Earth Day 2022

Earth is a paradise of wonders all wrapped up in myriad colors. It is alive with a consciousness that responds to all the things that call it home. I believe in a partnership with the earth and feel at one with it. I do not believe in being superior to nature, acting as its steward, but instead acting as one with nature and in partnership with the earth in cocreating a paradisiacal state of life for all life.[i]

But sadly, this is not the current state of affairs between humanity and the earth where there is biodiversity loss, ecosystem collapse, and climate change. Add to this Putin’s war causing such a great loss of life of human beings and an exodus of woman and children from their homes to safety in surrounding countries. His war has and is caused the unknown deaths of animals and birds, destruction of the land with the addition of pollution from the munitions resulting in a present and lingering corruption and destruction of the biosphere … for how long!

Then we have the capitalistic elites, Putin again, who are treating the earth as their private garbage heap while not revealing the true extent of the effect they are having on climate change.

The illusion surrounding the climate crisis—it’s more severe than the capitalistic scientists are admitting. And keep in mind all politicians lie – all, left, right, center.

But there is more to the problem than just reducing greenhouse gas emissions. There is humanity’s mind pollution.

All things have consciousness, not just humans, and will respond accordingly to our consciousness. This is the reason that human’s physical acts of destruction and pollution of the environment are not the totality of the problem. Nature and creatures are affected by the greed, fear, and anger of humans. Furthermore, humanity’s worldview and mindset of separation, where humans are superior to all other things of the earth, is caustic to nature and the environment. This is humanity’s mind pollution. Instead of fear and separation, what nature needs is a nurturing spirit of unity, loving kindness flowing from our hearts, and our sincere gratitude for nature’s beauty and its garden paradise. As we nurture nature, nature will nurture us.

Accept a Green Philosophy

Be in awe of the wonder and beauty of Mother Earth (Pachamama) and all her creatures – Make a vow to yourself, to the earth and the heavens knowing that all things are alive, conscious, and responsive: Every Day is Earth Day, I will love, honor, care, and respect all things of the Earth as I love, honor, care and respect myself – all humans as brother/sister, all things as cousin from eagle, raven, and owl – all winged ones above, to the grandest mountains, valleys, trees and soil of the earth, down to the oceans, seas, and rivers, all creatures large and small down to the tiniest ones that creep, crawl, and wiggle. I am in partnership with the earth cocreating a garden paradise for all.

[i] Rev. Dr. JC Husfelt, Return of a Green Philosophy: The Wisdom of Óðinn, the Power of Þórr, and Freyja’s Power of Nature, 75.


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