The Killing/Murdering of Lions.

Divine Humanity reminds us about our Divine roots, which we all share. This is our divine humanism which reminds us about the universal spiritual essence, which continues to live and travel through the universe even after the death of the body, from life to life. Through this Divine spark, and through those Divine roots we are all connected – and with this realization comes acknowledgement of our responsibility and duties towards this material world. Because in this very present moment, through each of our thoughts, actions and words, we contribute to shaping our future and our world’s future.

Having said this, detach from any religion that sanctions murder and the killing of innocents.

And speaking of murder and killing, such as the excruciating events unfolding in Afghanistan, we have the killing/murder of nonhuman divine beasts—lions. But there is no greater killer/murderer than humans letting their beasts within loose with free reign to cause mayhem, havoc, and death.

As you might have guessed from my posts/videos of lions, they hold a special place within my heart. Not only was I named at Machu Picchu in 1988, the Big Cat That Flies, but my Vedic astrology sun sign is Leo, and our current cats Loki and Bella. Included in my heart is my jaguar spirit. Both big and small cats are precious to Sher and me.

The killing/murdering of lions.

The rational of murdering wolves was greed/money. Lions are not just for money, but just for the sheer wicked hell of so-called hunters looking for trophies to hang on the wall.

“To satisfy high demand, African lions are killed for their claws, teeth, and bones. When a poacher looks at these noble creatures, all they see are parts for jewelry, fake medicine, and even wine. In a horrific March incident in Uganda, poachers poisoned and dismembered six lions in Queen Elizabeth National Park.”

O.K.…. they want to kill/murder lions, let them do what the Maasai do. The Maasai are renowned for their warrior spirit, and in the past young Maasai warriors had to kill a male lion with a spear to become a man—a rite of passage.

So, if you want to kill/murder a lion for a trophy or for its body parts, no problem as long as you hunt the lion with a spear.

Roots of Atrocity – Blind Righteousness: Taliban

In my mind, any special “book, which is deemed the absolute word of God,” as well as the resultant faith and dogma that flows from this book, is the breeding ground for a fundamentalists and an extremist view of life. This reality results in extreme beliefs that justify certain behaviors and actions, such as the subjection and domination of women and children. These beliefs and behaviors are justified based on interpretations of passages within a holy book—the one book, supposedly, that is the unquestionable-resolute word of God.

A perfect picture of this is the Taliban in Afghanistan. With their control of the country, we are witnessing the return of their interpretation of Islamic religious law—sharia law. In Arabic it has an interesting meaning. Sharia means “the clear, well-trodden path to water.” In practice, it is understood, interpreted and applied differently around the world. To the Taliban, their interpretation of sharia law results in the oppression and control of women and children

Another historic example is the corrupt interpretation of Jihad. It’s meaning has been hijacked and corrupted into a twisted and destructive construct of war and power. To justify actions people will translate Jihad as holy war, “but a more accurate translation is holy struggle. Islamic scholars say the term holy war was actually coined in Europe during the Crusades to mean a war against the Muslims.”

Mohammad’s original concept of Jihad concerned an inner struggle; the spiritual “struggle” within that all people face—the battle within ourselves against our inner demons, past woundings, and dysfunctional behaviors that do not serve ourselves, others, or the greater good. This is the true meaning of Jihad as “a sincere and noticeable effort (for good); an all true and unselfish striving for spiritual good…. Jihad as presented in the Quran and any of the other scriptures implies the striving of spiritual good. This Jihad particularly involves change in one’s self and mentality….” (Husfelt, Do You Like Jesus—Not the Church?)

In my mind, the true meaning of Jihad is a principle of transformation; an inward struggle to spiritually grow and to do the right things in life. If we conduct original Jihad, then our actions are based on spiritual growth and an inner knowing of what is right and what is wrong. Thus, we would never walk into a crowd of people, strangers or friends, and detonate a bomb strapped to our chest.

On the other hand, if our actions are not based on our inner truth, but based on a mullah’s interpretation of Jihad from their “holy book,” then the “gates of hell” open resulting in the murder of innocents all in the name of their religion—their God.

When a book, holy or otherwise, becomes the source of our truth, actions, and our reality, then we have opened a Pandora’s Box of illusion and a gateway into a self-imposed prison of blind righteousness. We have given birth to a twisted view of life, as we spread the seeds of extremism, fundamentalism, distrust, xenophobia, fear, unhealthy ego, and blind righteousness.

