The Light of our Moon

That beautiful bright white light in the darkness of the night sky, not alone but surrounded by the twinkling jewels of heaven, has mesmerized humans since the dawn of time. In its fullness it provides us with comfort in the dark of the night but then again in the newness of its darkness it may bring a disconcerting feeling within the depths of our heart. But on the other hand, this feeling may soon be followed by a lifting up of our spirits as we realize that the moon in its darkness will be reborn—just as we will be reborn. The moon has this feeling of timelessness as its voyages through the night sky. It is a fleeting but eternal guardian of nature.

The moon is just not in the night sky. Within ourselves, we have the light of our own moon. The moon symbolizes our mind while the sun stands for our heart. Symbolically stupidity leading to ignorance, arrogance and fear may be likened to dark clouds obscuring the light of our moon or as dust on the mirror of our minds. Our dark clouds surrounded by dust breeds fragmented thinking leading to tribalism modes of acting and being and selfish and self-centered behaviors.

As we all know the moon has no intrinsic light of its own, its light reflects the sun’s light. But a blackened/greedy/fearful heart shines no light on our minds only projects black clouds of dysfunctional being. This is the breeding ground of the fertilized growth of misinformation and lies—small and Big. And here lies the truth of the chaos we are facing in the 21st century.

A clean pure mirror reflects a true image, no matter the composite of the image. A dusty mirror (of our mind) obstructs the clarity of our mind leading to the growth of lies and distortions. Common sense would indicate that a smoky/blackened or dusty mirror can only reflect a distorted image—an image possibly leading to conflict, wars, and authoritarianism.

We need to each clean our mirrors while opening our hearts to love. And then gather together in communities far-and-wide as One to change the present course of humanity and prevent authoritarianism around the globe and eliminate inequality, poverty, homelessness, and second-class citizenship of women and provide a culture and society of equality for all, and reverse climate/biosphere destruction.

Add to this the elimination of physical wealth disparities while embracing a new concept of wealth such as the wealth of health and longevity, courage and strength, knowledge, wisdom, happiness and bliss, understanding of morality and ethics, and high-thinking and broad-mindedness.

Sad to say, this is just a small list of changes that need to occur and transform humanity and the earth into the “Eden” that it has always been… But it can be done… we can do it… as One.

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