Revolutionary New – Love and Power to the People and to the Earth

The following is excerpted from the forthcoming: Morning Star’s Seven Steps to Spiritual Awakening: The Mindful Guide to Love, Life, and Unity During and After the Pandemic.

We are tied together in the single garment of destiny, caught in an inescapable network of mutuality.  And whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

I began writing this book, my sixth, before the onset of the pandemic. My goal was to assist people in spiritually awakening to a life of love and power. And then the virus raised its ugly head. And life took on new meaning for all of us.

In my other books, I have explored the transition from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius, which we are now on the cusp of entering. I knew there needed to be a “shock” to business as usual, to the inequalities, discrimination, racism, and sexism of society, capitalism, and organized religion. Some extraordinary event and/or happenings that would enable us to make the leap to the Aquarian Age. Possibly a world war and/or earth changes due to climate change but not a pandemic, even though this COVID-19 will definitely be earth changing. To my dismay, there still might be war.

Aquarius is the foretold Golden Age, of wholeness or Oneness. An Age of the heart, truth, freedom, equality, and of course, love. The Mesoamericans call the Age of Aquarius the Sixth Sun. It is to be Xochitl Tonatiuh explained poetically as the Sun of Flowers—when humanity comes to flower. This is Jesus’ Sun and Quetzalcóatl’s Sun, the Sun of Consciousness. It will be the Age of the Divine Human – Hombre-Dios. The deity symbolizing the Sixth Sun is “Xochiquétzal, goddess of flowers. As the ‘House of Flowers,’ the human heart, we understand that xóchitl here symbolizes the budding blossom of the human spirit at last freed from duality.”  The Sixth Sun – a time to look forward to as xóchitl is love and the search for union. It is happiness. It is sex.

The pandemic has caused most people to re-examine their lives and has shown us how we are interdependent on each other. This invisible enemy has revealed and shined a light on “normal.” A normal that was broken and killing us through lack of health care for all and the economics where over half of us were living paycheck to paycheck with little or no savings.

The world and us all ebb and flow through cycles of change. It is inevitable and the only thing that is predictable. Step out of your present situation for a moment and ask yourself, what can I become? How does my journey progress from this point forward?

In every crisis, lies great opportunity. This is our opportunity to build a better future. We need to think about what we wish to create. We need to set a goal and take small, disciplined steps in order to achieve it—this is our Seven Steps.

The past is crumbling so that we can revolutionize and rebuild something new. The familiarity of the past can be our guide, but the hope and the promise of the future can guide us to think bigger and better. There are chances here to upgrade and change our lives.

Time is now and right for personal, cultural, social, economic, political, and religious transformation—death of the old, rebirth of the new. This “revolutionary new” is an egalitarian culture and way of life filled with love, compassion, and kindness. And a Green Philosophy where we respect and are in partnership with all things of the earth. This is the opportunity to stop, possibly reverse, destructive climate change. We are all a “work in progress.” Let us work together. We need unity and the most important point is to make this unity last. This book will help us take that first step and begin to achieve this and unite us as One in love and power as all of us and the planet “blossom” together.

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