Blind righteousness is extremely dangerous—it is the breeding ground of the extremists’ and the fundamentalists’ actions and beliefs. It is the fertile playing field of racism, dogmatism, sexism, fanaticism, fundamentalism and terrorism, which has resulted down through history in so many atrocities that it would take reams of paper to even list a fraction of the events and the subsequent suffering that these atrocities caused.

Blind obedience to a book, any leader such as ex-President Trump, or any religion’s doctrine or dogma, without first searching for truth within our heart, is terribly wrong and has caused and still causes terrible suffering and pain on this beautiful planet earth.

What is needed on this planet is heart righteousness. In other words, following one’s heart and truth based on experience, intuition, and reason. Only you can determine what is within your heart and what is truth. This righteousness is your authentic spirituality and is the essence of your inner light and holiness. It is the devotion to your destiny and path. It is not blindly following a religion or a person. Only you can determine what is proper and correct for you based on compassion, forgiveness, and divine love.

Heart righteousness is based on natural law and encourages a green philosophy, love (oneness), equality, compassion, courage, truth, and a lifestyle based on Gnóthi Seautón (Know Thyself), Meden Agan (Nothing in Excess/Moderation), and Metron Ariston (Right Measure/Balance) in all things.






Nature Smiles

The following is excerpted from Morning Star’s Seven Steps to Spiritual Awakening: A Book of Love in the Time of COVID – 19, A Mindful Guide to Love, Life, and Unity During and After the Pandemic (available on Amazon and BookBaby) Our book will help you awaken and to embrace a Green Philosophy for the wellbeing of others and the earth:

Nature Smiles

Eddie Pu, a Hawaiian friend of ours, taught me how to swim with the sharks. Eddie expressed the Aloha spirit and was called “Smiling Eddie” due to his eternal smile. His smiling, he explained, reflected nature. “When the wind blows, the leaves are waving—they’re smiling. When you throw a rock into a pool and the ripples go out—the water is smiling. That’s the energy. That’s what I call my energy.”

Listening to Eddie, let your smile reflect the energy of nature. The next time the wind blows, watch the leaves smile, and smile back. Feel, embrace, and be this loving energy of nature.


Kalehuamakanoelulu’unonapali is the Hawaiian name of Margaret Machado, Auntie Margaret, given to her by her grandfather before she was born. She was the one that carried on her family’s tradition of lomilomi, traditional Hawaiian massage. Auntie Margaret, who reminded me of my grandmother, was the only authentic Hawaiian kupuna licensed by the state of Hawaii to train therapists in lomilomi. She was one of the few people who got away with calling me Jimmy. I chuckled to myself as I recalled her strong hands as she poked my jaw at the hinge point.

“That hurt,” I said, wincing in pain.

“Of course, Jimmy,” she replied. “You’re holding your stress there.”


Auntie Margaret believed in love and forgiveness. She would tell her students, “when you go out to pick herbs, pray; when you prepare them, pray; when you give them, pray. Your patient going to get well.

“And the secret part of it is that before the sun goes down you ho’oponopono, you search your heart. Ho’oponopono meaning we empty all ourselves and ask for forgiveness before the sun goes down. You can’t go to sleep with a troubled mind or troubled heart. You feel good because you’re open minded.”

Friday the Thirteenth

Thirteen is lucky and soulful. My wife and soulmate, whom I met at thirteen, has been my partner once again with her love and support through a journey I would not have wanted to take without her by my side.

But why is Friday the thirteenth viewed as unlucky? Before the domination of the patriarchal, Friday the 13th was considered the day of the Goddess. It was considered a day to worship the Divine Feminine and to honor the cycles of creation and death and rebirth.

In ancient cultures, the number 13 represented femininity, because it corresponded to the number of lunar (menstrual) cycles in a year (13 x 28 = 364 days). Thirteen has an association with reincarnation but is also heavily associated with the solar system. In Arthurian legend, it is said that Merlin is buried with 13 Treasures of Britain. In Norse mythology, an honorary dinner is held for the 13 Gods. There are 13 lunar months in the year, which led the Maya and the Hebrews to consider 13 as auspicious.

The theory is that, as the solar calendar triumphed over the lunar, the number thirteen became abhorrent. But we can see how the patriarchal is stupid with their need to dominate the matriarchal.

The ancients came up with the thirteen symbolism because of the celestial motion of the Sun and the Moon. The Moon travels an average of 13 degrees a day and there are 13 weeks between the equinoxes and the solstices.

