The Winter Solstice/ Grand Conjunction—POWER TO THE PEOPLE

The Winter Solstice/ Grand Conjunction—POWER TO THE PEOPLE

The Preamble to the Constitution begins with “We the people…,’ not “We the Institutions…” The Constitution is “owned” (so to speak) by the people, not by the government or any branch thereof. We the People are the stewards of the U.S. Constitution and remain ultimately responsible for its continued existence and its faithful interpretation.

Today, we do not have Democracy, we have Corpocracy (big business/corporate controlled government). This is demonstrated and very evident in the actions of McConnell. Senator Mitch McConnell is holding up stimulus not to help people who are struggling, hungry, possibly homeless, and in dire need of relief, but to help businesses/corporations. In other words, F**K the people; forget “We the people,” instead McConnell and cronies worship “We the Corporations.” (And don’t label me believing in Socialism or any of the other isms.)

But I bring Good News or is that Tidings of Comfort and Joy. This “business over people” mindset of McConnell and others is on its way out…

Power to the People is Right around the Corner

It seems that the future is written in the stars. Specifically, The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn during the Winter Solstice of 2020.

The Solstice is the start of a new season depending on where in the world you live, and a new season always brings a transition of energy.

Saturnalia was a pagan festival celebrated on the December Solstice, and was meant to be reminiscent of the Golden Age – a time where there was peace on Earth and Saturn was our Sun.

The December Solstice was chosen for this day as it was said to signify a “return to the light.” Not only this time, the return of light, but this Solstice and the Grand Conjunction signify the coming birth of the Golden Light of the Golden Age—the Age of Aquarius.

Jupiter and Saturn are known as the “Great Chronocrators,” or rulers of the ages. Their cycle can be considered the ground base of human development which marks the interaction between the perception of ideas, potentialities, possibilities (Jupiter) and their manifestation in the concrete material world (Saturn).

Jupiter and Saturn are concerned with the formation of our sense of social purpose and direction, our quest for concrete achievements in the world. They are the planets of positive, constructive social activity. The ongoing relationship between these two planets marks major phases of our developing life’s work, and the conjunction, in particular, is a time when we can form a new sense of social purpose or direction.

Jupiter conjunct with Saturn at zero degrees in Aquarius on the 21st of December 2020. And this celestial force will push the “reset” button for the world.

This is the most important astrological transit of the year. It marks the beginning of a new 200-year cycle. The Jupiter-Saturn cycle is 20 years long, but the Jupiter-Saturn elemental cycle (fire, earth, air, or water) for each element is approximately 200 years long. The current Jupiter-Saturn cycle started in 1802 and is an earth cycle. This earth cycle has been connected to the industrial revolution, capitalism, big government, and big business. It has made us focus on material wealth and possessions. The current earth cycle will end on December 20th, and a new elemental cycle will begin on December 21st of this year in the element of air—Aquarius. The Grand Conjunctions now switching to air signs will give us a focus towards the collective, and a more community-based approach. Humanitarian efforts will be important, and technology will be favored. We will see more things created online than in the physical world.

On an even deeper level, the Grand Conjunction of 2020 could allow us to see that we are truly all connected. A connection that extends out to nature and all things of our precious earth. An earth and nature that we are in partnership with for the well-being of all. This will be a time of the reversal of the destruction of nature by corporate greed. This will be a time of a Green Philosophy.

It will also begin to open our minds to a new consciousness of radical nonduality. A consciousness that understands that there is no separation between us. We are all One.

The Grand Conjunction in Aquarius can bring ideas of more community-based living, where we are all seen as equals, and where there is focus on everyone thriving rather than just a few individuals.

The energy will shift from earth (related to material values and money) to air (related to intellect, information, and communication). And that’s just the beginning. Pluto will also enter the sign of Aquarius in 2023, so in the coming years, we will witness a profound transformation of the world and society. BIG changes and transformations are happening, which we all need because change and transformation is a part of life.

Furthermore, Saturn represents maturity and wisdom, the great teacher. Some of Saturn’s keywords are rules, discipline, patience, and responsibility. Saturn wants us to grow up! Saturn is the bridge between heaven and Earth. There is a spiritual quality to Saturn that relates to order, and there is an order in the universe. Things don’t happen randomly; luck is not random. Saturn represents faith and Jupiter freedom, free will. Jupiter is associated with expansion, growth, and taking risks.

Saturn in Aquarius equates spiritual responsibility given to the People—NOT the Church. Ultimately, Saturn in Aquarius is about acknowledging the value of humanity, unity, and working together as “human beings.”

Saturn in Aquarius is about how we, as individuals—every single one of us—contributes to a better world by helping ourselves, our fellow humans, and other living beings from a place of love and care.

This is not just a Saturn-Jupiter conjunction. This is the transitional (birthing) time preceding the birth of a new era—the Age of Aquarius.

Age of Aquarius

Even though Aquarius is a visionary air sign, it is represented by the water bearer, the mystical healer who bestows water, or life, upon the land. Accordingly, Aquarius is the most humanitarian astrological sign. These revolutionary thinkers fervently support “power to the people,” aspiring to change the world through radical social progress. Every Aquarian is a rebel at heart. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the planet that governs innovation, technology, and surprising events. Uranus perfectly mirrors Aquarius’s distinctive attitude, complementing the nontraditional nature of these visionary air signs.

The following is excerpted from Morning Star’s Seven Steps to Spiritual Awakening, A Book of Love in the Time of COVID-19, A Mindful Guide to Love, Life, and Unity During and After the Pandemic.

In my other books, I have explored the transition from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. With this pandemic we have now entered the birthing time, transitional time—the “Great Struggle,” before the beginning of the Aquarian Age. With any birth, there is “pain” before the actual birth. I knew there needed to be a “shock” to business as usual, to the inequalities, discrimination, racism, and sexism of society, capitalism, and organized religion. Some extraordinary event and/or happenings, a birthing time, which would enable us to make the leap to the Aquarian Age. Possibly a world war and/or earth changes due to climate change but not a pandemic, even though this novel coronavirus will definitely be earth changing. To my dismay… there still might be war, possibly a civil war.

Aquarius is the foretold Golden Age, of wholeness or Oneness. An Age of the heart, truth, freedom, equality, and of course, love.

The Mesoamericans call the Golden Age, the Sixth Sun. It is to be Xochitl Tonatiuh explained poetically as the Sun of Flowers—when humanity comes to flower. This is Jesus’ Sun and Quetzalcóatl’s Sun, the Sun of Consciousness. It will be the Age of the Divine Human – Hombre-Dios. The deity symbolizing the Sixth Sun is “Xochiquétzal, goddess of flowers. As the ‘House of Flowers,’ the human heart, we understand that xóchitl here symbolizes the budding blossom of the human spirit at last freed from duality.”  The Sixth Sun – a time to look forward to as xóchitl is love and the search for union. It is happiness. It is sex.

Another manner in which to view the Sixth Sun is to listen to a Hopi Native American elder describing a Golden Age long forgotten: “We were created equal of oneness, living in a spiritual way, where life is everlasting. We were happy and at peace with our fellow men. All things were plentiful, provided by our Mother Earth upon which we were placed.









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