration of matter, energy, and meaning (consciousness). The matter-energy realm is Bohn’s “explicate order,” or manifest realm. The meaning realm is his “implicate order,” or Otherworld, and there’s an interpenetration between the two.


In stark contrast to Western ways of thinking about the nature of reality being external and mechanistic, Divine Humanity considers our separateness an illusion, an illusion that is not an illusion, and signifies that there is a deeper level of reality, we, as well as all the particles that make up all matter, are one and indivisible.

The Otherworld, the transcendent unseen realm, is Bohm’s implicate order, the source of all the visible explicate matter of our time-space universe. Bohm calls this order implicate because it is “folded inward” or “enfolded,” and because it is not present to our senses or to measuring instruments, and hence can be known only indirectly This implicate order has infinite depth.

The world we live in is multidimensional. The most obvious and superficial level is the three-dimensional world of objects, space and time, which he calls the explicate order. The explicate order manifests itself on the level of the material world as we know it, in all the organic and inorganic aspects of existence. The rules which organize life, are, however, directed from the implicate realm, a reality which is not detectable to our five senses, just as it remains hidden from our measuring devices.

And the explicate order, Bohn says, is the level at which most of physics operates today, presenting its findings in equations whose meaning is unclear. A clearer understanding becomes possible only by moving to a deeper level, the implicate order. The implicate order is the enfolded order, which unfolds into reality as we perceive it and in which things are separate.

The implicate order is the realm of pure information, meaning, from which the physical, observable phenomena unfold. Unlike classical physics where reality is viewed as particles of separate, independent elements, Bohm proposed that the fundamental reality is the continuous enfoldment (into the implicate order) and unfoldment (of the explicate order) from the subtle realms. In this flow, matter and space are each part of the whole.

It’s important to point out that the way people interpret meaning makes a difference in the way they act and react.

As Bohm points out, both consciousness (“immaterial”) and body (“material”) react to meaning. Hence, meaning is both physical and mental in nature, and not something entirely abstract, affecting only our
psychological being.

Meaning therefore creates a link between the visible and the invisible aspects of reality. “This link is indivisible,” says Bohm, “in the sense that information contained in thought, which we feel to be on the ‘mental’ side, is at the same time a neurophysiological, chemical, and physical activity, which is clearly what is meant by this thought on the ‘material’ side.”

Symbolism and their meaning are essential and the key to spiritual/shamanic practice, ritual, and ceremony. Symbolism used in the ceremony are sacred and must be understood deeply. For the power of a thing or an act lies in the meaning and the understanding.

Experiencing Oneness: the Authentic Shaman or Wise Person

As privileged in terms of their relationship with the divine, shamans are often given a chance to glimpse reality in its true nature. The true nature of existence is the realm where the boundary between the apparently separate aspects of reality dissolves and reveals Oneness. But attempting to understand Oneness on a conceptual level, with the help of our rational faculties, differs from actually experiencing it.

The actual experience of Oneness has little to do with reason, logic, or analytical knowledge. Such experience happens most often in an altered state of consciousness and is a magnificent feeling that remains for the most part beyond verbal expression.

Direct First-Hand Experience of Oneness

During JC’s Descending Spirit Exorcism, his Vision, and his experience of the Spirit Man of Teotihuacán, his consciousness expanded and encompassed the two realms (Bohn’s explicate and implicate) simultaneously. For a short amount of time, he sensed the realm beyond the material world and experienced the magnificent feeling of Oneness.

For the duration of a few moments, JC’s consciousness transcended the apparent separateness of the world: it expanded and beheld things in their primal unity, experiencing the illusory nature of separateness. Upon returning to a dualistic consciousness, the whole world “assumed” its material form once again.

The power of a vision lies in its interpretation and in the implementation of its message. From JC’s Descending Spirit Exorcism and his Vision came the message of Divine Humanity.

Prayer and the Otherworld Responded—The Visitation

The actual feeling of oneness is, however, not the only way in which to experience Oneness. Communication or prayer with the Otherworld provides experiential support for the idea that the universe is undivided.

July 1997: Based on what I knew within my heart and my vision, I prayed for a sign to be given of who I was in my last incarnation: “Let them see a sign knowing that I was [name stated].” I mentioned the name as people would recognize it today. I then let go of any expectations about the prayer.

The Otherworld responded with the following signs witnessed by Rev. Dr. JC, Rev. Sherry, and twelve apprentices: A massive pillar of light, a living pillar of translucent-ethereal light a few feet off the ground, at least six feet wide and five or six times as tall. Suspended higher up were two other pillars of light, not quite as bright or as large. A shooting star/descending star meaning JC is an avatar,[ii] a white dove, and stones of a Death Spiral which increased to the size of boulders with a greenish glow.

An intense storm preceded the Visitation to purify and sanctify the land.  In a scant moment, the crystal-clear sky darkened into an ominous, swirling, mass of bluish black. For a beat, all sound and movement hushed, and then came the crashing storm. Torrents of rain fell as thunder boomed overhead and lightning struck the ground. The suddenness and force of the wind and the rain, the thunder and the lightning were intense, Otherworldly.

Knowledge acquired through this direct experience: The Interconnection and Interpenetration of Consciousness throughout the Seen and Unseen Universe.

The Visitation provides proof of Bohm’s theory, as the physical appearance of the angels as immense pillars of light was due to my prayer. For the angels to respond while in the implicate order, they would have to have received the information from me in the explicate order.

After the intense, unusual storm, they were present in the afternoon but hidden while they were still in a layer of the implicate order. It was only in the evening that they became visible to us in the explicate order. In Bohm’s terms, they unfolded.

We have a picture that shows the angels during daylight in the afternoon after the intense storm. A camera picked up their essence while our five senses did not. We were unaware.

Knowledge of Reincarnation: Based on what JC knew within his heart and his vision as the Morning Star, he prayed for a sign to indicate his identity in a past incarnation. The angels who visited, as well as other signs in response to his prayer, indicate that he and Rev. Sherry were alive before in different body, place, and time. They are no different from anyone else. If they have had a past life/lives, everyone else has had a past life/lives.

[i] Descending Spirit Exorcism, Vision and Voice, Spirit Man of Teotihuacán, and the Visitation. These experiences are to be found within their memoirs: Tequila and Chocolate, The Adventures of the Morning Star and Soulmate.

[ii] Every shooting/descending star does not indicate a person is an avatar. JC is identifiable as an avatar due to the falling/descending star happening at the same time and place as such an extraordinary presence of Otherworldly energetic forms (Angels) from the implicate realm unfolding into the manifest earthly realm or explicate realm.

Human language could have also identified these Otherworldly beings as Gods/Goddesses, Bodhisattvas, Deva, and so forth. However, due to the name JC invoked in his prayer, the logical term to use would be Angel.


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