A Voyage of the Soul

Welcome pilgrim, to a voyage of the soul. If you will, please consider stepping aboard my dragon ship—a Drakkar… I am the Capt’n and your guide through this wondrous world of adventure and spirit. I have been known by many other different names, some call me the twin, JC, several the Feathered Serpent, some the Inca, to others Gandalf, to one shaman, Vince Stogan, I was the young elder and to another shaman, don Eduardo Calderon, the big cat that flies, to one the Mad Peruvian Shaman and to another Capt’n Moses and Papa Zeus; but to my close friends, the Morning Star. But to you, dear visitor, I am the Capt’n that will guide you to many glorious ports of call. Be forewarned, however, during this voyage of spirit you may encounter rough seas and various rocky shoals, dangerous places for one’s own comfort zone.

Many have told me how easy it is to bury the past and accept being wounded and staying wounded as a normal condition. Ah, but I say, at what price? The ancient ones teach that our soul, our life-force is immortal, but the conscious life that one knows is fleeting. And yes, my dear one, you will spend many, many lifetimes on this world called earth. And each and every lifetime, it is for one purpose and one purpose only—to quicken the light, the vibration of the soul that is the life-force. This is the reason for existence and the wealth that we all seek, even if we know it not.

For many of us, a part of our youth was spent dreaming and imaging adventurous quests for treasure beyond belief. Tales of Vikings and pirates and myths of gold and jewels kept us entertained during the long hot days and cool nights of summer. The various mystical journeys and voyages to claim these fabulous riches are a part of our soul, though buried deep within us as youthful memories of times much simpler and happier.

What if all of the myths and legends were true, but not in the way that you imagined? What would you say if the treasure that is sought in all the legends and myths is, in reality, the inner hidden treasures of your heart and soul? What would you say if I told you that you could be the hero/heroine in your own grand adventure? This then is the purpose of our voyage…to claim the legacy that is your divinity, and in the process, to help others in their own quest of spirit. This will quicken the light and expand the love that is your soul.

But first, I must ask you: Do you know who you are? This is the beginning question that you must answer before you board my vessel. If you believe that you are divine, as well as human—then come aboard and take an oar. Once you grasp your oar, you will recognize that our dragon ship is a sanctuary of love not fear. As we begin our voyage let me explain about the three pillars of light…. in the “Book of Love.”

Life is an interesting journey. For some, it is an on-going battle between good and evil, and for others, a paradise to be re-claimed. However, as all of us have discovered, life is ever changing, a sifting flow of the blending of light and dark. But, we are surrounded and blended at all times by the eternal light of love. Within the joys and struggles of life, I would ask you to be kind while always expressing from your heart, a compassionate spirit.

Our voyage takes us first to the southern seas, home to the shamans, the druids and the kahunas of my world. The shamans, whether they are called druid or kahuna, are the old ones, the first religious leaders. Let me ask you another question: what is religion? In our journey, knowledge is always important; it may unite us while ignorance will always separate us.

Shamans are cosmic voyager’s bringing sacred knowledge, sacred science and lore to a community of souls. They are not only healers but are also known for their work with spiritual guardians. I have an interesting tale to tell you about bonding with a heavenly guardian during a descending spirit exorcism….

Ah, pilgrim, there is one important aspect of our journey…you need to experience spirit, not only with the mind, but also with the body. When you accept the path of the shaman in life, there is great responsibility and always in the recesses of mind, fear. Sometimes I wonder; who would ever want to be a shaman? The shaman also knows that laughter is sometimes the best medicine as it loosens the body and heals the mind in a moment of magic.

Pilgrim, I need to be blunt with you…what do you need to forgive? Laughter heals the moment but forgiveness heals a lifetime. The southern seas are the realm of serpent medicine. This is the water serpent that helps cleanse your emotional body and assists you in shedding the skins of your past through forgiveness. I am only your guide here, the true teacher is nature. Let me share with you some good advice, always: Listen, Look and Learn and Be Patient in your journey of spirit—always one step at a time, but most importantly, walk your talk. The lessons that the serpent will teach you are many, and ongoing; but for now, we must voyage to the western seas.

Stand straight pilgrim; these are dangerous waters. You are learning to let go of the past by releasing your anger, shame, guilt and resentment. But what about the present: the fears, the uncertainties and the doubts of life. What do you fear, pilgrim? Fear is the opposite of love. When I talk about fear, I’m also including doubt and uncertainty.

Be steady, pilgrim; the western seas eternally shift and change. Where one moment, there is an island, the next nothing. These waters are always unknown, thus the fear. But let me ask you: how much are these waters like your life? Never lose faith in yourself or life in general. By voyaging through these waters and facing your fears, you will come to embrace your spiritual warriorship and become a warrior of heart.

Are you ready to be twice born? Our first birth is a given fact, ah but the second birth, the spiritual one, is totally in your hands. This is what I call the first spiritual awakening after the symbolic death of the past. But few realize that there is a second spiritual birth, and to be third born, you must face many, many symbolic deaths. Only then will you step beyond death.

Within these western waters lie many islands where you may be twice born. Be aware, pilgrim as you step ashore…these western isles are the home to jaguar. Do not be afraid of mother-sister jaguar, she will let you face your fears, and help you let go of the ones that you are able to, and to the others, she will help you make peace with them. When you are ready, she will guide you to a stream on the island where you will bathe and experience your first spiritual birth.

You look different pilgrim, your eyes. The swiftly flowing waters of mother earth cleanse, purify and wash away the hurt and pain of our heart and mind. We have been voyaging many weeks and you seem proud. Make sure this pride is based on accomplishment from your heart not an unhealthy ego from your mind. This is a pitfall of illusion that many fall into after experiencing a little knowledge. They puff themselves up and begin calling themselves a shaman, a master, or even president. How sad and ridiculous. But many accept what others call themselves, their titles, without seeking the truth.

The spiritual path is not easy. It is a razors edge, a swords edge with deep chasms on each side of the path; one is doubt, the other…unhealthy ego. We are approaching the northern isles, home to the mystics, the ones that will guide you to the Tree of Life, and the ancestors, the ancient ones that you know as the Archangels and the Aesir—the Nordic Gods and Goddesses. This is also the path of the white owl and his companion hummingbird. This is where we learn the way of the Ancient Ones by stepping outside of time with the death of the unhealthy ego. We live in the timeless now, in a state of awakening unfettered to the past, to fear, or to death. This is the realm of Peace and Harmony. Hummingbirds are sun angels—messengers of light. As the teacher, we take our message of light (knowledge) to the ones shrouded in darkness (ignorance).

We are now sailing towards the eastern seas. The voyage has been difficult, but to have reached this point, makes it all a beautiful experience, worth every tear and every laugh.

The east is the path of the eagle/condor and is the location of the gateway that leads to the realm of the Swan – feathered serpent, the plumed one that will bring the dawn of oneness to each and every individual and to the earth. Here, pilgrim, among these isles we learn that each island looks separate but it is only an illusion, just as each person looks separate is an illusion. We are all one; we are one – humanity that is human in its diversity and divine in its oneness. Let go of being separate. It is one of the root causes of struggle and suffering. Being separate and attached to the external and unhealthy ego, you suffer, but being one and un-attached to the external with a healthy ego, you free yourself to soar as the feathered serpent, as earth and heaven, become one.

Pilgrim, we are at the end of our voyage for now. But I would ask you to continue on, for you’re a Capt’n now. If you turn around you will see that we are back home once again. Farewell, pilgrim, it has been a pleasure and an honor to be your Capt’n. And one last thought, always remember to keep the winds at your back and the sun in your face and most importantly…laugh!

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