50th Anniversary Earth Day

One Earth… One Humanity… the Earth is Love – A Green Philosophy.

Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.

– Albert Einstein

The following is excerpted from Tequila and Chocolate: The Adventures of the Morning Star and Soulmate and the forthcoming Morning Star’s Seven Steps to Spiritual Awakening: The Mindful Guide to Life and Stress Reduction.

We believe and live a Green Philosophy. This is an egalitarian philosophy of humanity’s partnership with the seen and unseen things of the Earth and nature. Humans are part of nature, not at the center of nature. Furthermore, society has lost many of the values treasured by past indigenous cultures, such as a partnership with nature, truth telling, and elder/ancestor respect and honor. We need to discover meaning in life, not accumulate money and material things. The equality of men and women as well as the equality of all things—as all have the starlight/divine spark within them—needs to be reinstated. These and other lost values need to be reinstated throughout this Earth. Nature needs to be respected, loved and cared for by humanity. We need to be partners in relationship with nature, not its stewards. We need your help. We would ask that you join us on this Earth Day embracing a Green Philosophy of life and spread this knowledge to others.

Green Man

A commonly accepted word for humanity’s connection to nature is the mythic “Green Man.” However; it is my belief that a more appropriate name would be the “Green Woman” or the “Green Human.” I will still use the commonly accepted term with the realization that the concept refers not to the male or female sex exclusively, but to humanity at large.

The Green Man symbolizes fertility, eternity, death and rebirth. The archetypical Green Man may be visualized as a human face peering through vegetation or possibly as a mystical mixture of human form and vegetation merging into each other. This imagery of the Green Man symbolizes a portal to the Otherworld, a connection between humanity and nature. The Green Man is that spirit, energy, and presence inherent in every cell of the vegetative realm and transmitted to the animal/human realms through the foods we eat, the flowers we smell, the trees we hug.

The Green Man calls us to learn from the earth. When the earth is our teacher, we will be drawn more fully to honor, nourish and protect her. “Steering our way from destroying ourselves will take a level of knowledge that surpasses the knowledge we have had before. So the Green Man echoes Einstein’s thoughts: ‘No problem can be solved at the level of consciousness that created it;’ and ‘Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.’

“Nature is our teacher not merely in physical form, but is also completely at one with our inner being. The Green Man symbolizes this unity of inner nature and Mother Nature. As Emerson says, ‘Nature is the symbol of the spirit.’ By learning to be enlightened readers of nature’s sacred manuscript, we can attune our hearts to know how to take care of the Earth. As we each awaken to our true nature within, we can spread and share the consciousness of the Green Man, and bring compassion and caring to the Earth.”[i]

The Music of Trees 

dod yn ol at fy nghoed

Welsh phrase meaning “to return to a balanced state of mind” – Translates literally as “to return to my trees.”

The standing sentinels of our world whose roots bury deep within the body of the Great Mother and whose bare or green-covered branches reach towards the sky provide life and beauty for all. The grandeur Sher and I have experienced on forested mountain tops and in verdant valleys has brought us joy and peace of mind and memories that are priceless.

Trees, like all other things, are conscious and aware. In fact, they communicate with each other and will listen to our words and thoughts. “Two decades ago, while researching her doctoral thesis, ecologist Suzanne Simard discovered that trees communicate their needs and send each other nutrients via a network of latticed fungi buried in the soil – in other words, she found they ‘talk’ to each other. Since then, Simard, now at the University of British Columbia, has pioneered further research into how trees converse, including how these fungal filigrees help trees send warning signals about environmental change, search for kin, and transfer their nutrients to neighboring plants before they die.”[ii]

It seems that few humans understand the impact of the gifts that trees provide to the Earth and humanity, and intrinsically, every tree has its own unique song. A vibrational and harmonic essence of its “soul”—an eternal divine starlight of perfection. To discover a tree’s song, first we must believe that trees have consciousness. Second, we dialogue with the tree, bless it and become familiar with each other. Dialogue is not only verbal but with images in our mind that matches our words. This needs to happen for a period, possibly weeks or months before the tree is open to share its song.

To discover the song, bless and honor the tree, kiss the tree, and hug it. Ask permission if it is willing to share its song with you. If so, then sit at its base with your back and head on its trunk, quiet your mind and listen…. Listen and then begin humming its song… when complete, thank and bless the tree stating that you will honor it by singing/humming its song on a regular basis. Finally, gift something back to the tree. And do not forget the tree, bless it, its song, and its essence and presence every so often.

[i] H. Talat Halman, Ph.D., “The Green Man Symbol of Our Care for Mother Earth,” http://www.sevenpillarshouse.org/article/the_green_man/

[ii] Diane Toomey, “Exploring How and Why Trees ‘Talk’ to Each Other,” Yale Environment 360, September 1, 2016 (https://e360.yale.edu/features/exploring_how_and_why_trees_talk_to_each_other).

Keep the Measure

Ancient knowledge and wisdom never dies. The echo of ancient knowledge needs to be heard once again. One small segment of ancient Greek  knowledge is connected to ancient Delphi and the Pythagoreans. It is the Delphic maxim “keep the measure.” There are a multitude of meanings and teachings connected with this maxim. One meaning is very relevant for this age of COVID-19 . The meaning: “measure everything before you act.”

But…  will it… be done…

Every Day is Sacred

The following is excerpted from Do You Like Jesus—Not the Church?, Jesus: His True Message – Not the Lie of Christianity.

Now that we are passed the “lie” of Easter, I would encourage each of you to discover the magic of numbers. For instance, three (sacred) plus four (mundane) equals seven—the number of days in our week. Each day of our week is then the unity of the sacred and mundane. This truth reveals to us our need to have each day be a time of sacred reverence, not just Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, but every day. And the best place to spend this sacred time is in nature.

In this age of COVID-19, ditch the church and organized religion and spend contemplative time in the sacredness of nature.

Tau—the Cross of Resurrection

Tau—the Cross of Resurrection , excerpted from Do You Like Jesus—Not the Church? Jesus: His True Message Not the Lie of Christianity.

“I am the Alpha (Al) and Omega (Taw)…the bright Morning Star.”[i] These two statements have caused confusion and misinterpretation. In simple terms, “alpha and omega” means in ancient Hebrew, “the power (al) of new beginnings (taw).” The first is the last and the last is the first. Alpha is contained within omega. Alpha is the first and omega is the last letter of the Greek alphabet, while aleph or al is the first and tau or taw is the last letter of the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Aleph also represents unity as well as power, and tau may also represent the perfection of creation. In simple terms, alpha and omega means in ancient Hebrew, “the power of new beginnings.”

