
Nature makes you “feel more alive.”

“There is no logical way to the discovery of elemental laws. There is only the way of intuition.” Albert Einstein.

Because many aspects of nature were integral to ancient peoples, nature itself was divine with a spark/a micro-star/a micro-sun within all things—Divine Mother Earth. Furthermore, all of nature—waters, rocks, trees, grasses, even the soil—housed spirits and were revered. After all, if not for these elements of nature, people could not have thrived. In other words, everything had a spirit, an intrinsic identity, and value. Trees were not only divine, but were also intrinsically unique providing such things as shelter and food.

The importance of trees to the earth and humanity is a well-known fact. Additionally, the tree is one of humankind’s most powerful symbols. It represents fertility, immortality and the totality of life as well as being a link between heaven and earth. Rooted firmly and deeply in the earth, the tree also reaches up to the heavens and thus provides an appropriate symbology for a central link between the two.

Tree worship goes back into the prehistory of many of the cultures that directly influenced the people of Western Europe, not least the Greco-Roman and the Celtic, which is no great surprise when one considers that much of the continent of Europe was covered with vast forests in antiquity.

To the ancients, our ancestors, the whole forest was/is sacred, as the source of “Being.” In the manner ancient texts describe, caring for the Earth must also incorporate the Earth’s interaction with the sun (today, consider humanity’s need for solar energy to replace destructive fossil fuels).

More than ever, we need to experience the beauty of nature. This increases positive emotion—perhaps by inspiring awe, a feeling akin to wonder, with the sense of being part of something bigger than oneself—which then leads to prosocial behaviors.

Nature makes you “feel more alive;” nature relieves attention fatigue and increases creativity.

Today, we live with ubiquitous technology designed to constantly demand our attention. But many scientists believe our brains were not made for this kind of information bombardment, and that it can lead to mental fatigue and being overwhelmed leading to burnout. We need “attention restoration” to get back to a normal, healthy state.

Nature provides our renewal.

Being in nature while utilizing our senses (especially sound, smell, and touch (tactile sensations such as walking barefoot on the earth) restores depleted attention circuits, which can then help us be more open to creativity and problem-solving.

Being in nature decreases stress being in nature has a profound impact on our brains and our behavior, helping us to reduce anxiety, brooding, and stress, and increase our attention capacity, creativity, and our ability to connect with other people. We are physically and mentally healthier when we are interacting with nature.

Love the earth. Show your love by being out in nature away from human-made structures, no smartphones or other devices, just you and the great Mother-Mother Nature. Kiss a tree and lie on the earth becoming one with her and all her relations.

A “New” but “Old” Religion

There is one recurring crucial cultural theme of the past century and a half: the hope for a “new religion” to replace what William James, in his 1908 Hibbert Lectures, had termed an “older monarchical theism” that had grown “ob­solete and obsolescent.” James further stated that this theism is theologically supported by the doctrine of creation out of nothing, which entails the absolute ontological separation between Creator and creation—the ultimate form of dualism and the root cause of fear and doubt.[i] Of course to keep people from doubting their propaganda, doctrine, and dogma, Institutional Christianity regards doubt as having been primordially planted by Satan.

It was just not William James’s desire but other contemporaries in the Romantic movement, and their successors, including W.B. Yeats, who explicitly yearned for a “new religion” to replace Christianity. In this same vein, Joseph Campbell spoke of a new mythology revivifying the sacred such as reclaiming the feminine values such as reverence for Mother Earth, embracing the mystical, and seeking harmony and unity of humankind through cooperation and mutual respect.

The current prepackaged patriarchal religions produce passive consumers of spirit, a psychic laziness cloaked in fear. Their followers are spectators not active participants in the life of spirit. Christianity, especially Catholicism, constantly reinforces the separation paradigm of Creator and creation with priests/ministers and so forth providing the only access to God. They act as the functioning gatekeepers and mouthpieces for the Divine and Spirit—only they can access, you can’t.

Patriarchal institutionalized religions have outlasted their time on earth, in fact, it’s long overdue. What has been their legacy: death to millions through religious wars; denial of the equality of women and men; denial of feminine values; brainwashing people into believing that they were born in original sin, of course, sin caused by a woman – Eve; the biosphere destruction of Mother Earth; license to kill things not human such as animals and trees; cultural genocide; destruction of the human spirit through fear; death, disease and the destruction of the spirit of indigenous people from around the world. In all of this, there is no sign or practice of Love.

Realizing the above and considering the need and hope for the birth of a “new religion,” so sought after by James, Yeats, and others, what would it look like?

According to Joseph M. Felser, PhD. Professor of Philosophy, Montclair State College, N.J., the new religion would include: cultivating an inward mystical and visionary experi­ence independent of dogmas and institutions; treating the experience as initiation, or as a po­tential catalyst for personal transformation; rec­ognizing a deeper human identity and power upholding the truth of the connectedness of all things and the values of harmony and unity; and overcoming the dualisms of subject/object, experience/knowledge, etc.

The wishes of Williams, Yeats, and others has been fulfilled.  The “new” but “old” religion has been birthed—It is named Divine Humanity. “Old” means we are simply reconnecting humanity’s mind to an ancient stream of lost spiritual knowledge.