The equinoxes and the solstices, of course, signify the changing of the seasons, whereby, the end – or death – of one season enters into a new season, a cycle of new beginnings.

Interestingly enough, the 13th letter of the English alphabet is M, which in ancient Hebrew is spelt Mem meaning mother. In Egypt the word for water is Moo. The divine mother is associated with water (and the Moo-n), as all life begins in water.

And then there is our dollar bill. What conclusion may you come from knowing the following?

On the front, the Eagle to the right has 13 tail feathers and is clutching 13 arrows in one talon and an olive leaf with 13 branches and 13 berries on the other.

Above the Eagle’s head are 13 stars, representing the 13 original states of America following the signing of the Independence. On the Eagle’s breast is a shield with thirteen stripes and in its beak is a ribbon with the motto “E pluribus unum” which has 13 letters.


The following is excerpted from Tequila and Chocolate, The Adventures of the Morning Star and Soulmate, a Memoir:

Friday is the day honoring the Goddess – Venus. And Friday the thirteenth is an auspicious time to honor the Goddess and Venus. Venus is the brightest object in our sky outside of the sun and moon. The indigenous people of the world always held Venus in awe. A cycle of Venus begins with its first morning star appearance every 584 days. There are five of these cycles occurring every eight years. This gives the Sun and Venus an 8:5 relationship which equals 8/5 or 1.6, which is the Golden Mean (the Divine Proportion). The Golden Mean is the irrational number of 1.618034 endlessly repeating to infinity. Could this be a hint of life everlasting? A truth of immortality staring us directly in the face? As above so below.

Additionally, five and eight are Fibonacci numbers where each progressed number is the sum of the two previous ones i.e., 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 and so forth. In other words, Venus cycles of eight plus five add up to thirteen symbolizing Love and Power.


The following is excerpted from my book Do You Like Jesus – Not the Church? Jesus: His True Message Not the Lie of Christianity:

There are twenty-two basic letters in the Hebrew alphabet (or alephbet). Each letter in the Hebrew alphabet has a numerical value. The letter mem is the thirteenth letter, with a value of forty. The totality of the knowledge of mem is one of the keys to understanding the overwhelming use of the number forty within the Bible. This is a complete study in itself. But briefly, I will point out the highlights of the reasoning behind forty. Mem is the symbol of water and is one of the three mother or primary letters of the alphabet, the other two being aleph and shin. Looking below the surface, mem symbolizes “womb” and as “Mother” holds within itself the potential for new life. Mem is divine transformation. The Hebrew words for “one” (echad, implying a unity in diversity) and “love” (ahavah) both have the numerical value of thirteen. Furthermore, during our study we must not lose sight of the power of thirteen. Thirteen is the number that purifies, cleanses, and bonds multiplicity into oneness. From thirteen comes the birth of spirit.

Within the letter mem, the secret knowledge of oneness and love is to be found. Therefore, wherever you find forty in the Bible, such as “forty days in the wilderness,” understand that the hidden meaning refers to an unknown period where the death of the unhealthy ego occurs, resulting in a victory of spirit. It is “divine transformation through purification (sanctification), oneness, and love.”


I Am a Philosopher

Over the years, I’ve been asked the question: what was my form of philosophy?   Many times, it felt like a challenge. My usual response would be, “I am a spiritual/religious philosopher.” A simple answer that doesn’t really answer the question. The answer is more extensive and in the past I’ve begun to explain and can see and feel the eyes glazing over and the mind chattering.

If you asked me a different question such as “what is life?”  I would respond with a simple philosophical answer of one word—love. Continuing on if you ask, “what is the meaning of life?” Once again, love. This love is the love of Oneness or Unity. When you love someone or something, you feel a oneness with the person or a thing such as nature. Marriage is love and this love is not discriminatory. Who loves another is not to be determined or condemned by any religion. Marriage is love—oneness. The marriage of a male and female, the marriage of a male and male, the marriage of a female and a female are based on the same love of unity, oneness. When this love begins to diminish, the unity is no longer there, even the word we use reflects what has happened to the love of oneness. The word is separation. This philosophy of love has many ripples one being equality. As one, we are all equal.

So, what type of philosopher am I?

My discipline is Ontology and Metaphysics, which deals with such abstract subjects as cosmology, theology, the nature of being and epistemology, which is the science concerned primarily with the nature of knowledge itself and the question of whether it may exist in an absolute form.