The morning star is Venus in its morning phase and symbolizes rebirth. It is the star of hope and enlightenment. The sun and the moon, the two great eyes of God, represent the male and female dualities of the oneness of God, but the morning star—the planet Venus—as the most brilliant star in the heavens, signifies God’s Spirit. This Holy Spirit, symbolized by the divine dove of Venus, brings balance to the dualities of life, resulting in a spiritual wholeness or a holiness of existence.

This balance resulting in a holiness of existence is to be found within the symbology of the Tau and the cross. Originally, the Tau was known as the Egyptian cross and “was used in the Bacchic and Eleusinian Mysteries. Symbol of the dual generative power, it was laid upon the breast of the initiate, after his ‘new birth’ was accomplished, and the Mystae[ii] had returned from their baptism in the sea… The Tau was a magic talisman at the same time as a religious emblem.”[iii]

To the ancient Hebrews, the staff, column, and tree of life are all related to the Tau Cross. The Tau Cross shows us the human spirit bound to the cross of matter and is our crucifixion tree of suffering. We only suffer if we are locked within a dualistic, illusionary world of sensory gratification and materialism. Awakening from our egocentric sleep, our cross is no longer needed as one of crucifixion but is replaced and transformed from our tree of pure and impure into our tree of life and wisdom. Our tree of life now contains the wisdom of the radical nonduality of pure and impure or defilement and purity, just as the pure lotus grows within the “mud” of life. Since the “trees” are internal, the radical nonduality is of our body (heart) and mind and not external in any religion’s dogma surrounding what is pure and impure, such as the religious segregation of men and women, doctrine against abortion or same-sex marriage, or dietary restrictions: “It is not the thing that enters the mouth that defiles a man, but the thing that proceeds from the mouth that defiles a man.”[iv]

One step further, if we look to the hidden knowledge of the tarot, we discover the twenty-second card—the World. It is related to the Hebrew letter tav with a numerical value of four hundred. This numerical value, “the number 4 with the two ciphers, symbolizes in number mysticism the whole material Creation, the entire universe with the Creator, with GOD.”[v]

We may then realize Tau as the symbolic representation of the divine human where “I and the Father are one” (John 10:30).

[i] This is paraphrased from Revelation 22:13 and 22:16.

[ii] Ancient term for initiates.

[iii] H. P. Blavatsky, Isis Unveiled, 254.

[iv] Matthew 15:11 (Aramaic Bible in Plain English [2007]).

[v] Elisabeth Haich, Wisdom of the Tarot, 167.

A Voyage of the Soul

Welcome pilgrim, to a voyage of the soul. If you will, please consider stepping aboard my dragon ship—a Drakkar… I am the Capt’n and your guide through this wondrous world of adventure and spirit. I have been known by many other different names, some call me the twin, JC, several the Feathered Serpent, some the Inca, to others Gandalf, to one shaman, Vince Stogan, I was the young elder and to another shaman, don Eduardo Calderon, the big cat that flies, to one the Mad Peruvian Shaman and to another Capt’n Moses and Papa Zeus; but to my close friends, the Morning Star. But to you, dear visitor, I am the Capt’n that will guide you to many glorious ports of call. Be forewarned, however, during this voyage of spirit you may encounter rough seas and various rocky shoals, dangerous places for one’s own comfort zone.

Many have told me how easy it is to bury the past and accept being wounded and staying wounded as a normal condition. Ah, but I say, at what price? The ancient ones teach that our soul, our life-force is immortal, but the conscious life that one knows is fleeting. And yes, my dear one, you will spend many, many lifetimes on this world called earth. And each and every lifetime, it is for one purpose and one purpose only—to quicken the light, the vibration of the soul that is the life-force. This is the reason for existence and the wealth that we all seek, even if we know it not.

For many of us, a part of our youth was spent dreaming and imaging adventurous quests for treasure beyond belief. Tales of Vikings and pirates and myths of gold and jewels kept us entertained during the long hot days and cool nights of summer. The various mystical journeys and voyages to claim these fabulous riches are a part of our soul, though buried deep within us as youthful memories of times much simpler and happier.

What if all of the myths and legends were true, but not in the way that you imagined? What would you say if the treasure that is sought in all the legends and myths is, in reality, the inner hidden treasures of your heart and soul? What would you say if I told you that you could be the hero/heroine in your own grand adventure? This then is the purpose of our voyage…to claim the legacy that is your divinity, and in the process, to help others in their own quest of spirit. This will quicken the light and expand the love that is your soul.

But first, I must ask you: Do you know who you are? This is the beginning question that you must answer before you board my vessel. If you believe that you are divine, as well as human—then come aboard and take an oar. Once you grasp your oar, you will recognize that our dragon ship is a sanctuary of love not fear. As we begin our voyage let me explain about the three pillars of light…. in the “Book of Love.”

Life is an interesting journey. For some, it is an on-going battle between good and evil, and for others, a paradise to be re-claimed. However, as all of us have discovered, life is ever changing, a sifting flow of the blending of light and dark. But, we are surrounded and blended at all times by the eternal light of love. Within the joys and struggles of life, I would ask you to be kind while always expressing from your heart, a compassionate spirit.

Our voyage takes us first to the southern seas, home to the shamans, the druids and the kahunas of my world. The shamans, whether they are called druid or kahuna, are the old ones, the first religious leaders. Let me ask you another question: what is religion? In our journey, knowledge is always important; it may unite us while ignorance will always separate us.

Shamans are cosmic voyager’s bringing sacred knowledge, sacred science and lore to a community of souls. They are not only healers but are also known for their work with spiritual guardians. I have an interesting tale to tell you about bonding with a heavenly guardian during a descending spirit exorcism….

Ah, pilgrim, there is one important aspect of our journey…you need to experience spirit, not only with the mind, but also with the body. When you accept the path of the shaman in life, there is great responsibility and always in the recesses of mind, fear. Sometimes I wonder; who would ever want to be a shaman? The shaman also knows that laughter is sometimes the best medicine as it loosens the body and heals the mind in a moment of magic.