I am the Morning Star. Like many of the prophets of the past, I experienced the divine call both as something heard and as something seen—in the form of a vision and a voice. In October of 1993, my wife, Rev. Sherry Husfelt, and I conducted a journey to the Big Island of Hawaii. In the pre-dawn hours, I experienced the divine “call” both as something heard and something seen—in the form of a vision and a voice. “this star is you; you are this star; the purification is of the people; all are one.” From this divine “call” or “ordination” came the message of Divine Humanity.

Divine Humanity, a nonreligion/religion, is a personal philosophical religion, a non-dogmatic religion of spirituality. It is a daily religious and philosophical experience of self, others, and nature that is based on a basic spiritual truth and law that each one of us has a direct connection to the magic and the mystery of heaven and earth. Divine Humanity’s Philosophical Beliefs are an attempt to help an individual look within themselves to awaken and achieve a transformation of consciousness from a dualistic one to a consciousness of radical nonduality where spirit and matter blend together.

As a green,[ii] ecological and egalitarian philosophy and religion. Divine Humanity recognizes the divine in nature and the sacredness of all living things. “Nature in partnership” is one of the hallmarks of Divine Humanity. It acknowledges the equality and divinity of nature and the realization that humanity is not above nature, as a steward; nor below nature, at the mercy of it; but is one with nature and in partnership with the earth in co-creating a paradisiacal state of life, for all life.

Divine Humanity, a perennial philosophy, differs with exoteric organized “book” based religions. Whereas the traditional religious paradigm emphasizes a need to be saved (from sin, suffering, pain, or death), the perennial philosophy views the Ultimate reality as a state of union, suggesting to us a different objective for the religious life: not to be saved but to discover the wholeness.  As an alternative to organized religion, the objective of the spiritual/religious paradigm of Divine Humanity is to discover this wholeness or Oneness of reality.

Another difference: Since each of us has the spark, the starlight of God, within us, we are born in original divinity, not original sin. We are “born in love and not in sin. There is no love greater or holier than that of mother and child. There is nothing more sinless—baptized or not—than the child in the mother’s arms. Woe unto him who dare offend one of these little ones, for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”[iii]

[i] Understanding that fear is the opposite of love (Oneness).

[ii] Green refers not only to Divine Humanity being an ecological religion but as well a religion of the heart. Green is the color of the heart chakra. The heart is the balance between heaven and earth energies while green is the mid-point of the color spectrum.

[iii] Ignatius Singer, The Rival Philosophies of Jesus and of Paul, 313 – 314

Summer Solstice and Father’s Day 2021

“To understand spirit, understand self—Know Thyself.” JC

The Summer Solstice and Father’s Day 2021 are happening on Sunday, the traditional day of the Sun. This is a perfect time of celebration and a time to honor and bless the “Sun behind the sun” and Light.

The Sun behind the sun (the Absolute, the Divine, the All, the Great Mystery/Spirit, the One) is a symbol and expression of great spiritual understanding and knowledge. How perfect this is as the summer solstice was also known as the time of spiritual understanding.

In astrology the sun is considered the king of the planets. According to the Vedic understanding, the sun is an expression of God. This planet is associated with the soul or self, leadership, happiness, success, self-realization, and spiritual enlightenment.

Light may be seen as a symbol of the Divine—Eternal Light. This is the Divine Light/Spark/Fire. Divine light permeates all things: space, humans, trees, stones, animals, even the most insignificant. We cannot see the Divine, but we become aware of Divine’s presence when we see the beauty of the world, when we look into the eyes of a baby, and when we experience love of others, nature, and all things of the earth.


The world solstice comes from the Latin words sol (sun) and sistere (to stand still).

In ancient Greece, the summer solstice marked the start of a new year and the month-long countdown to the Olympics. In ancient Egypt, the summer solstice represented the coming of the brightest star, Sirius. Not long after, the Nile would begin to flood its banks, marking a season of abundance from the land. The Egyptians believed Sirius was responsible for the floods and considered it the start of a new year.

Solstices are the extreme points as the Earth’s axis tilts toward or away from the sun when days and nights are longest or shortest. The life giving Sun is celebrated all over the world with various traditions, like fire festivals, singing songs, telling tales, and dancing until the sun sets. And in the Baltic’s, lighting a bonfire and jumping over it. Not for the faint of heart.


To understand spirit, there are basic questions to consider: “How do you approach spiritual understanding? With just the limited (mundane) self? Or “Do you approach spiritual understanding with both the limited (mundane) self and the unlimited (divine) self?”

To answer these two questions, we need to define both the limited self and the unlimited self.

Basically, the self that we experience is mostly the self which is produced out of thought – “me” as subject self, “I” as the doing action objective self, and “myself” = “I” and “me.”

Even though thought is unlimited in its true being, the content of thought is limited. This means that the self as defined by thought is very limited. Limited, the self is an island unto itself separate from all things fortified by the senses.

Contrary to this concept of limitation, there was an ancient way of looking at things: “The unlimited unknown (divine) was constantly being revealed and experienced.” This means that the true being of everything is unlimited–all things are One. Since everything is unlimited, the logical conclusion states that the limited state of being is contained within the unlimited state of being.

In other words, our true being of our limited self is unlimited. Each of us are experiencing the process of our unlimited radical nondualistic consciousness (unlimited self) at the same time we are experiencing the limited dualistic state of being (limited self).

In other words, both limited and unlimited blend together. However, our unlimited self, our radical nondualistic consciousness, is unawakened. To truly understand spirit, we must awaken our unlimited divine aspect of consciousness.

