
Blessed and Honored is the Summer Solstice

The Sun represents our conscious intention, and the Moon represents our instincts – the way we operate on a more internal level when nobody’s looking.

I Am A Sun Of God – And So Are You, the title of my first book reveals that each of us has a divine spark – divine fire within our hearts. We are divine, we are human. But first, we must awaken our spark.

According to Laurette Séjourné concerning Quetzalcóatl’s religion: belief, myths, hieroglyphs and rituals all point to the fact that the only true god is the Sun: the other entities all appear as simple aspects of this central figure.  This Sun, the only true god, is the Sun behind the sun; the Absolute, the Divine.

She goes on stating “that the vast poetic construction that expresses Nahuatl thought tirelessly repeats the adventure of the man who becomes the sun.”  This refers to awakening the dormant divine spark within our heart–awakening and blossoming the flower of our inner sun. In other words, Quetzalcóatl’s religion is the antípodas of all theology in which God is of an essence different from his creature.

It then stands to reason that Quetzalcóatl’s religion and Divine Humanity was/is one of transformation through direct experience and self-sacrifice and to finally awaken as a Quetzalcóatl—a divine human being. Thus, our journey is one of personal transformation; awakening our inner sun—our deified heart, our flower heart.

At a certain point in our journey, we need to die—not physically but symbolically. By experiencing symbolic death, the fear of physical death has less of a hold on us. Thus, we need to die to our old self, our unhealthy dualistic ego, to be reborn in the West as an illuminous warrior. This then provides us with the extraordinary courage to be authentic and to open our heart so it will flower as our body buds and blossoms. Our heart becomes our face resulting in our personal liberation—freedom from dualism and duality.

Discover more concerning Quetzalcóatl and Teotihuacán in my forthcoming novel The Fifth Sun.


Summer Solstice 2022

“To understand spirit, understand self—Know Thyself.” JC

The Summer Solstice, the traditional day of the Sun, is a perfect time of celebration and a time to honor and bless the “Sun behind the sun” and Light.

The Sun behind the sun (the Absolute, the Divine, the All, the Great Mystery/Spirit, the One) is a symbol and expression of great spiritual understanding and knowledge. How perfect this is as the summer solstice was also known as the time of spiritual understanding.

In astrology the sun is considered the king of the planets. According to the Vedic understanding, the sun is an expression of God. This planet is associated with the soul or self, leadership, happiness, success, self-realization, and spiritual enlightenment.

Light may be seen as a symbol of the Divine—Eternal Light. This is the Divine Light/Spark/Fire. Divine light permeates all things: space, humans, trees, stones, animals, even the most insignificant. We cannot see the Divine, but we become aware of Divine’s presence when we see the beauty of the world, when we look into the eyes of a baby, and when we experience love of others, nature, and all things of the earth.


The world solstice comes from the Latin words sol (sun) and sistere (to stand still).

In ancient Greece, the summer solstice marked the start of a new year and the month-long countdown to the Olympics. In ancient Egypt, the summer solstice represented the coming of the brightest star, Sirius. Not long after, the Nile would begin to flood its banks, marking a season of abundance from the land. The Egyptians believed Sirius was responsible for the floods and considered it the start of a new year.

Solstices are the extreme points as the Earth’s axis tilts toward or away from the sun when days and nights are longest or shortest. The life giving Sun is celebrated all over the world with various traditions, like fire festivals, singing songs, telling tales, and dancing until the sun sets. And in the Baltic’s, lighting a bonfire and jumping over it. Not for the faint of heart.


If we delve into Mesoamerican knowledge, we discover the hummingbirds connection to the solstices.  The hummingbird can fly forwards, stop and hover, and fly backwards, too. The sun exhibits the same behavior through the ecliptic: it hovers at the summer solstice, “flies backward” until it stops and hovers at the winter solstice, and then “flies forward” until it returns once more to the summer solstice.

To the Maya, the Milky Way was a great celestial reptile which extended across the sky. His body represented the sky, from which the other sky deities, the stars, were suspended. His body bears the symbols of the sun, moon, Venus, and other celestial bodies. This beast had two heads.