Pilgrim, I need to be blunt with you…what do you need to forgive? Laughter heals the moment but forgiveness heals a lifetime. The southern seas are the realm of serpent medicine. This is the water serpent that helps cleanse your emotional body and assists you in shedding the skins of your past through forgiveness. I am only your guide here, the true teacher is nature. Let me share with you some good advice, always: Listen, Look and Learn and Be Patient in your journey of spirit—always one step at a time, but most importantly, walk your talk. The lessons that the serpent will teach you are many, and ongoing; but for now, we must voyage to the western seas.

Stand straight pilgrim; these are dangerous waters. You are learning to let go of the past by releasing your anger, shame, guilt and resentment. But what about the present: the fears, the uncertainties and the doubts of life. What do you fear, pilgrim? Fear is the opposite of love. When I talk about fear, I’m also including doubt and uncertainty.

Be steady, pilgrim; the western seas eternally shift and change. Where one moment, there is an island, the next nothing. These waters are always unknown, thus the fear. But let me ask you: how much are these waters like your life? Never lose faith in yourself or life in general. By voyaging through these waters and facing your fears, you will come to embrace your spiritual warriorship and become a warrior of heart.

Are you ready to be twice born? Our first birth is a given fact, ah but the second birth, the spiritual one, is totally in your hands. This is what I call the first spiritual awakening after the symbolic death of the past. But few realize that there is a second spiritual birth, and to be third born, you must face many, many symbolic deaths. Only then will you step beyond death.

Within these western waters lie many islands where you may be twice born. Be aware, pilgrim as you step ashore…these western isles are the home to jaguar. Do not be afraid of mother-sister jaguar, she will let you face your fears, and help you let go of the ones that you are able to, and to the others, she will help you make peace with them. When you are ready, she will guide you to a stream on the island where you will bathe and experience your first spiritual birth.

You look different pilgrim, your eyes. The swiftly flowing waters of mother earth cleanse, purify and wash away the hurt and pain of our heart and mind. We have been voyaging many weeks and you seem proud. Make sure this pride is based on accomplishment from your heart not an unhealthy ego from your mind. This is a pitfall of illusion that many fall into after experiencing a little knowledge. They puff themselves up and begin calling themselves a shaman, a master, or even president. How sad and ridiculous. But many accept what others call themselves, their titles, without seeking the truth.

The spiritual path is not easy. It is a razors edge, a swords edge with deep chasms on each side of the path; one is doubt, the other…unhealthy ego. We are approaching the northern isles, home to the mystics, the ones that will guide you to the Tree of Life, and the ancestors, the ancient ones that you know as the Archangels and the Aesir—the Nordic Gods and Goddesses. This is also the path of the white owl and his companion hummingbird. This is where we learn the way of the Ancient Ones by stepping outside of time with the death of the unhealthy ego. We live in the timeless now, in a state of awakening unfettered to the past, to fear, or to death. This is the realm of Peace and Harmony. Hummingbirds are sun angels—messengers of light. As the teacher, we take our message of light (knowledge) to the ones shrouded in darkness (ignorance).

We are now sailing towards the eastern seas. The voyage has been difficult, but to have reached this point, makes it all a beautiful experience, worth every tear and every laugh.

The east is the path of the eagle/condor and is the location of the gateway that leads to the realm of the Swan – feathered serpent, the plumed one that will bring the dawn of oneness to each and every individual and to the earth. Here, pilgrim, among these isles we learn that each island looks separate but it is only an illusion, just as each person looks separate is an illusion. We are all one; we are one – humanity that is human in its diversity and divine in its oneness. Let go of being separate. It is one of the root causes of struggle and suffering. Being separate and attached to the external and unhealthy ego, you suffer, but being one and un-attached to the external with a healthy ego, you free yourself to soar as the feathered serpent, as earth and heaven, become one.

Pilgrim, we are at the end of our voyage for now. But I would ask you to continue on, for you’re a Capt’n now. If you turn around you will see that we are back home once again. Farewell, pilgrim, it has been a pleasure and an honor to be your Capt’n. And one last thought, always remember to keep the winds at your back and the sun in your face and most importantly…laugh!

Perfect Book for Uncertain Times

Another 5 Star Review by Gamer on Amazon:

Tequila and Chocolate is a book that is surprising, comforting, and magical all at once. At its heart, it is a memoir of a couple who ‘far travel the world and know things’, who have lived, experienced, and taught outside of the restrictions and cage of modern society. One could approach this memoir as a way to catch a glimpse of distant and powerful places on this earth, at a time when they were yet untouched by the masses. One could also consider the intimate experiences that are shared of visions, otherworldly connections, and spiritual connection and oneness with all. These writings help us understand that innate energy, power, and awareness can be developed within each one of us, with the harmony of nature and a courageous, willing spirit. Embedded within these stories are thought-provoking life lessons that are applicable to everyone – simple, but not easy. The telling of this adventure shares traditions, rituals, and ideas that are not found elsewhere, yet are based on the truths of life and the universe. If you have ever walked on the earth in bare feet with the full moon shining above, and felt a connection that was invisible to your eyes (…and especially if you have not…), this book is for you. Heartfelt recommendation!

Mother Natures’ Revenge

The following has many words just as my books. But it is not information[i] but Knowledge. And Knowledge cannot be explained in a few words. This is my visionary knowing, philosophical knowledge and indigenous prophecies told to me of Mother Natures’ Revenge.

Before we delve into the body of knowledge, let’s explore BAT. It seems most logically that the virus began in a bat to animal and then to human. I’ve always had a close connection with bats. One story in our memoirs tells about the appearance of a bat in the middle of the day in sunlight on the Big Island of Hawaii a few days before my vision. And the latest experience was in October in the Yucatan on the shores of the Caribbean in the middle of the night I awoke to a wounded bat by my head. One wing was wounded and it couldn’t fly. I wondered at the bat’s significance:

Native American legends associate the bat with death because it flies at night and as a sign of rebirth because these bats always sleep with heads down. The face down act is associated to the position of the baby before birth. In the society of Shamans, the bat represents the desire to die a ritual death before one is able to develop into a new being. It is therefore an animal which represented initiations. And the nocturnal nature of the bat makes it, like the owl, a creature that has access to hidden knowledge and secret information, able to detect things in the hours of darkness that are not accessible to diurnal creatures. So I wondered and pondered the meaning for the future.

The Age of Aquarius/Sixth Sun

It is difficult to measure the transition time between the ending of the Fifth Sun and the Beginning of the Sixth Sun. The ending of the Fifth Age could have occurred in 2012. And keep in mind that this ending also includes the end of a Great Year of 26,000 years. The Wheel turns and the Great Year Cycle is birthed again after the transitional period—think of the pain right before childbirth. We are near the end of the transitional period before the birth of the Sixth Sun or the Age of Aquarius.