Take the opportunity on this summer solstice, the longest day of light, to begin awakening to your divine unlimited self. Know that you are truly, a Sun of God.




Erosion of Democracy

Across the legitimate news outlets, there seems to be a drumbeat focusing on the “erosion of democracy.” And it doesn’t take a visionary to understand the danger this country is facing. Not from the outside but from the inside.

According to the axiom “as above so below; as below so above,” this erosion is a reflection of the phenomena occurring “above us” in the heavens.

Established on July 4, 1776, our country and democracy is at a turning point. A better term may be “tipping point”—as either a purer democracy, not ruled by Wall Street, or an autocracy. And then there is the potential for a second civil war.

The phenomena above is known as America’s first Pluto return. Pluto Returns take 247 odd years to occur. Thus, we will experience our first Pluto Return between 2022 – 2024. Possibly the full results will not be known until 2028.

2022 – 2024 are prophetic dates as the erosion of voting rights continue in our country. The right to vote, essential to a well-functioning democracy, is the most enshrined right in the Constitution and is protected by five separate Amendments. Without true and fair elections, democracies fail and fall or descend into some form of autocracy. An excellent book pertaining to this is “How Democracies Die” by Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt.

Pluto is the planet associated with death and rebirth. It is the force that crumbles things to ashes in order to be rebuilt. Pluto is considered the Lord of the Underworld. It has the knack of exposing hidden truths, dark secrets, and the shadowy stuff. It brings the dark, hidden, and taboo up to the surface in order for it to be dealt with and faced.

Pluto is going to bring a revolution of sorts. It seems that whatever intention was set for this country back on July 4, 1776, is going to be revisited.

Pluto is going to ask- What needs to change? What needs to be transformed? And what needs to be honored?

We will be forced to look back to see whether the original intention set for this country is still being upheld or if anything needs to change.

We will be forced to look back and readjust in some way before we can move forward.

We may even have to revisit some of the energies that brought about the creation and need for the Declaration of Independence as well.

Because Pluto Return is occurring in the sign of Capricorn, there will be a spotlight on government, big business, authority figures, and essentially anyone in a position of great power.

A Pluto Return in Capricorn could manifest as the crumbling of the government or an established hierarchy, but it could also be the building of new and better ones.

It can lead to deep and lasting changes in the way that the country is run and governed, and the rules that citizens choose to abide by.

This energy is like the dark night of the soul of the country. It challenges the US to face up to its dark side and to expose any corruption. We have to remedy the past so we can create a brighter future.

While a Pluto Return can expose the dark, it is also an incredibly powerful transit that can help any country to rise up into its fullest potential.

When the Pluto Return is officially completed, hopefully it will be like the phoenix rising from the ashes- stronger, and more awakened than before.

Only time will tell… And sometimes I’m not so sure…

Earth Day 2021 – 22 April

Divine Humanity is a Green Religion and Philosophy   

(Whereas Christianity is a brown religion dogmatically promoting man’s domination of the Earth.)

The Following is excerpted from our Memoirs – Tequila and Chocolate:

Moyers: . . . What happens when human beings destroy their environment? Destroy their world? Destroy nature and the revelations of nature?

Campbell: They destroy their own nature, too. They kill the song.

Moyers: And isn’t mythology the story of the song?

Campbell: Mythology is the song. It is the song of the imagination, inspired by the energies of the body.

There is one key element, one very important concept, that permeates the belief and philosophy of indigenous cultures. This is the belief in the importance of nature by forming a partnership and a oneness with nature – a nature that is divine, alive, conscious and responsive. The Earth is alive and truly our Mother. Nature is the holy grail of healing and the secret to the maintenance of wholeness and wellness for all individuals, communities, and nations. Nature is without a doubt Kulana Huli Honua (Hawaiian meaning “foundation for seeking wisdom”).

In other words, “the essential quest of individual growth and evolution does not change from age to age. It is true today as it was in those ancient times, dimly recalled by legend, that Nature can bestow upon human beings’ great wisdom and knowledge.” But to be bestowed, you must get off your ass, get out into the wild without technology. Just you, the land, the sea, and your other brothers and sisters, the creatures of the Earth.

“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.”

– Albert Einstein

Sherry and I believe and live a Green Philosophy. This is an egalitarian philosophy of humanity’s partnership with the seen and unseen things of the Earth and nature. Humans are part of nature, not at the center of nature. Furthermore, society has lost many of the values treasured by past indigenous cultures, such as a partnership with nature, truth telling, and elder/ancestor respect and honor. We need to discover meaning in life, not accumulate money and material things. The equality of men and women as well as the equality of all things—as all have the starlight/divine spark within them—needs to be reinstated. These and other lost values need to be reinstated throughout this Earth. Nature needs to be respected, loved and cared for by humanity. We need to be partners in relationship with nature, not its stewards. We need your help. We would ask that you join us in embracing a Green Philosophy of life and spread this knowledge to others.

The Green Man

A commonly accepted word for humanity’s connection to nature is the mythic “Green Man.” The Green Man symbolizes fertility, eternity, death and rebirth. The archetypical Green Man may be visualized as a human face peering through vegetation or possibly as a mystical mixture of human form and vegetation merging into each other. This imagery of the Green Man symbolizes a portal to the Otherworld, a connection between humanity and nature. The Green Man is that spirit, energy, and presence inherent in every cell of the vegetative realm and transmitted to the animal/human realms through the foods we eat, the flowers we smell, the trees we hug.