The front head, to the left, signifies the summer solstice when the sun, when located in the Milky Way, is near the Pleiades. This head faced east and was associated with the rising sun, the Morning Star (Venus) and life. The rear head (on the right) marked the place where the Milky Way crossed the ecliptic in Scorpius or Sagittarius at the time the sun was at the winter solstice. The head facing west, symbolized the setting sun, the evening Star (Venus) and death. It was especially significant when a planet crossed the Milky Way as it traveled along the ecliptic. Maya glyphs show that Maya kings carried a representation of the Milky Way god in their arms, known as the double-headed serpent bar.

The Mayas constructed many of their sacred cities like Tulum, Chichén Itzá, and Uxmal with the solstices and equinoxes in mind. You will find that the Mayan observatories and temples were positioned specifically to observe the movements of the sun. A clear example of this can be found at Chichén Itzá. The main pyramid at Chichén Itzá, known as the Temple of Kukulkán, is constructed in such a way that during the Summer Solstice the sun casts perfect shadows on the south and west sides so that it looks to be split in two. The Spring Equinox that falls around March 21st at Chichén Itzá is even more impressive. The shadows cast by the sun look like the outline of a snake descending the steps of the pyramid.

Teotihuacán, City of Water – City of Fire, known as “the city where one becomes a god,” is the birthplace of the Fifth Sun and the home of the prophet Quetzalcóatl and his religion. In recognition of this, Teotihuacán’s Temple of the Sun was built over a sacred cave symbolizing birth and was shaped like a four-leafed clover. Temple of the Sun was oriented to the sun’s passage at the Summer Solstice.


Abortion was Legal when America was Founded

The following excerpted segments come from my fourth book “Do You Like Jesus – Not the Church? Jesus: His True Message – Not the Lie of Christianity:”

Pro-life as it is used today is, in reality, selective life. The male-dominated church and institutions are focused not on life—that is, all life—but on controlling women’s bodies through fear, dogma, rules, and regulations.

Pro-life is totally focused on the fetus, not the welfare and life of the child after he or she is born—another form of their hypocrisy.

What was Jesus’s view on this issue? Even though he was a religious revolutionary whose radical ideas threatened the male-dominated society, religious and secular, Jesus was still Jewish, and Jewish law states that life begins at birth. Additionally, there are no specific prohibitions of abortion in the Bible. Jesus taught that the kingdom of God is within us. It is then up to us to perfect our kingdom. This perfection does not come from an institution’s rules and regulations, religious or secular, but from our own conscious choices in life.

Christianity’s dogma states that the soul enters at conception, while Judaism believes that ensoulment occurs at birth.

Which is correct? Let’s turn to physiology and common sense – Breath:

According to the bible, a fetus is not a living person with a soul until after drawing its first breath. After God formed man in Genesis 2:7, He “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and it was then that the man became a living being.” Although the man was fully formed by God in all respects, he was not a living being until after taking his first breath.

According to the bible, destroying a living fetus does not equate to killing a living human being even though the fetus has the potential of becoming a human being. One cannot kill something that has not been born and taken a breath. There is nothing in the bible to indicate that a fetus is considered to be anything other than living tissue and, according to scripture, it does not become a living being until after it has taken a breath.

Even though I am not a woman. On the other hand, I did awaken my feminine essence/side on Machu Picchu in 1988. But still, I am not a woman, but I will wade in the waters of the feminine mind.

In my mind, the conscious choice to abort a fetus is the hardest and toughest choice a woman must face in life. But again, it is a choice. The woman is not killing or taking a human soulful life. She is losing a part of herself and a potential child. This loss is great, and it needs to be mourned and then healed—not only the loss itself but also any guilt or sadness. If there is anything lacking in legalized abortions, it is the absence of comprehensive emotional and spiritual healing after the abortion.

Pro-life men need to understand their NOT women … so get the F**k out and stay out of this issue … hear that Alito!

The Fifth Sun – a Tale of Adventure, Intrigue, Betrayal, Magic, and Sex.

The following is a short excerpt from my forthcoming first book of a Trilogy, “The End of An Age,” a combination of metaphysical fiction and narrative nonfiction based on our true life adventures.