To name a few of my philosophical theories in a few words. You will discover more extensive explanations of these theories scattered throughout my books:

Theory/Knowledge/Proof: Radical Nondualism – Divine Humanity

Theory/Knowledge/Proof: Interconnection and Interpenetration of Consciousness throughout the Seen and Unseen Universe

Theory/Knowledge/Proof: Sacred Power of Stones

Theory: Reflective Reality

Theory: No Big Bang—a Reflection.

Theory/Knowledge/Proof: Reincarnation

Theory of Soulful Life – Original Divinity






Delta – You Need Courage and Heart

I asked in a previous post discussing some people’s refusal to wear a mask and be vaccinated: what happened to “love thy neighbor?”

It seems that the reason and their answer is “freedom and choice,” which “trumps” Love.

According to Paul Krugman, syndicated columnist, “’Freedom,’ Florida and the delta-variant disaster, in an August 4th Seattle Times article”: what the right means when it talks about “freedom” is a matter of personal “choice.” Additionally, when the right talk about “freedom” what they actually mean is closer to “defense of privilege — specifically the right of certain people (generally white male Christians) to do whatever they want.

Freedom and Choice: if the right is not hypocritical then this means that all women have freedom and choice. In other words, the right to choose an abortion!

But they are all hypocrites.

Let us not lose sight of that truth. We have lived over the centuries in a society and culture with the paradigm of male domination. As I relate in Do You Like Jesus – Not the Church? (available on Amazon) concerning male dominance and climate change:

Philosophically and practically, it makes sense that “the Earth is female, reflecting the consonance between nature’s fecundity and the fertility of women.” Millennia ago, the earth as divine Mother was acknowledged and honored as truth. This was a time when a human’s consciousness was one of partnership with nature, not one of domination. This predominator mind recognized “our oneness with all of nature” and “was far advanced beyond today’s environmentally destructive ideology.” Both men and women worked together in equality and partnership for the well-being of society and the community.

As the wheel of time turned, things changed, and not for the better—for humanity or for the earth. The goddess traditions were gradually replaced with a paradigm of male domination in all areas of life. The serpent honored by the earth-based religions as a symbol of wisdom, prophecy, and death and rebirth was slowly transformed into an image of evilness by the Jewish scribes’ editing of Moses’s oral teachings and traditions and by the liars of Pauline Christianity.

It is a fact of history that the earth and women have lived under male domination for thousands of years and have suffered, emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually the consequences of this domination. If you dominate women, you feel entitled to dominate the earth, as the earth, or nature, symbolizes the feminine. The religious dualistic paradigms of the day put forth and endorse the belief that men are superior to woman and rule the earth and all its creatures. This results in the gates of hell opening to social, economic, and ecological servitude, abuse, death, and destruction by justifying any patterns of behavior toward the dominated. One of the primary means of domination is control of wealth, bodies, reproductive health, and sexual activity.


The delta variant might be the most contagious virus that we’ve ever seen in living memory. We are all equal and all individually unique. This uniqueness includes not only the strength of our heart and mind but also, the strength of our immune system. And this is the purpose of vaccinations: support and strengthen our innate immune ability.

What the anti-maskers, anti-vaxxers, anti-science, and seemly ones with a lack of common sense, aren’t aware of is that the immune system is plastic. Plastic?  What we are talking about is the unity or oneness of mind and body.

Recent compelling evidence has shown that the emotional and immunological systems share more than a similarity of functions.

Studies over the last few decades have provided sufficient evidence for similarities and overlaps between the immune and emotional responses. The majority of living beings use both systems to adjust dynamically to the ever-changing conditions of the external environment. Both systems can either be protective for the body if kept under control or detrimental to it when they are in disarray.

It seems that the immune and emotional systems mirror each other and both the immunological and emotional responses are dynamic and continuously changing.

This points us to the fact that that both the emotional and immune systems are highly “plastic.” The term plasticity has been used to indicate the ability to change and adjust continuously depending on the external factors or living conditions.

In other words, adopt a healthier diet, develop a stable emotional intelligence, improve one’s socioeconomic conditions, and ceasing unhealthy habits such as drinking, or smoking have all been reported to be beneficial for both the emotional and immunological responses.

Innate immune cells are “extroverted,” as they are always looking out for something new coming from the outside world and continuously engage with the external environment.

Adaptive immune cells have an “introverted personality” because of their increased concern about creating an inner experience of life events, especially if they have been deleterious for the host. This is what immunologists call immunological memory. Innate and adaptive immune cells both work toward trying to adjust the body to accommodate the requests of the external and the internal environments.