Jesus loved nature and could be labeled “green” for his beliefs and practices. Jesus as Green Man recognized the divine in nature and the sacredness of all living things. Common sense dictates that a teacher who felt so connected and in partnership with the Earth would use nature to demonstrate the truth of his knowledge and wisdom.

Contrary to the sacredness of the Green Man concept, the Earth is being destroyed by men following the creed of capitalism, a creed of exploitation, domination and greed. And contrary to Jesus’ belief, “church doctrine denies the divineness of nature and the Earth. This makes Christianity a brown, not green, religion, dogmatically promoting man’s domination of the Earth. The driving force of this domination and consequent destruction of the biosphere is the capitalist paradigm.”

Let me leave this topic with one final point. The only mystical and prophetic book of the New Testament is Revelations. It is interesting to note a short passage, the green message in Rev. 11.18 that Jesus “returns to destroy those who destroy the Earth.”


Our minds constantly seek power ever attempting to escape from any sense of powerlessness. The key here is the concept of power. Many, if not most people see their power as being external not internal. Internal power is a strong mind (not dominated by the passions of life) and an altruistic heart.

External power only feeds the devouring demons of stupidity, greed, tribalism, and false views to name a few. Stupidity, and the arrogance that comes with it, grows as individuals and tribal false views embrace conspiracy tongue wagging that a rational mind would never consider as truth. QAnon exemplifies this.

A benign example of external power is witnessed by people that support a certain sports team and wear their colors. They see a portion of their external power being connected with “their team.” And possibly wearing a shirt inscribed with the number of their favorite player such as wearing the twelve of Tom Brady—Tom’s powerful so am I. A not so benign example of external power is gang membership and wearing the colors that provides the individual a tribe and a sense of power.

It is also very evident that the one’s born to the upper class and wealth would never consider joining a gang as their sense of external power is all wrapped up in money, status, title, and so forth.

Supposedly, the President of the United (spelled correctly) States is the most powerful person on earth. This statement is only based on the external power of the position, not the President’s internal power, which I stated as a strong mind (not dominated by the passions of life) and an altruistic heart.

Additionally, a strong mind is one that is focused, not erratically flicking here and there: “One US defense official described Trump’s attention span as distressingly short, like a ‘squirrel careening through the traffic.’”

Let me add that internal power is also exemplified by truth telling and walking our talk.

Trump talks but doesn’t walk: Trump, the day of the insurrection: “I’m going to be there with you.” And then he goes in the opposite direction back to the White House.

Trump portrays toughness but in reality he is a weak child inside.

As the antithesis of Donald Trump, I served my country during the Vietnam War and did not attempt to escape my obligation whereas Trump with his “bone spur” deferments used a lame excuse for not serving. Even Hitler volunteered to serve in the Bavarian army in August 1914.

Trump was born into wealth while I was born into a working class family; my father was a fireman and my mother, a telephone operator. Trump talks tough but that’s all it is – talk. One example from our memoirs:

On a Friday evening in the early 1970s, I walked down a darkened corridor in a run-down building in the low-income section of West Chester, Pennsylvania. As I knocked on the knife-scarred door, the last one in the hallway, I wondered how I would be welcomed… I was a Ritter Man, a collection man working for a company, a post that exemplified the non-compassionate capitalistic spirit. Being in graduate school with a wife and small child, I needed a part-time job, and for reasons that still baffle me, I chose this one. On the other hand, in the short time that I worked for them I did impact some people’s lives. Not in a negative way but a positive one. One of compassion and loving kindness… Even though my wife and I were struggling to make ends meet, I would make their payments for some of the people that owed money to Ritter…

Even though I collected in what would be termed dangerous areas, I was never concerned for my safety. And unlike Trump, I was never afraid to stand in front of a door. It didn’t even enter into my mind, not to stand there.

Compare my story to Trump’s as we both collected money in unsavory areas:

The Washington Post’s Eli Rosenberg: “Trump said he would charge a gunman. Here’s what he’s actually done in the face of danger.” Trump spoke about collecting rent from buildings his father owned in “dangerous” areas, like Coney Island, Brooklyn, and Cincinnati where he said he was “liable to get shot” if he came at the wrong time.

“You know when you collect rent—and you may have heard this—but you never stand in front of the door,” Trump said.

In conclusion, truth is based on experienced not faith, belief, or conspiracy theories—it seems that P. T. Barnum was foretelling the past four years: “There’s a sucker born every minute.”



The Maya forewarned and advised us concerning this; so did Albert Einstein. This is stupidity. According to the Maya Popol Vuh, the soul has five enemies—disease, death, stupidity, arrogance, and fear.

Stupidity was the greatest vice; its cancerous effects could be seen in all the others. The hallmarks of stupidity were ignorance, a kind of overall dullness of spirit, and a naive incompetence. In Maya experience, it was because of stupidity that human beings were both fearful and arrogant. In other words, stupidity leads to fear and arrogance.

The Maya believed that fear cripples the virtues of cleverness, resourcefulness, humor, and courage. It also keeps the soul off balance so that it cannot feel centered or express itself with dignified grace.

Arrogance shows up as many secondary evils, including greed, pride, vanity, lying and false pretenses, incompetence, savagery, cold hard-heartedness, and the desire to stay ignorant—vividly on display over the past four years.