Is this virus Mother Natures’ way to restore balance and harmony to the earth, an earth that’s been and being destroyed by the greed of a few for power and materialistic wealth?

“If you can’t measure it, it doesn’t exist:

The ancient Greeks were characterized by their talent for measure, which was primarily aesthetic related to beauty and style found in music and visual arts. Measure was also based on self-knowledge and proportion and associated with Apollo. Measure is never absolute but a measure of proportion, which means that it is neither the same for everyone nor identical in every circumstance.

The Greek Apollo was not only the god of measure but of science, philosophy, and the higher intellectual activities. This Apollonian spirit was exemplified by the Battle of Marathon, where two opposite value systems collided for the first time in history—the materialistic value system of Asia and the idealistic value system of pre-classical Greece, the former aiming at power, the latter at virtue. Today, at a global level, unbounded materialistic expansion has crowded out the Apollonian tradition of virtue. Unlimited economic growth on a planet with limited resources is not merely unsustainable. It is irrational. Five virtues of ancient Greece were fortitude, prudence, justice, sôphrosunê (temperance-right mixture, right balance), and measure.

The concept of measure was an essential part of life in pre-classical Greece. When we consider the classical concept of measure, which is akin to moderation and balance, its expression has been explicitly  portrayed in architecture and the arts. “But in law, politics, the social sciences, and the behavioral sciences, measure is a fuzzy concept. This indeterminacy in the concept of measure, coupled with the human impulsive tendency to excess, has made many individuals, societies, and states prone to excessive aberrations from measure—i.e. to hubris, which has historically led societies, states, and even empires to disaster. Still, in the absence of a definition of measure, we may instead apply the criterion of sustainability to detect hubristic aberrations from measure early enough to curb their ill effects.”[ii] But it seems that sustainability is not a primary concern of our culture and society.

Another aspect of measure is symbolized by Nemesis, the Greek goddess that personifies justice and reinstitutes the balance of social order. Philosophically, there is a delicate relationship between measure, hubris, folly, and justice.

It seems that from our lack of measure but not the lack of hubris or folly, we are facing the possibility that Nemesis’ justice is being enacted by Mother Nature. Astrologically, Nemesis is Eris (dwarf planet) the feminine principle of retributive justice: the excluded guest who returns to balance the scales. Eris’s Greek opposite is Harmonia, which is usually translated as ‘harmony,’ but means any union in which the parts form a seamless whole while retaining their distinct identities. Harmonia is the daughter of sea-born Aphrodite and fiery Ares, whom Empedocles  identified with Love and Strife, the two primary cosmic forces, which bring about all change in the universe. Pythagoras likewise said that cosmic Harmonia is born of the union of Love and Strife. She reconciles all oppositions.


The power and truth of astrology has been verified since ancient times. Presently, based on the extraordinary ontological opus of the physicist David Bohm (1917 – 1992), a colleague of Albert Einstein, astrology is still seen as a valid and sacred science.

“David Bohm’s most significant contribution to science is his interpretation of the nature of physical reality, which is rooted in his theoretical investigations, especially quantum theory and relativity theory. Bohm postulates that the ultimate nature of physical reality is not a collection of separate objects (as it appears to us), but rather it is an undivided whole that is in perpetual dynamic flux.

For Bohm, the insights of quantum mechanics and relativity theory point to a universe that is undivided and in which all parts ‘merge and unite in one totality.’ This undivided whole is not static but rather in a constant state of flow and change…. Bohm calls this flow the holomovement – holo, meaning holographic-like, and movement, suggesting dynamism and process. . . . In other words, the nature of reality is a single unbroken wholeness in flowing movement. So, everything is connected and everything is in dynamic flux. I further explain this in the Endnotes of Tequila and Chocolate.

Seeing the Big Picture:

Astrologically, is 2020 extraordinary significant? More so than you can imagine.

The cycles that begin in 2020 express the interrelationships between the planets farthest from the Sun: Jupiter through Pluto. It is this group that gives us a glimpse of how humanity as a whole is evolving

The 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction

The fact that the 2020 conjunctions are packed into one twelve-month period will doubtless make it a highly memorable year. But these transits do not apply merely to the calendar year in which they happen. They’re also the starting guns for ongoing processes that will unfold over decades and centuries.

The Saturn-Pluto conjunction, for example, can be seen as describing the period from January 2018 through December 2021 (15° orb) and peaking from December 2019 through January 2020 (1° orb). But the chart of the conjunction’s one and only pass is not just that of a transit. It’s the birth chart of a cycle 33 years long.

Distant in a literal sense, the outer planets also give us distance in a philosophical sense: Their cycles cover enough historical ground to help us see the big picture.

This is a remarkably disconnected chart; Jupiter, Mars, Venus, and the Moon make no close Ptolemaic aspects to other planets. The Capricorn grouping (cluster) monopolizes the show, with Saturn, Pluto, the Sun, Mercury, and Ceres squeezed within a couple of degrees. The fact that they are all squaring Eris establishes the main plot of the chart.

Keep in mind that Eris is the feminine principle of retributive justice: the excluded guest who returns to balance the scales.

Given the political upheaval afoot everywhere in the world, and now the coronavirus, it is not surprising to see Eris pitted against that stellium in the sign of social cohesion. The Capricorn cluster is crowded into the 10th and 11th houses of government and its various agencies. This is the story of traditional institutions (Saturn) being gutted and reshuffled (Pluto) by societal forces that have been shut out of the action (Eris).

Saturn-Pluto Cycle

As cycles go, the Saturn-Pluto relationship offers astrologers a neat chunk of time — three decades plus — by means of which to draw a bead on geopolitical changes. One of the themes we see repeated through history is the crumbling and reformation (Pluto) of sovereign states (Saturn). It represents a process of crisis, transformation, destruction of the current system, authority figures or institutions; the established order of existence come to an end.

Additionally, since 2008 until 2024 Pluto has been transiting through the sign of Capricorn. Pluto is the king of evolution in that it transforms and regenerates—the planetary archetype of death and resurrection. Capricorn deals with the infrastructures of life such as government. It is a business oriented materialistic sign dealing with the necessities of life and survival. Capricorn would definitely be identified as capitalistic. In other words, Pluto takes what is not working, radically changes it or destroys it if necessary, and then restores it into something much better—death and re-birth on a grand scale. Pluto rules over something that is ever-increasing in American society—debt, while Capricorn deals with real estate.