The first book, will be released end of summer, early fall, “The Fifth Sun – When the eagle and the condor fly together, the Age of Peace will manifest” is a Tale of Adventure, Intrigue, Betrayal, Magic, and Sex.

The following is based on fact even though it is set in Greece. The waterfall and bathing pool is the one we take apprentices to located in the Olympic Mountains of Washington State. And if you read our memories, you will see that I did awaken an old dragon spirit at these falls the first time I opened them. The last paragraph reveals my theory on the destruction and commercialization of sacred sites such as Machu Picchu.

As I explain in the book, my character’s name is “Jimmyl, like Jim plus Mel – Jimmyl. It means frank, quick in a decision, or independent, and especially for me, it refers to someone who does not tolerate hypocrisy such as the hypocrisy of the Vatican and Christianity in general.”

“Being isolated, the waterfall’s location was perfect for Jimmyl’s intense spiritual practice. Most of the time, it was just him, nature, and the spirits of the place. Mystical and sacred, the waterfall had a guardian—the spirit of an ancient dragon….

Springs, waterfalls, and bathing spots were all connected with his sanctuaries (Asclepius). Being near water was essential. Water not only purifies but functions as a conduit for divine visions and epiphanies—manifestations of divine or supernatural beings. Rivers and the sea were the only suitable watery conduits for accessing the Otherworld. Besides being near water, his places of healing were all situated in “high places” such as mountain peaks, which were also regarded as ideal for spiritual revelations.

It made perfect sense to Jimmyl, the location of the waterfall and its power. When he had first visited the waterfall to spiritually “open” it, he was in awe of its Otherworldly feeling. The fall and the bathing pool at its base were hidden from view by gigantic boulders that had to be traversed to get to the waters.

He viewed this as a type of gate, separating the profane from the sacred. Just before he approached this symbolic barrier, he could hear the roar of the falls as if a pride of lions were waiting for him on the other side of the boulders. Once over the rocks of varying sizes, he arrived at the base of the falls. Immediately, with the cold spray from the cascading waters anointing him with its sacredness, he was thrust into a timelessness of force and power. With a feeling he was not alone, and with the roar of the falls in front of him, he sang an “opening” spirit song, vibrating the land and the waters of this primal place. And then he knelt to pray and offered some of his sacred red paint to the waters of the fall.

At that moment, the guardian had reveled itself to Jimmyl. He had awoken it from its sleep with the power of his voice and the love within his heart.

He knew humans could never destroy the sacredness of the earth. When it is abused by uncaring and stupid humans, the land sleeps, as do the spirits. Only when it is once again respected and loved, a person of power may awaken the sleeping energies. And Jimmyl had….

Love the Earth

When you use your smartphone to talk, text, shoot photos, or whatever else you can do with your phone, you’re tapping the prefrontal cortex and causing reductions in cognitive functions such as thinking, feeling, intuition, sensation, and “empathizing,” which allows for better understanding of the minds and emotions of others.

Instead, reduce your phone time and let Nature make you “feel more alive.”

Because many aspects of nature were integral to ancient peoples, nature itself was divine with a spark/a micro-star/a micro-sun within all things—Divine Mother Earth. Furthermore, all of nature—waters, rocks, trees, grasses, even the soil—housed spirits and were revered. After all, if not for these elements of nature, people could not have thrived. In other words, everything had a spirit, an intrinsic identity, and value. Trees were not only divine, but were also intrinsically unique providing such things as shelter and food.

The importance of trees to the earth and humanity is a well-known fact. Additionally, the tree is one of humankind’s most powerful symbols. It represents fertility, immortality and the totality of life as well as being a link between heaven and earth. Rooted firmly and deeply in the earth, the tree also reaches up to the heavens and thus provides an appropriate symbology for a central link between the two.

To the ancients, our ancestors, the whole forest was/is sacred, as the source of “Being.” In the manner ancient texts describe, caring for the Earth must also incorporate the Earth’s interaction with the sun (today, consider humanity’s need for solar energy to replace destructive fossil fuels).

More than ever, we need to experience the beauty of nature. This increases positive emotion—perhaps by inspiring awe, a feeling akin to wonder, with the sense of being part of something bigger than oneself—which then leads to prosocial behaviors.

