Never think that you are alone…


The unseen worlds and the seen world permeate each other in a blending of totality,[i] which means that you may be in the presence of an angel or other “hidden ones” and not know it. Otherworldly beings are hidden in the Otherworld (Implicate Order) until they unfold according to the late physicist David Bohm, a colleague of Albert Einstein.

“David Bohm’s most significant contribution to science is his interpretation of the nature of physical reality, which is rooted in his theoretical investigations, especially quantum theory and relativity theory. Bohm postulates that the ultimate nature of physical reality is not a collection of separate objects (as it appears to us), but rather it is an undivided whole that is in perpetual dynamic flux. For Bohm, the insights of quantum mechanics and relativity theory point to a universe that is undivided and in which all parts ‘merge and unite in one totality.’ This undivided whole is not static but rather in a constant state of flow and change….

“Bohm calls this flow the holomovement – holo, meaning holographic-like, and movement suggesting dynamism and process…. In other words, the nature of reality is a single unbroken wholeness in flowing movement. So, everything is connected and everything is in dynamic flux.

“Bohm proposes that the holomovement consists of two fundamental aspects: the explicate order and the implicate order…. what we call matter is merely an apparent manifestation of the explicate order of the holomovement…. In other words, the explicate order is the manifest realm; it is the physical space-time universe in which we live. This explicate order is the surface appearance of a much greater enfolded or implicate order, most of which is hidden. Thus, the implicate order is the unseen, or the unmanifest realm.

“It’s tempting, perhaps, to think of the explicate order as the primary reality, and the implicate order as a subtle secondary reality. For Bohm, precisely the opposite is the case. The fundamental primary reality is the implicate order, and the explicate order is but a set of ripples on the surface of the implicate order. So that which we can see and feel and touch is merely the waves on the surface of reality, which is a vast ocean of implicate order.

“Contemporary physics and, indeed, most of science deals with explicate orders and structures only, which is why physics has encountered such great difficulty in explaining a variety of phenomena that Bohm would say arise from the implicate order….”[ii]

I know and was witness to the proof of Bohm’s theories.[iii] Additionally, my wife and twelve of our apprentices were also witness to the proof of his theories with the physical appearance of three angels (immense pillars of light). Their appearance was due to one of my prayers and for the angels to respond while in the implicate order (Otherworld), they would have to have received the information from me in the explicate order.

Additionally, after an intense, unusual storm, (a purification of our area of the explicate order) they were present in the afternoon but hidden[iv] from us while they were still in a layer of the implicate order. It was only in the evening that they became visible to us in the explicate order. In Bohm’s terms—until they unfolded.

Take comfort; you are never alone….

[i] Radical Nonduality


[iii] The complete story of the Visitation is recorded in Do You Like Jesus—Not the Church?

[iv] One of our apprentices took a picture of me during the day while we finished building the stone death spiral. No one saw what the camera picked up. The picture is not of pillars of light. It is an intense and immense light off to my left in the woods with two globes of light suspended above. The light has a shape almost like a sword in its center with golden rays coming off of it. It’s been verified that it is not a reflection of the lens of the instant camera that took the picture. This is the picture on the cover of Do You Like Jesus—Not the Church?

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