Jupiter and Saturn

Though the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn every twenty years is always important, their union in 2020 has special and extraordinary significance. Jupiter and Saturn have a pattern of forming their conjunctions in the same element of astrology for approximately two hundred years, such as occurring in water signs from the beginning of the fifteenth century until the beginning of the seventeenth century and in fire signs from the beginning of the seventeenth century until the beginning of the nineteenth century. Since 1802 the Saturn and Jupiter conjunctions have been occurring in earth signs, with the final one occurring on May 28 of 2000 in Taurus. After the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius in 2020, there will continue to only be conjunctions between Jupiter and Saturn in tropical air signs until 2159.

Thus 2020 is at the end of a two-hundred-year era of Jupiter and Saturn uniting in earth signs. While the earth element signifies focus on material security and consolidation of resources that is resistant to change, the era of air will bring disruption to established orders and dramatic changes in collective ideas and the way we communicate. Vitally, not only will Jupiter and Saturn be uniting in Aquarius, they will also be forming a catalytic square aspect with Uranus in Taurus. At this pivotal moment in our journey, the lightning bolts of Jupiter and Uranus will not only bring down old societal structures but will also impel us to release old personal dreams and drama we have been attached to. There will be new challenges and unknown potential arising as we begin a new era of Jupiter and Saturn that we will need to make space for in our lives. During 2020 ask yourself what you need to leave behind and what you truly desire to carry forward.

Age of Aquarius/Sixth Sun

The earth era now waning can be described as materialistic, both in the usual sense of the word — fetishizing wealth as well as in the philosophical sense of the word — presuming the realm of matter to be more real than the realms of ideas or spirit. In the air cycle about to begin, this paradigm will be reversed. Ideas will be prioritized over matter. Spirit prioritized over matter.

The shift to air — a cool, intellectually rigorous element seems like an apt corrective to the ideologically enflamed climate we find ourselves in now. It is refreshing to imagine the approach that Aquarius, the most dispassionate of signs, might bring to the overheated flashpoints of our day, such as ethnicity, nativism, and sexual identity — issues that have become distorted by emotional partisanism, with prejudice posing as objective fact.

The air element is a proud aficionado of objective fact. A Jupiter-Saturn cycle in Aquarius will tend to rely on hard data, rather than personal feeling, to direct social judgments and policies. For example, demographic studies indicate that human populations are becoming more diverse all over the world. This shift toward heterogeneity is deeply threatening to many, in that it undercuts ways of profiling human identity that have been sacrosanct for centuries: what country we’re from, what race, what religious background. But Aquarius, as the most future-minded of the signs, is well equipped to accommodate the new realities.

At its highest, Aquarius looks at people not as members of a religious or ideological group (as Sagittarius does), nor as members of a certain socioeconomic class (as Capricorn does), but as members of the human species — a species that differs from all others in its capacity for abstract thought. The idea that we have misused this power is not new. But what may be new, in the upcoming cycle, is a peculiarly Aquarian construction of humanity’s role in global crises. Without an acknowledgment of that role, solutions to these crises would be impossible.

The following is excerpted from Husfelt, Tequila and Chocolate, 406 – 408:

Sixth Sun

In Mesoamerican belief our present age is known as the Fifth Sun. The First Sun was known as Nahui Ocelotl, the Sun of Jaguars; the Second as Nahui Ehecatl, the Sun of Wind; the Third as Nahui Quiahuitl, the Sun of Rain; and the Fourth as Nahui Atl, the Sun of Water. Each of these ages ended with the destruction or death of the current age which then allowed the rebirth of the next or “new age.” The destruction of the world by water at the end of the Fourth Age corresponds with the worldwide destructive flood mythology of many cultures.

Our Fifth Sun is the Sun of Movement (Nahui Ollin), meaning Earth shaking or change. The glyph for movement is called Ollin and is positioned in the center of the Mesoamerican Calendar of the Five Ages. This is a glimpse into the ending of our Fifth Sun and the transition to the enlightened Age of the Sixth Sun.

Each Solar Age has an undertaking. When that mission is completed, we move on to the next Sun. The mission of the Fifth Sun has been to bring our entire planet together through the principles of movement and measure– think air travel and internet. The transition from the Fifth Sun to the Sixth Sun of Consciousness will be a time of Earth shaking and change from the greed and inequality of the Fifth Sun to the enlightened Age of the Sixth Sun.

According to Mayan Elder Don Tomás Calvo an “image to illustrate the end of the Mesoamerican calendar is a serpent swallowing its tail. He and the other Elders believe a self-consuming snake symbolizes the upcoming era of the ‘Sixth Sun,’ one which brings the past to the present in order to construct a brighter future. The Elders also say they want to remind the world how important it is to live in harmony with oneself, the ancestors, the Earth, our environment, all living creatures and the greater cosmic order.”[iii] Please note that the serpent swallowing its tail is symbolic of Quetzalcóatl.[iv]

And I do agree with the elders. A snake eating its own tail is named an Ouroboros, a “tail biter,” with the meaning of infinity or wholeness. In an eternal cycle of renewal, the tail-eating serpent symbolizes the cyclic nature of the Universe: creation out of destruction, life out of death. It is essential to recognize that the Ouroboros “was also the symbol of the early Christian religion and philosophy known as Gnosticism. In its doctrines, Jesus tells the Virgin Mary: ‘The outer darkness is a great serpent, the tail of which is in its mouth, and it is outside the whole world, and surroundeth the whole world.’ Gnosticism also taught that the serpent and the Christ were interchangeable figures, and that both were saviours or ‘redeemers.’”[v]

The death of the Fifth Sun results in the life of the Sixth Sun – an age of wholeness or Oneness. This is Jesus’ Sun and Quetzalcóatl’s Sun, the Sun of Consciousness. It will be the Age of the Divine Human – Hombre-Dios. It will be an age of the heart, truth, freedom, and equality.