Stupidity and arrogance, and there dysfunctional and destructive behaviors, are rampant throughout our country and around the world. The latest poster-child of stupidity and arrogance is Marjorie Taylor Greene.

We are in a transitional time between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius. Like all transitional times ours is an age fraught with perils and possibilities. But, we do have the power and the ability to create a new humanity, even though masses of educated and uneducated people continue in their beliefs and traditions. Frequently, people are unwilling to question or challenge themselves about their beliefs, and some are even willing to kill other people in order to keep their beliefs alive.

Keep in mind that fire represents knowledge that burns away the defilement of stupidity, arrogance, and ignorance while water represents purity and compassion that washes away the passions (things that disturb the tranquility of the heart and mind). Blended together we overcome stupidity, arrogance, and ignorance while vanishing our defiling passions.

These concepts are further explained in my books included my latest: Morning Star’s Seven Steps to Spiritual Awakening.

Fire and water blended together symbolizes and represents oneness—the essence of divine love.

Truth Part 2

My previous post, Truth, was theoretical philosophy. This is the study of the principles of human knowledge. The reason for part 2 is to reveal truth as a result of knowledge, or a knowing, from real-life full sensory experience. One such truth revealed was the truth of reincarnation.

There are universal truths such as reincarnation and then there are personal truths. Our personal truths may be based on mystical experiences. Such experiences may reveal personal truths, but not universal ones. An example of this would be the story of my encounter with the Spirit Man of Teotihuacán. The personal truth revealed was that I had the mind and soul of Quetzalcóatl – the Morning Star! This truth also reinforced my vision and voice from heaven experience in 1993 as the Morning Star. These stories are recorded in our memoirs.

Truth revealing universal metaphysical/philosophical/religious beliefs only result from a knowing based on actual sensory physical experience witnessed by more than one person. I am not referring to the standard meaning of Empiricism, which is the theory that the origin of all knowledge is sense experience. Empiricism is based on the sense experience of the natural world. It does not address knowledge based on the sense experience of the natural world when it is blended with the spirit or Otherworld.

As I stated in Truth part 1: Only knowledge that proceeds by observation and experience, and then, only when properly informed and guided, will knowledge reflect Truth. Based on this definition, let’s explore truth as it relates to one of my extraordinary events, a direct angelic experience—the Visitation.

I don’t believe or have faith in angels—I know angels: “If you are blind and have never seen the sunrise it doesn’t matter how many hypotheses you can array; you still don’t know. Belief or faith is simply the adoption of someone else’s idea. Once you have seen the sun you don’t believe in it, you know it.”[i]

I have not seen angels in my mind, in a cloud formation, in my dreams, or as some type of human figure. I’ve been in the physical presence of and witness to an archangel and the two assisting angels. To verify this, my wife, Sherry, and twelve of our apprentices were witnesses to the same sacred visitation.

I know the truth of a sunrise having observed and experienced it. I know the truth of angels/otherworldly beings from observation and experience. Interesting enough, this one truth revealed other truths such as reincarnation, the knowledge of the interconnection and interpenetration of consciousness throughout the seen and unseen universe, and the sacred power of stones.

The actual experience occurred on Sunday, the night of a new moon—August 3rd, 1997. The Visitation is told in its totality in our memoirs—Tequila and Chocolate, The Adventures of the Morning Star and Soulmate. We would encourage you to purchase our memoirs. The Visitation is only one of many stories that reveal truth of metaphysical principles. One person said of our memoirs: “Think Indiana Jones meets Gandalf the Grey.”

The Visitation also gave truth to many of physicist David Bohm’s (1917–1992) theories. A colleague of Albert Einstein, Bohm’s most significant contribution to science is his interpretation of the nature of physical reality, which is rooted in his theoretical investigations, especially quantum theory and relativity theory. Bohm postulates that the ultimate nature of physical reality is not a collection of separate objects (as it appears to us), but rather it is an undivided whole that is in perpetual dynamic flux. For Bohm, the insights of quantum mechanics and relativity theory point to a universe that is undivided and in which all parts “merge and unite in one totality.” This undivided whole is not static but rather in a constant state of flow and change.

Bohm calls this flow the holomovement – holo, meaning holographic-like, and movement suggesting dynamism and process. In other words, the nature of reality is a single unbroken wholeness in flowing movement. In analogy to holography but on a much grander scale, Bohm believes that each part of physical reality contains information about the whole.

Bohm proposes that the holomovement consists of two fundamental aspects: the explicate order and the implicate order. What we call matter is merely an apparent manifestation of the explicate order of the holomovement. In other words, the explicate order is the manifest realm; it is the physical space-time universe in which we live. This explicate order is the surface appearance of a much greater enfolded or implicate order, most of which is hidden. Thus, the implicate order is the unseen, or the unmanifest realm.

It’s tempting, perhaps, to think of the explicate order as the primary reality, and the implicate order as a subtle secondary reality. For Bohm, precisely the opposite is the case. The fundamental primary reality is the implicate order, and the explicate order is but a set of ripples on the surface of the implicate order. So that which we can see, feel, and touch is merely the waves on the surface of reality, which is a vast ocean of implicate order.

Contemporary physics and, indeed, most of science deals with explicate orders and structures only, which is why physics has encountered such great difficulty in explaining a variety of phenomena that Bohm would say arise from the implicate order.


