Women, Religion, and Nature


Excerpted from: Do You Like Jesus – Not the Church? Jesus: His True Message Not the Lie of Christianity.

There is great value in the world. Our world of everyday experience is the world of the divine. They are not separate. The cry of a crow is the sound of the divine. The daily chorus of beauty freely given to us by the winged ones reflects the heavenly music of the spheres. Our ordinary world provides us with an ongoing message of beauty, of spirit. But we need to listen—with quiet minds and hearts.

Nature is wondrous, a precious gem to embrace, and one not to be found within your smartphone, chasing Pokémon, or in your iPad. Your choice—wake up to the beauty of nature and each other, or stay asleep in a self-contained, secure illusion of life.

Philosophically and practically, it makes sense that “the Earth is female, reflecting the consonance between nature’s fecundity and the fertility of women.”[i] Millennia ago, the earth as divine Mother was acknowledged and honored as truth. This was a time when a human’s consciousness was one of partnership with nature, not one of domination. This predominator mind recognized “our oneness with all of nature”[ii] and “was far advanced beyond today’s environmentally destructive ideology.”[iii] Both men and women worked together in equality and partnership for the well-being of society and the community.

As the wheel of time turned, things changed, and not for the better—for humanity or for the earth. The goddess traditions were gradually replaced with a paradigm of male domination in all areas of life. The serpent honored by the earth-based religions as a symbol of wisdom, prophecy, and death and rebirth was slowly transformed into an image of evilness by the Jewish scribes’ editing of Moses’s oral teachings and traditions and by the liars of Pauline Christianity.

Women and religion would seem to be a natural mix. But that has not been the case on earth for thousands of years. ”Even that enlightened being, Gautama the Buddha, when he was finally forced to allow women monks into his company, sadly declared that his real living message, which would have lasted 2500 years without women, would not survive longer than 500 after all.

“According to some Islamic theologians women can’t enter Paradise and should not receive religious instruction. There are still many orthodox mosques which retain the signs, ‘women, dogs and other impure animals are not permitted to enter.’

“The Jains of India, while they have many women among their monks, do not believe a woman can become enlightened, unless she takes a male body in her last reincarnation. Orthodox Hindus will not allow women in some of their temples and no woman is allowed if she has her period.

“But no religion, even today, is so tyrannical and unjust to women as the Christian church, Roman or Reformed. In its entire history there is not a single case in which women are accepted as equals to men.”[iv]

Therefore, it is a fact of history that the earth and women have lived under male domination for thousands of years and have suffered, emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually, the consequences of this domination. If you dominate women, you feel entitled to dominate the earth, as the earth, or nature, symbolizes the feminine. If the religious dualistic paradigms of the day put forth and endorse the belief that men are superior to woman and rule the earth and all its creatures, the gate of hell on earth flies open to social, economic, and ecological servitude, abuse, death, and destruction by justifying any patterns of behavior toward the dominated. One of the primary means of domination is control of wealth, bodies, reproductive health, and sexual activity.

The church, the mosque, and the temple have all relegated females and the earth to a lesser status in regard to the rules and authority of males— the mandate that is supposedly God-given. Under this mandate, the rape of the earth, overseen by the patriarchal, capitalist religious or industrial czars, is acceptable—all approved by their god of power and greed.[v] What subconscious message does this mandate give to males?

There are multitudes of examples of the male-dominated religions controlling, or is it dominating, women’s bodies, reproductive health, and sexual activity. These range from the covering of the head or female body in Islam[vi] to the condemnation of birth control as a sin by the Catholic Church.

Females were not the only ones dominated by the church and government. Conquered indigenous cultures faced cultural and spiritual annihilation and forced domination of minds and bodies. One example of the church- and government- sanctioned domination of male bodies by other males was the practice of cutting off the long hair of captured Native American warriors.

Their long hair, just like that of the Spartans and other warrior cultures, was a symbol of their spiritual and physical power—to cut it was a symbolic act of castration.

Today, the corporate culture has once again castrated males by encouraging no head hair just a “shave-looked” mentality! Power and control willingly given over to the corporate/government masters…

Furthermore, injustice and enslavement is the doctrine of Islam that requires females to cover their hair and in some causes their entire body. But this subject is for another day.

Keep in mind; I am against all paradigms of control and domination such as Capitalism, Islam, and Christianity. And for Christianity … I have a special soul vendetta against them and their Lie.

[i] Brian Leigh Molyneaux, The Sacred Earth, 10.

[ii] Riane Eisler, The Chalice & the Blade, 75.

[iii] Ibid., 75.

[iv] Malcolm Godwin, The Holy Grail, 212.

[v] “According to a new report by Rainforest Action Network the banking sector is a major source of climate disruption, perpetuating the reliance on dirty energy sources and enabling polluters. The report states that despite the fact that the insurance industry has identified climate change as a significant risk of loss, banks like Bank of America and JPMorgan Chase continue to invest in polluting energy industries like coal at the expense of renewables like wind and solar.

“The big banks will do whatever the big banks need to do to turn a profit. And that usually comes at the greatest cost to middle class lives and livelihoods. In that respect Hurricane Sandy is a little like the foreclosure crisis: both were created by Wall Street and in both Wall Street has somehow managed to escape accountability” (Jessica Pieklo, “How the Big Banks Helped Cause Hurricane Sandy,” November 1, 2012, http://www.care2.com/causes/how-the-big-banks-helped-cause-hurricane-sandy.html).

[vi] “Australia’s most prominent Islamic cleric vowed Thursday to stand strong against widespread outrage over his description of women who don’t wear head scarves as ‘uncovered meat’ who invite rape” (Rohan Sullivan, “Rape Comment by Islamic Cleric Stirs Up a Storm,” Seattle Times, October 27, 2006, A15).


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