The Sixth Sun will be Xochitl Tonatiuh, the Sun of Flowers. Our Fifth Sun and the Sixth Sun are reflections of the last two day-signs of the Nahuatl tonalámatl, the Sacred Calendar. The nineteenth day-sign, “Quiáhuitl, rain, signifies not rain of water – but rain of fire such as destroyed the Third World, and represents the fiery torments of self-sacrificing penitents. Its deity is of course Tonatiuh, the solar god of the Fifth World. The twentieth and last day-sign is xóchitl, flower. The deity is Xochiquétzal, goddess of flowers. As the ‘House of Flowers.’[vi] the human heart, we understand that xóchitl here symbolizes the budding blossom of the human spirit at last freed from duality.”[vii]

The Sixth Sun – a time to look forward to as xóchitl is love and the search for union. It’s happiness. It’s sex. The Sun of Flowers is when humanity comes to flower.

The End and the Beginning

Humanity will no longer see through a glass darkly but face to face. No longer will man and woman be a mirror of the Truth but the Truth itself. In the church at Esperaza, France stands a statue witness to this message. In the left hand is an open book on which a child sits, caressing the statues face lovingly. In the right hand is held a bunch of lilies. The solar Forces are portrayed by the child who is the little king, the Love which is the Sulphur of the alchemists, and the pure white lilies, the Philosophical Mercury. At last the earthly twin has learned the lesson of Love and the balance is restored, the male becoming the female, the female, the male. And the open book? It is “The Book of Love.”[viii]

[i] The word philosophy comes from the Greek φιλοσοφία [philosophia], which literally translates as “love of wisdom.” Wisdom derives from the following formulas:  information without experience remains just information: I = I; information combined with experience results in knowledge: IE = K; wisdom flows from the combination of knowledge and its experience: KE = W.

Divine Humanity prescribes to Five Wisdoms: 1) Divine Wisdom that is the eternal source of knowledge; 2) Reflective Wisdom that reflects reality without distortions; 3) Wisdom of Equality that recognizes all things as equal in their divine sense and honors their intrinsic value in a relative sense; 4) Wisdom of Observation by the mind without subjective distortion; and 5) Wisdom of Action are actions that help sentient beings awaken and bring them to enlightenment such as our books and our writings and teachings

[ii] John D. Pappas, “The Concept of Measure and the Criterion of Sustainability,” The St. John’s Review, Vol. 56.1 Fall 2014.

[iii] Court Stroud, “Dawn of the Sixth Sun: The Mayan Pope and Elders Visit the Big Apple,” HuffPost, Oct. 12, 2012, updated Dec. 06, 2017 (https://www.huffingtonpost.com/court-stroud/dawnof-the-sixth-sun-the-mayan-pope-and-elders-visit-the-big-apple_b_2007704.html).

[iv] Pre-Columbian Ce Acatl Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl (“Bird of precious green feathers-snake” or “Feathered Serpent”) comes down to us in many guises. He was: Ehecatl, God of Wind, The Morning Star (Venus), Man of the Sun, bringer of knowledge, font of wisdom, holy man, creator and performer of art and music, warrior, cultural hero, King of Tula, and priest.

[v] David Day, Tolkien’s Ring (Pavilion, 2012) 151.

[vi] Flower Heart—one of the three pillars of light of Divine Humanity—always expressing love from the heart and letting others, as well as ourselves, view the beauty and the divine perfection that is the true essence of our hearts. Smell is a powerful sense. With a Flower Heart, our fragrance is pure, sweet, and soothing to ourselves and others. The Flower Heart is also the Lily or Lotus Heart.

[vii] Waters, Mexico Mystique, 224.

[viii] Adapted from Elizabeth Van Buren’s book the Refuge of the Apocalypse: Doorway into Other Dimensions, 330 – 331.

Measure – Testing

According to the ancient Delphic Pythagorean maxim – Keep the Measure, it is wise advice to measure anything before we act; always measure perfectly. As we can see from the lack of measure (testing), our culture and society is measureless. The dysfunction of being measureless results in hubris, exaggerated self pride, this recklessness goes hand in hand with ate,  being blinded. Ate was the ancient Greek personified spirit of delusion, infatuation, blind folly, rash action and reckless impulse who led people down the path of ruin.

The lack of measure, or “measurelessness”, as well results in holding onto rigid, dogmatic, and austere measures.

Of this maxim it has been said that the ancient Greek Seven Sages wished humankind to observe due measure and proportion in all matters instead of making irrevocable decisions about any human affairs.

Part 2: The Mind, the Brain, and Consciousness

The totality of the interactions of the trinity of mind, brain, and consciousness are mysterious and seldom considered. Each in themselves is an area of mystery. Adding to these the mysteries of our DNA and genetic makeup makes life a playground of seeking knowledge into our being of “who we are.” In other words, we need to know ourselves as the Greek Philosopher Chilon of Sparta’s maxim states: “Know Thyself.” This was one of the three primary maxims found inscribed in the Temple of Apollo at the ancient oracle site of Delphi, Greece. The other two are “Nothing in Excess” (meden agan) and “Keep the Measure.”

Knowing ourselves, self-knowledge, means exploring and understanding our consciousness, our mind and our brain and their effect on our DNA and genetic makeup. With the debilitating effects of our culture and environment on our minds and brains, the scourge of brain-linked ailments is rampant in our society. A scourge which may be reduced and repealed. But how? With this being said, let’s explore our trinity in seeking knowledge of ourselves and solutions to the mental/brain blight.


Of the three, consciousness is the most mysterious and little thought is given to it. Ironically, one of the reasons is due to dualistic minds, beliefs and practices based on science being a dualistic paradigm, which separates itself from spirit. As science can’t quantify consciousness, can’t be measured, poked or prodded, means it takes a backseat to the mind and the brain.

When we consider sacred science or the blending of science and spirit, Consciousness becomes the most important and foundation of our trinity. Our thoughts and their patterns (mind) flow from our consciousness. This affects our minds, which then affects our brains. A “loop” is created where mind affects brain, brain affects mind, mind affects brain, and so forth. And one step further, our mind affects our body, our body (heart) affects our mind and so forth. But it all begins with our consciousness.

There are eight stages of consciousness, a ninth consciousness and our awakened state of heart-mind consciousness. But in simplified terms, foundationally there are two: a consciousness of dualism and a radical nondualistic consciousness. A consciousness of dualism is one of separation (either-or) while a radical nondualistic consciousness is one of unity or oneness (blending together of the binaries).

Of the eight stages, the first five are our senses: visual consciousness discerns form, hearing consciousness discerns sounds, taste conscious discerns taste, smell consciousness discerns smells, and touch consciousness discerns tactile sensations. Our sense consciousness is essential to the overall health of our bodies, minds, and spirits and the awakening of our divine starlight. You may see the Pandora effect of the unbridled technological advance based solely on capitalist gain without concern for the totality of people’s bodies, minds, and spirits. The bottom line: humanity’s sensory consciousness is deadening, affecting people’s sense of reality, common sense, and connection to the earth and nature.