Moving on, let’s explore truths as revealed by the Visitation. Excerpts are from Tequila and Chocolate – the Visitation:

Observation and experience: During the summer we always conduct longer-term trainings out in nature. This summer we’d scheduled a four-day training, beginning on Friday, August 1, and ending on Monday, August 4. The theme of the training was initiation, fear, and death and rebirth, including the experiences of a twenty-four-hour solitary quest, a stone-built ceremonial death spiral,[ii] and bathing.

Since we mostly take novices into the outdoors, I always perform prayers for safety, love, and power before the trainings. This time I did a different prayer. Based on what I knew within my heart and my vision, I prayed for a sign to be given of who I was in my last incarnation: “Let them see a sign knowing that I was [name stated].” I mentioned the name as people would recognize it today.[iii] I then let go of any expectations about the prayer. Little did I expect the sign—in reality, signs—that would be given.

The signs: This was the night of the new moon, and the only light in the clearing was cast by a small fire. The night before, while the apprentices were sitting alone in the dark woods, I was listening and making sure that everyone was all right. When I had turned off my flashlight, I couldn’t see more than a few feet in front of me. Therefore, I was stunned to see searing translucent lights illumine the forest.

“What? No.” These two short thoughts coursed through my mind as I turned around to see if there was some light source coming from in front of me other than the small fire. I observed nothing that could explain what I had just seen. I turned around again in disbelief, to make sure I saw what I saw. This all took less than a minute.

“Please stand, and be quiet. We have visitors,” I said as calmly as possible, all the while not knowing what I saw.

As Sherry stood next to me, looking at the lights, I leaned over and whispered into her ear, “What are they?”

Without hesitation she said, “Why, they’re angels!”

And then I remembered my prayer for a sign of who I had been. It all made sense, but I never expected a sign like this. I hadn’t told anyone about the content of my prayer, not even Sherry.

“A shooting star,” someone said as we all looked up as it blazed across the night sky.

“A white dove,” an apprentice exclaimed as it flew over our heads.

“Look at the stones of the death spiral,” another said.

The stones had increased at least five-fold in size; some were now the size of boulders. But the most unusual thing was their greenish, otherworldly glow. Each was an emerald stone of celestial pulsing energy.

Time seemed to be suspended as Sherry and I and our twelve apprentices witnessed in awe a massive pillar of light, a living pillar of translucent-ethereal light a few feet off the ground, at least six feet wide and five or six times as tall. This light was in the north by the entrance to the death spiral, whitish and not of this world.

Suspended higher up were two other pillars of light, not quite as bright or as large. The legends tell that an archangel is always assisted by two helping angels. Many traditions believe that the north direction is symbolically the direction of the ancestors and heavenly, otherworldly beings, such as angels…

Knowledge Properly informed and Guided: My prayer points to a few aspects of Bohm’s theories. Bohm theorized a kind of tripartite ontology. What he said was that reality consists of matter, energy, and meaning. The usual physical understanding in science is that the universe consists of matter and energy, and Einstein did the glorious equation of the two with E = mc2. What Bohm says, however, is that meaning has the same ontological primacy as matter and energy. Bohm states, “Energy enfolds matter and meaning, while matter enfolds energy and meaning. But also, meaning enfolds both matter and energy. So, each of these three basic notions enfolds the other two.”

In other words, according to Bohm, the nature of reality is this interpenetration of matter, energy, and meaning (consciousness). The matter-energy realm is the explicate order, or manifest realm. The meaning (consciousness) realm is the implicate order, and there’s an interpenetration between the two.

Putting this in context with Divine Humanity’s Six Elements (earth, water, air/wind, fire, space, and divine consciousness) the explicate order of matter and energy (earth, water, air/wind, fire, space) and the implicate order of meaning or consciousness (spirit) interpenetrate each other. Spirit interpenetrates matter. In other words, all things are aware and conscious and since creation is reflective (magic) all things of seen world will respond to our meaning-consciousness (thoughts/spoken words) and our intent. However, manifestation of our prayers (thoughts and/or words) with the unseen or implicate order will only occur when our intent is in line with the divine will/intent. This also reveals why a prayer not in line with the divine will/intent will not manifest.

Concerning my prayer, the consciousness of the Otherworld responded to it with the appearance of the angels as immense pillars of light. My intent was to show a sign of my past incarnation. Since the signs were given, it would mean that my prayer was heard, responded to, and my intent was in line with the divine will/intent. This also points to the truth that there is an interconnection and interpenetration of consciousness throughout the seen and unseen universe.

The greatest truth revealed was not who Sher and I were in our past life, but that if we have had past lives, then all humans have had past lives. In other words, reincarnation is TRUTH. Our life is an ongoing death-and-rebirth evolution of our souls – our golden DNA, our divine spark, our starlight. More about this later and the ramifications of this truth.

Observation and experience: The Sunday of the four-day training dawned bright and very dry. Little rain had fallen that spring and summer… during the evening, I wanted to work on the issue of phobos, the Greek word for fear and the origin for the word phobia. The exercise I had chosen was one I had conducted many times before. In my mind, it was an excellent way to help a person release a fear that had haunted him or her.