Nature makes you “feel more alive;” nature relieves attention fatigue and increases creativity.

Today, we live with ubiquitous technology designed to constantly demand our attention. But many scientists believe our brains were not made for this kind of information bombardment, and that it can lead to mental fatigue and being overwhelmed leading to burnout. We need “attention restoration” to get back to a normal, healthy state.

Nature provides our renewal: Being in nature while utilizing our senses especially sound, smell, taste, and touch (tactile sensations such as walking barefoot on the earth) restores depleted attention circuits, which can then help us be more open to creativity and problem-solving.

Being in nature decreases stress being in nature has a profound impact on our brains and our behavior, helping us to reduce anxiety, brooding, and stress, and increase our attention capacity, creativity, and our ability to connect with other people. We are physically and mentally healthier when we are interacting with nature.

Love the earth. Show your love by being out in nature away from human-made structures, no smartphones or other devices, just you and the great Goddess – Mother Nature. Kiss a tree and lie on the earth becoming one with her and all her relations.




Earth Day 2022

Earth is a paradise of wonders all wrapped up in myriad colors. It is alive with a consciousness that responds to all the things that call it home. I believe in a partnership with the earth and feel at one with it. I do not believe in being superior to nature, acting as its steward, but instead acting as one with nature and in partnership with the earth in cocreating a paradisiacal state of life for all life.[i]

But sadly, this is not the current state of affairs between humanity and the earth where there is biodiversity loss, ecosystem collapse, and climate change. Add to this Putin’s war causing such a great loss of life of human beings and an exodus of woman and children from their homes to safety in surrounding countries. His war has and is caused the unknown deaths of animals and birds, destruction of the land with the addition of pollution from the munitions resulting in a present and lingering corruption and destruction of the biosphere … for how long!

Then we have the capitalistic elites, Putin again, who are treating the earth as their private garbage heap while not revealing the true extent of the effect they are having on climate change.

The illusion surrounding the climate crisis—it’s more severe than the capitalistic scientists are admitting. And keep in mind all politicians lie – all, left, right, center.

But there is more to the problem than just reducing greenhouse gas emissions. There is humanity’s mind pollution.

All things have consciousness, not just humans, and will respond accordingly to our consciousness. This is the reason that human’s physical acts of destruction and pollution of the environment are not the totality of the problem. Nature and creatures are affected by the greed, fear, and anger of humans. Furthermore, humanity’s worldview and mindset of separation, where humans are superior to all other things of the earth, is caustic to nature and the environment. This is humanity’s mind pollution. Instead of fear and separation, what nature needs is a nurturing spirit of unity, loving kindness flowing from our hearts, and our sincere gratitude for nature’s beauty and its garden paradise. As we nurture nature, nature will nurture us.

Accept a Green Philosophy

Be in awe of the wonder and beauty of Mother Earth (Pachamama) and all her creatures – Make a vow to yourself, to the earth and the heavens knowing that all things are alive, conscious, and responsive: Every Day is Earth Day, I will love, honor, care, and respect all things of the Earth as I love, honor, care and respect myself – all humans as brother/sister, all things as cousin from eagle, raven, and owl – all winged ones above, to the grandest mountains, valleys, trees and soil of the earth, down to the oceans, seas, and rivers, all creatures large and small down to the tiniest ones that creep, crawl, and wiggle. I am in partnership with the earth cocreating a garden paradise for all.

[i] Rev. Dr. JC Husfelt, Return of a Green Philosophy: The Wisdom of Óðinn, the Power of Þórr, and Freyja’s Power of Nature, 75.


Lord of Light

Usually, the accepted consensus is that indigenous cultures of the past worshiped the sun and moon as the primary deities. But that was not the case. Worship of the lord of light, sometimes known as the “Sun behind the sun” predates the worship of the sun and moon. With no doubt, the returning heroes were known as the “lightbringers.” These lords of light were also lords of wind such as Quetzalcóatl and Jesus. These lightbringers brought the knowledge that the light within them, their light body, was also within all others.