The next stage after sense consciousness is the one where we will focus our attention: mind and thought consciousness—conscious mind. After mind and thought consciousness is Storehouse Consciousness (subconscious – 1st Attention then 2nd Attention), then we have supraconsciousness – soul consciousness.


Our conscious mind is based on either dualism or a radical nondualistic consciousness. For the majority of people, their worldview is dualism—separation of the binaries such as male and female, spirit and matter, the brain’s right hemisphere and the brain’s left hemisphere. Take a moment and ponder how this consciousness feeds the fires and flames of tribalism, sexism, and racism to name just a few resulting from a mindset of dualism. Unity of the binaries only comes from a consciousness of radical nonduality. To reach a consciousness of oneness or radical nonduality requires the transitional state of heart-mind consciousness.

Heart-Mind Consciousness

Our heart-mind consciousness is our awakening and awakened minds. It is still corruptible and deluded but awakening to the reality of interpenetrating radical nonduality. It is a shift from viewing life totally from the I position to one where the I and the we interpenetrate—the I in the we, and the we in the I.

Our consciousness flows from our hearts through our minds—the sun of our hearts gives light to the moon of our minds. We no longer recognize people by race and gender but as human beings with a divine spark within. Judgments and discernments are not made on a label of color or sex but based on the person’s actions to us and to others.

Brain, DNA[ii] and Genetics

There are five areas we will explore: Chronic Stress Prematurely Ages Our Brain, Meditation Rewires Our Brain, Our Brain Learns By Doing, Our Thoughts Affect Our Genes, and Growing Older May Make Us Smarter.

Chronic Stress Prematurely Ages Our Brain: Stress is a fact of life; what’s damaging is the distress we feel internally in response to it. According to Howard Fillit, MD, clinical professor of geriatrics and medicine at New York’s Mount Sinai School of Medicine, “points to the body-wide reaction our bodies experience when we routinely respond to stress by going into fight-or-flight mode. In our brains, the stress response can cause memory and other aspects of cognition to become impaired, which is a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease and accelerated memory loss with aging. One thing that can happen is you can start feeling a lot older, mentally, than you are.”

Studies at the University of California–San Francisco have shown that repeated instances of the stress response (and their accompanying floods of cortisol) can cause shrinkage of the hippocampus — a key part of the brain’s limbic system vital to both stress regulation and long-term memory.

To protect the brain from cortisol-related premature aging, build stress disruptors into your regular routine: such as a short walk or sitting in nature doing nothing, eat breakfast every day, and practice deep slow breathing while doing nothing.

Meditation Rewires Our Brain: This is a natural follow-up to the above. According to Neuropsychologist Rick Hanson, PhD, “Of all the mental trainings — affirmations, psychotherapy, positive thinking, yoga — the one that has been far and away the most studied, in terms of effects on the brain, is meditation.”

“Stimulating areas of the brain that handle positive emotions strengthens those neural networks, just as working muscles strengthens them,” Hanson says. The inverse is also true, he explains: “If you routinely think about things that make you feel mad or wounded, you are sensitizing and strengthening the amygdala, which is primed to respond to negative experiences. So, it will become more reactive, and you will get more upset more easily in the future.”

By contrast, meditative practices stimulate the anterior cingulate cortex, the part of the brain’s outermost layer that controls attention (this is how meditation can lead to greater mindfulness {no mind chatter}, Hanson explains), as well as the insula, which controls interoception — the internal awareness of one’s own body. “Being in tune with your body via interoception keeps you from damaging it when you exercise,” Hanson says, “as well as building that pleasant, simple sense of being ‘in your body.’” Another plus of a strong insula is an increased sensitivity to “gut feelings” and intuitions and greater empathy with others.

“Deciding to be mindful (in present moment with no mind chatter or talk) can alter your brain so that being mindful is easier and more natural,” he explains. “In other words, you can use your mind to change your brain to affect your mind.”

Our Brain Learns By Doing: The mirror neuron system is the name for those regions of the brain with synapses that fire whether you’re actually doing or merely watching an action — as long as you’ve done it previously. Doing an action lays down neural connections that fire again when you watch the same action. The existence of the mirror system helps explain why learning a new skill is easier if you try doing it early in life.

In the human brain, entire regions light up in response to a familiar action; this endows us with a full-fledged mirror system. Additionally, the mirror system is also what endows us with the empathic ability to feel the pain or joy of others, based on what we register on their faces. “When we see someone else suffering or in pain, mirror neurons help us to read her or his facial expression and actually make us feel the suffering or the pain of the other person. These moments are the foundation of empathy,” according to UCLA neurologist Marco Iacoboni, MD, PhD.

Far Traveling, wandering to distant lands into the unknown and interacting with peoples different from our own, builds our empathic mirror system. Far Traveling is not vacation. A Far Traveler goes on holiday (Holy Day) and is not a tourist but an adventurer, a pilgrim of spirit on a journey of self-knowledge. The word itself means going out and finding something. And that something equates to many things: finding our true self, compassion, love of self and nature, and accepting and understanding our self and others not like us, the roots of empathy.

Our Thoughts Affect Our Genes: We tend to think of our genetic heritage as a “done deal.” But, in fact, our genes are open to being influenced throughout our lifetime, both by what we do and by what we think, feel and believe. The new and growing field of “epigenetics” studies extra-cellular factors that influence genetic expression. While you may have heard that genes can be influenced by diet and exercise, many researchers are now exploring the ways that thoughts, feelings and beliefs can exert the same epigenetic effect. It turns out that the chemicals catalyzed by our mental activity can interact with our genes in a powerful way. Much like the impacts of diet, exercise and environmental toxins, various thought patterns have been shown to turn certain genes “on” or “off.”

Researcher Dawson Church, PhD, explores the relationship between thought and belief patterns and the expression of healing- or disease-related genes. “Your body reads your mind,” Church says. “Science is discovering that while we may have a fixed set of genes in our chromosomes, which of those genes is active has a great deal to do with our subjective experiences, and how we process them.”

As we think, we become; our body influences our mind and our mind influences our body. And our worldview and our thought processes are ruled by our foundational consciousness.

Our soul’s DNA may affect our thoughts and patterns at various times during our life. Awakening will assist in activating our soul’s DNA.