It was a very simple exercise. Our apprentices had to identify a fear and then fashion an image of their fear out of natural materials. At night they would fight their fear with a wooden sword and burn the remains in a ceremonial fire…

However, we were concerned that we might not be able to conduct this exercise. Sherry and I faced a major hurdle in the dry condition of the land. With little and infrequent rain, we basically had drought conditions that summer, which prohibit an open fire. Without the fire, the experience would not work. But the heavens provided a solution to our dilemma.

Early in the afternoon, an intense thunderstorm developed. And “intense” does not do it justice. In a scant moment, the crystal-clear sky darkened into an ominous, swirling, mass of bluish black. For a beat, all sound and movement hushed, and then came the crashing storm. Torrents of rain fell as thunder boomed overhead and lightning struck the ground all around us. Everyone ran to huddle underneath the cooking tarp, shaking and scared by the otherworldly intensity. People were terrified at the suddenness and force of the wind and the rain, the thunder and the lightning.

As the storm abated, the Earth felt different – as if it had been purified…


Three months later, on an October afternoon, one of our apprentices contacted me. “JC, you’ll never guess what I have,” he said in an excited tone. “While you were finishing the late-afternoon building of the spiral, I took a picture of you in the center of it. When I got home, I just threw the camera into my truck. Last week, I finally got around to getting the pictures developed. I knew something was up when the photo shop lady said, ‘One of your pictures has caused quite a stir.’…

“Guess what?” he continued. “I have a daylight photograph of the archangel and the two assisting angels. They were observing us building the spiral, and no one ever suspected!” This is the picture at the beginning of this post.

Knowledge Properly informed and Guided: After the intense, unusual storm, the angels were present in the afternoon but hidden while they were still in a layer of the implicate order. It was only in the evening that they became visible to us in the explicate order. In Bohm’s terms, they unfolded.

The picture was taken of me during the day while we finished building the stone death spiral. No one saw what the camera picked up. The picture is not pillars of light. It is an intense and immense light off to my left in the woods with two globes of light suspended above. The light has a shape almost like a sword in its center with golden rays coming off of it. It’s been verified that it was not a reflection of the lens of the instant camera that took the picture.

Another interesting fact: we were able to hear each other but no other sounds such as the normal evening forest sounds. There was total silence, what one apprentice called the “cone of silence.” This seems to suggest that the intense out-of-the-ordinary storm purified only a small section of the earth which allowed the angels to unfold within that cleansed portion of the earth.

Knowledge of Reincarnation: Its Impact on Prejudice, the Earth, and Climate Change:

When reincarnation is not one of the beliefs of a religion then the metaphoric “gates of hell” are flung wide-open. The present day most vivid result of this is exemplified by Islamic jihad and is equated to a one way ticket to paradise even though you may have blown up innocents while achieving jihad. JC

  • Since most people have had numerous past lives, it is common sense that we may have all been different races from different cultures. In other words, a present-day Neo-Nazi, KKK member, or even Donald Trump likely were not white in some of their other lifetimes. I am not talking about our human DNA but our soul’s heavenly golden DNA of the total accumulation of past lives.[iv] Even with this knowledge people will still be prejudiced, but possibly a seed will be planted that will bear fruit in the future.
  • Considering our children’s future and understanding that we will all reincarnate, we need to support and work towards a reversal of climate change, we need to embrace a green philosophy and we need to adopt and implement an ancient Iroquois philosophy, The Seventh Generation Principle: “In every deliberation, we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations.” The core of this philosophy holds that the decisions we make today should result in a sustainable, green world seven generations (a generation equals one hundred years) into the future. We ask each of you: begin now to make this a reality.

Coming next… Truth Part 3 – The Truth of Radical Nonduality. (It is different from nonduality.)

[i] Malcolm Godwin, Angels: An Endangered Species, 237.

[ii] The spiral is one of the oldest spiritual symbols and reflects the inward and outward consciousness of the kingdom of God and the universal pattern of growth and evolution. Spirals are common in nature and the product of phi (φ), which is also called the golden section or the golden mean. You will find more knowledge on this in my latest book: Morning Star’s Seven Steps to Spiritual Awakening.

[iii] It is not necessary to state the name of my past life and my wife’s as revealed by the visitation. The visitation along with our memoirs provides enough knowledge through our works and experiences for you to determine who we were.

So that there is no confusion, considering my experience with Spirit Man of Teotihuacán, the name I stated in my prayer was not Quetzalcóatl, but it seems most assured that one of my past incarnations was as the human named, Topiltzin Quetzalcóatl – the Morning Star.

[iv] “Two lineages: There are two bloodlines. Every human being has not only an ancestral line of the Earth but also an angelic lineage of the heavens. Our earthly bloodline flows from our parents’ ancestral lines, while our heavenly evolution stems from our previous incarnations.

“Each of us has two lineages. This is one of the reasons why there is emotional confusion surrounding the fetus and life. I have had people in their attempt to prove that the fetus is a living person state that their baby in the womb responded to various styles of music. Of course, there is an emotional attachment to the feelings of having life growing within you. Yes, it is alive, just as the heart of the mother is alive. Yet, it is not a soulful human being at this point in time. It is developing its earthly DNA lineage. It is a potential human being, as it has not as yet interpenetrated with its soulful heavenly lineage. This occurs at birth with the first breath of life, God’s breath, and the descent of the heavenly DNA, the golden dew.” (Husfelt, Do You Like Jesus – Not the Church?, 152.)



“Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” – John 8:32

It seems that the insurrecters, many of them Christians, bypassed this most basic teaching by listening to the lies of the bully and would be authoritarian/dictator—Trump.

