We are on the Eve of the Age of Aquarius

The following is excerpted from Morning Star’s Seven Steps to Awakening, A Book of Love in the Time of COVID-19

We are on the eve… but this night before the Age of Aquarius is a long-night—a transitional time where we are moving out of the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius. In my books, I have explored the transition from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. With this pandemic we have now entered the birthing time, transitional time—the “Great Struggle,” before the beginning of the Aquarian Age. And this December, we have a sign from the heavens signaling the forthcoming Age of Aquarius—The Grand Conjunction on the Winter Solstice.

The Winter Solstice

As the days shorten and the night lengthens, the wheel of time keeps turning and turning; ever revealing mysteries. Eventually the time arrives as we experience the day of the least light and the night of the greatest darkness—the Winter Solstice. It is a time when the sun stands still for three days. Silence reigns supreme…  And the Light returns.

The Solstice is also the start of a new season depending on where in the world you live, and a new season always brings a transition of energy.

Saturnalia was a pagan festival celebrated on the December Solstice, and was meant to be reminiscent of the Golden Age- a time where there was peace on Earth and Saturn was our Sun. The December Solstice was chosen for this day as it was said to signify a “return to the light.”

The Grand Conjunction 2020

The Grand conjunction occurs every twenty years or so, and is when both Jupiter and Saturn align at the same degree of the zodiac. The Grand Conjunction represents a changing of an era, and a time where we shift our way of viewing the world.

As our world view changes, so too does society and the way we choose to approach things.

While the Grand Conjunction happens every couple of decades, the 2020 alignment opens the door to an even bigger cycle.

For the last 200 years, Jupiter and Saturn have been aligning only in earth signs, but this year, on December 21st, 2020, Jupiter and Saturn will align in the air sign of Aquarius.

The Grand Conjunction happening in an air sign for the first time in 200 years represents an even bigger shift in our world view and the era we are about to embark upon.

Jupiter and Saturn will also be aligning at zero degrees of Aquarius, which is an extra significant degree of the zodiac. Zero represents infinite potential and holds the energy of limitless possibilities.

The Grand Conjunction happening in Aquarius also further propels us into the energy of the Age of Aquarius.

The Grand Conjunction and the Age of Aquarius

Aquarius is the foretold Golden Age, of wholeness or Oneness. An Age of the heart, truth, freedom, equality, and of course, love. We are at a transition point where we are moving out of the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius.

The Grand Conjunction is a key point on this transition into the Age of Aquarius, and is destined to bring many ‘Age of Aquarius’ themes into our lives.

Under this Grand Conjunction, we could see a shift into more community-based living. Rather than looking to big governments or big businesses for support, we could instead turn to smaller, community-run organizations and small businesses.

There could be a greater focus on this idea that we all thrive when the collective thrives, rather than a focus on individuals trying to compete with one another to get to the top. The Grand Conjunctions happening in earth signs these last 200 years has pushed our focus towards ambition, big government, and big business. It has made us focus on material wealth and possessions, and creating and building tangible things for the future.

The Grand Conjunctions now switching to air signs will give us a focus towards the collective, and a more community-based approach. Humanitarian efforts will be important, and technology will be favored. We will see more things created online than in the physical world.

On an even deeper level, the Grand Conjunction of 2020 could allow us to see that we are truly all connected. It will start to open our minds to higher level of consciousness, radical nonduality, that understand that there is no separation between us and all other things.

The Grand Conjunction in Aquarius can bring ideas of more community-based living, where we are all seen as equals, and where there is focus on everyone thriving rather than just a few individuals.[i]

The Golden Age—the Sixth Sun

The Mesoamericans call the Golden Age, the Sixth Sun. It is to be Xochitl Tonatiuh explained poetically as the Sun of Flowers—when humanity comes to flower. This is Jesus’ Sun and Quetzalcóatl’s Sun, the Sun of Consciousness. It will be the Age of the Divine Human – Hombre-Dios. The deity symbolizing the Sixth Sun is “Xochiquétzal, goddess of flowers. As the ‘House of Flowers,’ the human heart, we understand that xóchitl here symbolizes the budding blossom of the human spirit at last freed from duality.”  The Sixth Sun – a time to look forward to as xóchitl is love and the search for union. It is happiness. It is sex.

Another manner in which to view the Sixth Sun is to listen to a Hopi Native American elder describing a Golden Age long forgotten: “We were created equal of oneness, living in a spiritual way, where life is everlasting. We were happy and at peace with our fellow men. All things were plentiful, provided by our Mother Earth upon which we were placed.”

[i] Excerpted: The Cosmic and Spiritual Significance of December 21, 2020, Tanaaz, https://foreverconscious.com/the-cosmic-and-spiritual-significance-of-december-21-2020

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