Growing Older May Make Us Smarter: Brain scientists used to be convinced that the main “driver” of brain aging was loss of neurons — brain-cell death. But new scanning technology has shown that most brains maintain most of their neurons over time. And, while some aspects of the aging process do involve losses — to memory, to reaction time — there are also some net gains.

What researches call a “neat trick” for net gain is named: “bilateralization.” This involves using both the brain’s right and left hemispheres at once. What the researchers don’t realize, this is the awakened consciousness of radical nonduality, the interpenetration of both hemispheres. I refer to this state as a “strong mind.”

When the two hemispheres of our brains are united in an interpenetration of the logical and the intuitive, we experience reality not as separate from us but as a part of us and us as a part of it. This breaks down the barrier between our ordinary minds and our enlightened minds. The mirror of our minds will then reflect things in their true, original state.

There still may be dust on our mirrors, but we will see clearer than the ones that remain stuck in a dualistic reality. When we realize that reality is not based on an either-or paradigm of dualism, we will finally discover a great peace within ourselves. There is great solace in knowing that we may be both enlightened as well as deluded. We do not have to be one or the other. We do not have to win or lose. This shift alone will transform us from self-centered beings into divine human beings that are participating in a journey of life and experience along with all other humans and all other creatures of the earth.

Our minds become purer and calmer when we view and sense reality as united, not as a separate thing that may threaten our egotistic sense of safety and security. When we can see ourselves in all other things, not only another human being, but animals, moths, trees, and so forth, we achieve a state of being that is peaceful, benevolent, compassionate, and empathic. This is something not just achievable in meditation, but more importantly, in every waking second of our lives.

One final point as we age, our minds/brains need to be challenged to seek knowledge not known by us. We need to discover, explore the far reaches; not only do we need to far travel into the unknown but, as well, our minds need to seek what is not known. As it has been said: we need to “Boldly Go Where No Man/Woman Has Gone Before…”

Ninth Consciousness

If there were not a ninth conscious, each of us would be separate from, and not a part of, the web of life—islands isolated unto ourselves. Just as the sixth great element, divine consciousness, interpenetrates the other five elements of space, air, fire, water, and earth (physically and metaphysically), it also interpenetrates our individual eight states of consciousness. Our ninth means that the observer and the observed, self and other, are not separate but are connected in a oneness of being. We are not our brothers’ or sisters’ keepers, but we are our brothers or sisters.[iii]  We are truly one with the divine.

[i] Consciousness is fully explained in my book Do You Like Jesus—Not the Church?, 216 – 219.

[ii] There are two bloodlines. Every human being has not only an ancestral line of the earth but also an angelic lineage of the heavens. Our earthly bloodline flows from our parents’ ancestral lines, while our heavenly evolution stems from our previous incarnations.

Each of us has two lineages. This is one of the reasons why there is emotional confusion surrounding the fetus and life. Of course, there is an emotional attachment to the feelings of having life growing within you. Yes, it is alive, just as the heart of the mother is alive. Yet, it is not a soulful human being at this point in time. It is developing its earthly DNA lineage. It is a potential human being, as it has not as yet interpenetrated with its soulful heavenly lineage. This occurs at birth with the first breath of life, God’s breath, and the descent of the heavenly DNA—the golden dew.

All of the mysteries of life are amazing as witnessed by the descent and entrance of the heavenly DNA—the golden dew—at birth, which results in our initial sound of power. Our birth cry is not the first sound that we make on earth. Our first sound is the sound of God’s breath (our soul) entering our mortal body—silent as it may be. Then our soul’s cry—I exist. (Do You Like Jesus—Not the Church?, 152 – 153.)

[iii] Just as humanity in Divine Humanity represents not only the human race but all things of creation, brother or sister means all things of creation.

Part 1: Now You can Become a Painter, A Musician

There is nothing pleasurable except what is in harmony with the utmost depths of our divine nature.—Heinrich Suso (ca. 1295 – 1366), German mystic

The primary hindrance to spiritually awakening is a consciousness of separation; a consciousness of fear. Fear, a sense of separation, not only keeps us from our divine nature and bliss but affects our body’s immune system. Our fear is not just in our mind. It’s in our body and affects our immune system as does our other thought processes. The mind and body are not separate but blended.

Three Points:

First: The latest data suggests that brain immune surveillance communicates with the immune system and can generate adaptive immune responses. The brain directly affects the immune system. And the immune system has a wireless communication system between itself and brain cells. Keep in mind that the brain is not our only thought process, “our heart also thinks!” It is an intelligence system. In fact, the brain receives more orders from the heart than the heart receives from the brain.

Second: T-cells are a type of white blood cell that circulate around our bodies, scanning for cellular abnormalities and infections. T-cells are essential for human immunity. Almost every aspect of the adaptive immune response is controlled, in some way, by T cells. These multifunctional cells have the ability to:

  • Scan the intracellular environment for foreign invaders
  • Directly kill virally or bacterially infected cells
  • Naturally eradicate cancer cells
  • Activate and help other immune cells that ingest germs or that make anti-infection molecules called antibodies
  • Remember a germ that they encountered decades ago

T cells are also responsible for immune responses that lead to:

  • Rejection of a transplanted organ
  • Virtually all autoimmune disease (diabetes, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis etc.)
  • Some allergic reactions (gluten intolerance etc.)

Third: This points us to… Keep your mind strong, don’t attach to fear—stay in the moment of the present day. Mindfulness has become a common term. Where is the focus of your mind at this moment, and the next moment, and next… Along with this concept of mindfulness is “mind emptiness”—detachment and no mind chatter. This is a state of the immovable no mind. Best said from the Last Samurai:  too many mind… [pause] No mind. This is Immovable Wisdom. Please ponder this: The Mind as such is at once movable and immovable; it is constantly flowing, never “stopping at any point,” and yet there is in it a center never subject to any kind of movement, remaining forever one and the same. This is the state of spiritual and martial mastery. This shift in consciousness may be difficult in the beginning but to discipline yourself is to be your own master. (Please see Part Two: The Mind, the Brain, and Consciousness)

Today is the only reality. Yesterday is now a dream (real that it was) and the future is yet to come – do not focus on it as fear may be its sole inhabitant.

Take this time to express “who you are”, from your heart. Make your heart your face. If you were pressured to be a lawyer or an accountant but you wanted to be a painter, musician or writer (maybe all three). Now is the time to paint, write, and make music. Be creative and most importantly, focus on what you do have—the love of family and friends.