“Ye shall know the truth…” So, what is truth? What is the measure of truth?

Truth is difficult to measure or define. We may say that truth is the property of being in accord with fact or reality. Exploring further for clarity; is information truth? Short answer is no. Information is a minefield to walk through as it has possibly been manipulated, perhaps by outright lies, to further an institutions or a person’s personal agenda.

When we clear away, through our experience of information, the explosive mines scattered throughout our “Mind Field”  do we begin to take our next step in discovering truth. This is through knowledge, which may open the door to truth and ultimately, wisdom.

The trap that has been set for all of us is through the easy accessibility of information through google, where everyone becomes an expert, and the internet. Is there truth within the web? What about the dark web? How about Social Media?

No, only information. And it is not through information, but only through knowledge that we may glimpse truth. Information may become knowledge when we have experience/experiences of that information. It is only then that information may become knowledge.

But knowledge is still not truth. Only knowledge that proceeds by observation and experience, and then, only when properly informed and guided, will knowledge reflect Truth. The beauty of truth, in turn, allows for freedom which in turn brings true peace, unalloyed bliss, and lasting happiness.

Truth shall make us free, at least for some of us. Others having been duped by listening to the lies of Trump, his cohorts, and the ridiculous QAnon, have put themselves figuratively and literally in a prison of their own making—by following the Liar in Chief, the Orange Pied Piper.

Let us awaken to Truth, Freedom, Peace, Happiness, Compassion and of course, Love; these are the delicious apples, hanging on our “tree of knowledge and truth.” And contrary to a past myth, please take a bite out of these apples.


The Red Hats are Coming… The Red Hats are Coming… The Red Hats are Coming… The Second Shot heard round the World.

For years, I was hoping I would not have to write this… at least not under these circumstances. Keep in mind that we are living in interesting, fascinating, and monumental times. A time of Reckoning.

I can’t take credit for the title – The Red Hats are Coming. This funny statement came from Stephen Colbert on the Late Show. But in reality, it isn’t funny.

Is Stephen Colbert the present day Paul Revere? I’m referring to Revere’s famous ride galloping through the night warning the countryside that the British were on the march: “The Redcoats are Coming!”  And then…

“The shot heard round the world”—a phrase that refers to the opening shot of the battles of Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775, which began the American Revolutionary War and led to the creation of the United States of America on July 4, 1776.

We’ve come full circle. And it seems right on time.

The Pluto Return of the USA 2022-2024

The US will be having what is known as its Pluto Return from 2022-2024. This means Pluto will be returning to the exact same position of the zodiac where it was on July 4, 1776.

Pluto Returns take 247 odd years to occur, so for the United States, this is the first Pluto Return it is experiencing. Pluto is the planet associated with death and rebirth. It is the force that crumbles things to ashes in order to be rebuild. On February 19, 2022, we will experience the first-ever Pluto return, a groundbreaking moment that changes the world as we know it. Since Pluto is a slow-moving planet, its effects extend over the years before and after the return, so 2020 has already set the wheels in motion for some major transformations.

Pluto is considered the Lord of the Underworld. It has the knack of exposing hidden truths, dark secrets, and the shadowy stuff. It brings the dark, hidden, and taboo up to the surface in order for it to be dealt with and faced. Pluto rules over the process of transformation. That dark night of the soul moment that then leads us into a spiritual awakening and then ultimately, a rebirth.

Pluto is going to bring a revolution of sorts. It seems that whatever intention was set for this country back on July 4, 1776, is going to be revisited.

Pluto is going to ask- What needs to change? What needs to be transformed? And what needs to be honored?

We will be forced to look back to see whether the original intention set for this country is still being upheld or if anything needs to change. We will be forced to look back and readjust in some way before we can move forward.

We may even have to revisit some of the energies that brought about the creation and need for the Declaration of Independence as well.

Because Pluto Return is occurring in the sign of Capricorn, there will be a spotlight on government, big business, authority figures, and essentially anyone in a position of great power.

A Pluto Return in Capricorn could manifest as the crumbling of the government or an established hierarchy, but it also means the building of a new one. It can lead to deep and lasting changes in the way that the country is run and governed, and the rules that citizens choose to abide by.

When the Pluto Return is officially completed, it will be like the phoenix rising from the ashes- stronger, and more awakened than before.

While the US will wrap up its Pluto Return by 2024, due to its slow movements, it may take till 2028 to truly see the metamorphosis that has taken shape.

Pluto travels through Aquarius

We will be entering a very “Aquarian” era when Pluto enters Aquarius in 2024. Pluto will spend twenty years in Aquarius.

Pluto — which brings upheaval, change, crisis, and deep transformation — was last in Aquarius from 1778 to 1798.

Here are some of the things Aquarius governs: the air/airwaves, egalitarianism, humanitarianism, new ideas, progressive thinking, the public domain, revolutions, science, technologies, and the greater good.

While the coming transit of Pluto in Aquarius won’t be a carbon copy of the previous one, we can expect similar themes.

Here is one important event that took place during Pluto’s last visit to Aquarius: The moral theory of utilitarianism (which, among other things, posits that everyone’s happiness counts equally) is introduced. Free basic education and affordable housing for low-income families are examples of utilitarian policies. At last, equality for all.

Transformation and Re-birth… And the phoenix will awaken and soar…