The Pearl of Light

Pearl symbolism is closely associated with the shell and represents moonlight, purity, tears, wealth, the power of the waters, and wisdom; believed to be the result of lightning penetrating the oyster, and as such, regarded as the union of fire and water.

The pearl is first embedded in a mass of live but corruptible flesh, then separated and cleansed from its surroundings so that it can appear in its purity and beauty. So, it is with our divine spark/starlight. It is deeply cloaked in a mystery and must be awakened. As long as the pearl (divine light) remains cloaked in the oyster (the flesh) it is of no value.

The production of the pearl is a gradual, even tedious, process. Slowly, the oyster adds layer after thin layer of nacre until the iridescent pearl is transformed. So, it is with the human body.

Light Body Equals Radical Nonduality

With the awakening of our light body, we awaken to the consciousness of radical nonduality. Basically, radical nonduality is the union of opposites. It occurs when subject and object blend together: us blends with them, the union or interpenetration of spirit and matter, fire and water, body and mind, and our seen world and unseen Otherworld. All as a blended totality.

Keep in mind that we are said to be the fluidity of water, the heat of fire, the power of the wind to move, the power of the earth to hold and the power of space to pervade or permeate. This acknowledges our ability to awaken our divine spark/fire of our heart, which blends/permeates with our watery body. We achieve the unity of the perceiver and the perceived—an awakened divine human, a feathered serpent.

The Divine Human—the Awakened Light Body

Many cultures of the ancient world believed that humans have with­in them a divine element, a spark from the fire of the Divine. Once awakened this spark/starlight/divine fire within our heart awakens our light body. The process in awakening our light body is to be found within the wisdom of primordial knowledge or “first knowledge,” which is woven throughout and found in all the first peoples’ spiritual and religious traditions on this Earth.

This knowledge reveals the teaching focused on the transformation or transmutation of the serpent or dragon energy locked away within our first chakra. This begins the process of awakening our divine fire within our heart as the serpent energy ascends through our body until it reaches our “cave of spirit” and our sixth chakra. Paradoxically, in our sixth chakra, we have two chakra centers: One is the Ajna (sun) chakra situated approximately behind the forehead between the eyebrows and is often referred to as the “third eye.” Its counterpart in the back of the head below Crown Chakra is known as the Soma (moon) chakra referred to as the “mouth of God.” The “cave of spirit” is the entrance into the Soma Chakra. Ajna symbolizes fire; Soma symbolizes water; it is here where the blending of fire and water occurs beginning the awakening of our pineal gland (the body’s light receptor), and our light body, which at the same time awakens our heart’s divine fire/spark/starlight. With the awakening of our light body, we achieve “spiritual brilliance – a radiance of self.”

In accordance with ancient indigenous wisdom, with the awakening of our pineal gland, our serpent energy metaphorically sprouts feathered wings with the illumination of our “light body.” In other words, we are birthed as a Feathered Serpent.  The Feathered Serpent is the Archetype of the Divine Human. It is the union of heaven (divine) and earth (human), the divine-human. The Feathered Serpent was known to the Mesoamericans as Quetzalcóatl.

Jesus and Quetzalcóatl

Awakening and Increasing the divinity (light) within each person—could change the world. Jesus brought this knowledge of purification, light, and resurrection to his people. But he was not the only spiritual teacher to bring this knowledge. Quetzalcóatl also taught his people the importance of symbolic death and re-birth through ritualistic water immersions—a resurrection of spirit. In addition, like Jesus, he brought the knowledge of the “light body.” Every day the light of dawn precedes the rising of the sun. It is the light that comes out of the dark of the night. This is Venus in her phase as the morning star.

The lightbringers of humanity, past and present, are that light. It has been prophesized that Quetzalcóatl, like Jesus, is destined to return when the world is at its darkest. Are we in the darkest of times? Both Jesus and Quetzalcóatl were known as the Morning Star.

“The herald of the light is the morning star. This way man and woman approach the dawn of knowledge, because in it is the germ of life, being a blessing of the eternal.” (Haji Ibrahim of Kerbala)

Morning Star

With the morning star shining in the east as first light broke through the darkness of night, Jesus experienced his spiritual awakening with a vision of the otherworld and the descent of spirit (the dove representative of the morning-star aspect of Venus) into his body.