Conscientiousness implies a desire to do a task well, and to take obligations to others seriously. Most important to us, the personality trait of a person who shows an awareness of the impact that their own behavior has on those around them increases their immunity.

And there is a consistent association between conscientiousness and a reduced inflammatory response.

Research has shown that chronic inflammation is associated with heart disease, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, and bowel diseases like Crohn’s disease.

The bottom line: be healthy and conscientious – mask-up and get vaccinated.

Flip Books Spiritual Training

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Flip Book Comments: Loved the photos/images and the layout with quotes and key phrases on the top of page. The content and material is dense and rich, with deep spiritual philosophies and insights…there is so much information just within those fourteen pages. The images that you chose are teachings within themselves and add to the value and content of your words.

Thank you for your support.

Rev. Dr. JC Husfelt and Rev. Sherry Husfelt

Flip Books

Spiritual Awakening – Know Thyself: “Those who know others are wise. Those who know themselves are enlightened.” 12 pages.

Embrace a Green Philosophy: “E Malama – To take care of, tend, care for, preserve, protect… Mother Nature” 8 pages






Mother Nature is beautiful

Mother Nature is beautiful, awe inspiring, and powerful as demonstrated by a story from November 1992 in our memoirs – Tequila and Chocolate:

In the next few minutes, we crossed another rise in the road and there in front of us was Tutu Pele in all her glory creating earth with fire while surrendering to the power of Grandmother Ocean: the blending of fire and water.

The sky had a reddish glow, a glow that would welcome the dawn. The scene was hard to describe in words: the colors of red, orange, and yellow all surrounded by the blue-blacks of the ending night. We were witnessing an ultimate act of creation and the primal power of the elements. As we parked our caravan by the barriers that mark the limit of vehicle access to the lava flow, the quiet was broken only by the occasional gust of wind. The quiet paid tribute to the sacredness of the moment and the sacredness of the new-born earth! I felt enigmatic, as if I’d been thrust into the womb of creation. With a vortex of emotions—love, fear, and others indescribable—all surging through me, I approached the actual lava, still hot, still in its infancy. Sherry, standing beside me, reverently bent down to touch the cooling lava. Moved to tears, she looked up at me and said, “This is baby earth.”

The blue-blacks of early morning had given way to first light. In the dawn of a new day a circle of blue sky appeared over us while all else was still enveloped in a swirling dark mass of storm clouds.

Where we were standing, the sky had opened up in a circle honoring us with the blueness of heaven. At that same moment, twin rainbows appeared acclaiming our connection to heaven and Earth and acknowledging the love and power of our journey.

Respect and Love Mother Nature

“Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads. Nature is full of genius, full of the divinity, so that not a snowflake escapes its fashioning hand.” (Morning Star’s Seven Steps to Spiritual Awakening)

The most effective way to create and sustain universal harmony is to develop an environment of clarity, compassion, tolerance, and acceptance where our consciousness manifests a reverence for all life. With our senses being aware of all that surrounds us, we embrace our own inner divinity along with the sacred essence of Mother Nature.

Celebrating Mother Nature we honor, love, bless, and revere the earth, Sun, Moon, planets and stars as the cosmic powers that sustain our every breath—a universal Mother Nature. The universe (Mother Nature) and oneself are essential one. We are within the universe (Mother Nature) and universe (Mother Nature) is within us.

Each of us may embrace our own wishes and goals, opening our hearts to the abundance, love, beauty, and happiness that the universal Mother Nature offers to all.

Seeking and experiencing our own inner divinity bestows us with universal power, enhancing us with a profound conviction and empowered inspiration to fulfill our inner destiny. Each birth is a unique universal gift with a definite purpose that must be followed with conviction, supported with reasoning, clarity, love, and compassion.

Nature’s mysticism turns our darkness into light, bringing out numerous colors of bliss reflected through the mirage of our worldly existence. She is within the beautiful bird song as they awaken us to a new day. She is the lovely expression of spring, the warmth of a radiant summer, the tantalizing colors of deep autumn and the white covering of winter’s luminous snowfall. Nature’s seasons epitomize time touching birth, growth, decay, and death in their inevitable beauty.

Love nature, discover the wisdom of bees. They have been the sacred soulful guide for humanity for time immortal. Their hum, referred to as the voice of the goddess, vibrates a song of sweetness and life that mirrors a paradise of innocence and love. And the gift of the bees—honey and life.