“I, Jesus, sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the root and offspring of David, the bright morning star.” Revelation 22:1653 (Please note that the “root” of David is divine nature, and the “offspring” of David is human nature).

As well as this: It is told that sitting meditation in the predawn hours of the morning the Buddha looked up and saw the morning star, a sight that occasioned his enlightenment. With the sun crawling up from the eastern mountains, he called out into the dawn, crying, “I am awakened together with the whole of the great earth and all its beings.”

The vision of the morning star and the descent of spirit was the moment of awakening and enlightenment for Jesus, just as it was for Gautama, the historical Buddha, and Kōbō Daishi, founder of Shingon Esoteric Buddhism.

Baptism of Light

Our heart’s divine fire represents light in the broadest sense, which includes the light of perception and the light of consciousness. Water is the medium on which light can be reflected, which is ultimately a quality of light itself. In other words, not only the awakening light body, but the mind and ultimately, the reflective power of consciousness itself.

Our “baptism of light,” is ritually portrayed and achieved through water baptism, or bathing, which is immersion in flowing “living waters.” This ritualistic act assists us in awakening our heart and our inner body of light.

Ritualistic immersion in running water (a stream or river) or the ocean is one of the oldest forms of initiation and symbolic death and rebirth. It is one of the essential steps in awakening, frightening but necessary. We need to symbolically “die” to the old to be “born again” – our second birth. Furthermore, this second birth may be referred to as a “virgin birth.” As we can see, it is not membership in an earthly or religious institution. It is the beginning of an awakening to the truth of the world and one’s authentic self.

According to ancient Vedic knowledge, both light and water are essentially the same. Water is simply a more solidified or denser form of light. They both have heavenly origins. Vedic philosophy goes on to bestow a sacred character on water, which is then identified as a medium to attain spiritual enlightenment. The concept of purification in early Vedic texts was essentially spiritual, rather than moral and/or physical. The Vedas (texts) identified water as the very essence of spiritual sacrifice or “the first door to attain the divine order.” The act of bathing was considered intensely spiritual, and it was believed that physical acts of imperfection were removed and spiritual oneness with the Eternal Self was attained during the process.




RITUALISTIC IMMERSION IN RUNNING WATER (A STREAM OR river) or the ocean is one of the oldest forms of initiation and symbolic death and rebirth. It is one of the essential steps in awakening, frightening but necessary. We need to symbolically “die” to the old to be “born again” – our second birth. Furthermore, this second birth may be referred to as a “virgin birth.” As we can see, it is not membership in an earthly or religious institution. It is the beginning of an awakening to the truth of the world and one’s authentic self.

Few in the world still practice and teach this form of purification. Even in Jesus’s time, baptism in the River Jordan was a “unique event that even Catholic editors of the Jerusalem Bible consider to be an initiation.” Outside of the Mandeans of the Middle East, the greatest concentration of “dawn bathers” is to be found within the indigenous communities that still practice and adhere to the old ways. But even here, there are few still alive that can “initiate” and put people into the “living waters” of the Earth.

We are blessed to be two of those who still practice and “initiate” people into bathing. This “initiation” is not one of membership, but one of death and rebirth. After I put a person into the stream, he or she is free to revisit any stream and repeat the ritualistic immersion. Going bathing will help a person release the stress and hurt that comes from living in today’s chaotic and fearfilled world. And quite possibly, it may help prevent Alzheimer’s Disease.

After the “initiation,” there are multiple reasons for a person to revisit a stream and bathe. Bathings will increase a person’s spiritual power, medicine power, and his or her inner vitality. The living waters will also help release anger, guilt, resentment, fear, and uncertainty, as well as the other emotional baggage that we seem to carry and refuse to release.

Vince once told us that anger, along with fear, is our greatest enemy: “If you keep hurt feelings, or get mad at the weather, you get a heavy feeling, and it ties down your spiritual work. Anger breaks up the home and can ruin your life. It ruins hope and can separate families. Father goes one way, the mother goes the other way, and the children are left in the middle! Family love is very important, as well as the love in your heart. When you get like this (holding anger/hurt feelings), go up to the mountain to a stream and leave the anger, leave the hurt feelings, up there!”

In Ancient Peru, “after confession of guilt, an Inca bathed in a neighboring river and repeated this formula, ‘O thou River, receive the sins I have this day confessed unto the Sun, carry them down to the sea, and let them never more appear.’” As we can see, bathing has been used since ancient times for the passions of the mind. It then makes sense that Sher and I use bathing as one part of our releasing and healing process for deep emotional and physical trauma.

Machu Picchu 1988 and Machu Picchu 2007

Due to excessive tourism and greed, seekers can no longer experience sacred sites as we have in the past beginning in 1981. A brief glimpse of Machu Picchu 1988 and Machu Picchu 2007.

The following is excerpted from Tequila and Chocolate, The Adventures of the Morning Star and Soulmate (available on Amazon and BookBaby):

Machu Picchu 1988

Two thousand feet below me rumbled the Urubamba River and above me was a cloudless blue sky. Surely one would consider this sliver of mountaintop a paradise on Earth. The whole of the valley below was considered sacred to the Inkas. Machu Picchu means “Ancient Mountain” and was considered a huaca – a sacred place where the power of the Earth Mother was concentrated. I definitely could feel her power, but I had a notion that Machu Picchu’s true name and purpose had long been lost and forgotten. I had an intuitive sense that the original name would have translated as “the Mountain where the Sun stands still,” indicating a sacred sanctuary of equality, balance and harmony. Metaphysically, this was a place of initiation where one’s soul cast no shadow. Additionally, for me, this mountain was a place of wonder and knowledge and an expression of Pachamama’s power and love.

Time was slipping away as I made my way up the stairs connecting the Sacred Plaza to the Intihuatana stone. This sacred carved stone’s name in Quechua means “where it is tied to the sun.” This is where Inka priests “tied” the sun during the winter solstice. We were now at the highest point in Machu Picchu. And the stone, with a little imagination, looked like the upper body of a dolphin with its fin being the actual hitching post. Explanations abound as to the purpose of this ceremonial stone, but conjecture regarding its purpose was not necessary for me. I felt the power that emanated from it. As a moth drawn to flame, I went and put my hands and forehead on it, and then sat cross-legged on the stone with my hands in the mudra (hand position) of the Cosmic Sun.

As I closed my eyes, time seemed to stop. I was not aware of the stone seat beneath me or the others by me as surreal images briefly came and then disappeared. I quickly opened my eyes as I felt the immovable sun-stone still firmly lodged beneath me. I had a knowing that I had been here before. But it was a time before the Inkas.

Machu Picchu 2007

Since 1987, sacred sites have been desecrated by an excessive influx of New Agers and tourists. Supposedly for spiritual elevation, but more for unhealthy ego, hordes of New Agers following Caucasian “neo-shamans” have invaded sacred places to their detriment. And the tourists have followed in droves. With such an increase in popularity, governments and capitalistic elites saw opportunity and the building frenzy was on.

In October 2007, I returned with two of our apprentices. This time we took the train from Cusco to Aguas Calientes, the tourist town that grew up around the Machu Picchu train station and is a 20-minute bus ride from the archaeological site. The last time I was here, I believe there was only the train station. What a change, and for the worst. Where there used to be peace and harmony while waiting for the train back to Cusco, there was now chaos and excessive commercialism. Hundreds of tourists’ flock off the trains into waiting buses to chug them up the mountain to the sacred Inka ruins. And for the ones that want to stay a few days, there are places of respite ranging from thirty dollars a night in town to more than a thousand dollars in the “palace” outside the gates of Machu Picchu.

The price to enter the ruins is ridiculous: forty dollars. However, it would be worth it if we could still do our spiritual work, which we cannot due to the hordes of people around and the fact that the places of power within the ruins are blocked off and off limits. As you have learned, the last time I was here, it was quite a different story. Not only was I able to meditate on the “hitching post to the sun” but was able to conduct ritual and ceremony within the ruins all night long. And speaking of the “hitching post,” during the making of a beer commercial, one of the camera booms dropped unexpectedly and cracked a piece off the sacred stone. After the horse has left the barn, let’s shut the door. To allow a commercial to be made in such a sacred place in the first place is wrong, a tragedy, and demonstrates the scourge of capitalism. After this happened, a rope barrier was put up around the sacred stone. In a scene right out of Monty Python, gaggles of tourists reach their hands out to within inches of the stone to “receive its energy.” Giggling, chattering a mile a minute while “receiving energy,” the New Agers, aka tourists, are once again observers of spirit but not participants.

On this January 6, 2022…


On this January 6, 2022…

I’m always amazed how the cosmos, the seen and unseen, worlds work. As the ancient principle states: “As Above so Below” …” As Below So Above.” If you’re not aware of the present threat to democracy in this country, and others, you’re a Struthio Camelus, common ostrich, with your head buried in the sand as the saying goes.

Using the Polity score, which measures the probability between + 10 (democracy) and – 10 (autocracy), the United States, previously at a + 10, fell to + 5 after the insurgency, placing it in the category of an anocracy (a partial democracy) and reflecting an increased chance of widespread civil strife!

Now what is fascinating to me is the astrological movement of the planets as we all swirl through the heavens. Our solar-system a speck within our galaxy – the Milky Way, is one of billions and billions of galaxies. Humans can be very smug in their elitism of arrogant superiority…

The following is excerpted from an article by Tanaaz

To the heavens:

The US will be having what is known as its Pluto Return from 2022-2024. This means Pluto will be returning to the exact same position of the zodiac where it was on July 4, 1776.

Pluto Returns take 247 odd years to occur, so for the United States, this is the first Pluto Return it is experiencing.

Pluto is the planet associated with death and rebirth. It is the force that crumbles things to ashes in order to be rebuild.

Pluto is considered the Lord of the Underworld. It has the knack of exposing hidden truths, dark secrets, and the shadowy stuff. It brings the dark, hidden, and taboo up to the surface in order for it to be dealt with and faced.

Pluto is going to bring a revolution of sorts. It seems that whatever intention was set for this country back on July 4, 1776, is going to be revisited.

Pluto is going to ask- What needs to change? What needs to be transformed? And what needs to be honored?

We will be forced to look back to see whether the original intention set for this country is still being upheld or if anything needs to change.

We will be forced to look back and readjust in some way before we can move forward.

We may even have to revisit some of the energies that brought about the creation and need for the Declaration of Independence as well.

Because Pluto Return is occurring in the sign of Capricorn, there will be a spotlight on government, big business, authority figures, and essentially anyone in a position of great power.

A Pluto Return in Capricorn could manifest as the crumbling of the government or an established hierarchy, but it also the building of a new one.

It can lead to deep and lasting changes in the way that the country is run and governed, and the rules that citizens choose to abide by.

This energy is like the dark night of the soul of the country. It challenges the US to face up to its dark side and to expose any corruption. We have to remedy the past so we can create a brighter future.

While a Pluto Return can expose shadows, it is also an incredibly powerful transit that can help any country to rise up in to its fullest potential.

When the Pluto Return is officially completed, it will be like the phoenix rising from the ashes- stronger, and more awakened than before.

While the US will wrap up its Pluto Return by 2024, due to its slow movements, it may take till 2028 to truly see the metamorphosis that has taken shape. (This is when Pluto officially leaves the zodiac of Capricorn for good.)

USA Pluto Return Predictions

While it is difficult to predict exactly what is going to happen, here is what we may see, plus what has unfolded as other countries have experienced their own Pluto Returns:

Major changes in the laws

Shift in government structure

Exposure of deep corruption

Need to heal the past

Civil War/ Power struggles

Conflicts with other countries

Agreements/Partnerships with other countries

Leaving agreements/partnerships with other countries

Changes or an overhaul of banking/economy

Changes or an overhaul when it comes to big business

Unconventional leaders

Death/Overthrowing of leaders

Changing of allies

Rise of independence

Re-balancing power dynamics

Ultimately, a Pluto Return is a very eye-opening, transformative, dark night of the soul experience. While it does stir things that may be uncomfortable, it can pave the way to create a more balanced, fair, and just country, where all feel loved, welcomed, respected, and equal.