Don’t Slip


“Transmigration of souls is based on the idea that a soul may pass out of one body and reside in another (human or animal) or in an inanimate object.

The most fully articulated doctrine of transmigration is found in Hinduism. Each soul passes from one body to another in a continuous cycle of births and deaths, their condition in each existence being determined by their actions in previous births.

It may be viewed that transmigration is closely interwoven with the concept of Karma (action), which involves the inevitable working out, for good or ill, of all action in a future existence. The whole experience of life, whether of happiness or sorrow, is a just reward for deeds (good or bad) done in earlier existences. The cycle of karma and transmigration may extend through innumerable lives; the ultimate goal is the reabsorption of the soul into the ocean of divinity from whence it came.”[i]

This last part: “the ultimate goal is the reabsorption of the soul into the ocean of divinity from whence it came” is what I call the doctrine of going back to the “soup.” This is the concept of the oneness of dualistic consciousness.

This is different from the oneness of radical nonduality consciousness; meaning never in the soup but an eternal journey of soul evolution – even archangels evolve. Keep in mind that I know the truth of reincarnation based on my physical sensory experience of the Visitation witnessed by my wife and twelve others.

Concerning the soup; as I’ve said many times, not an exciting premise to struggle to achieve a magnificent vibration of our starlight and then to end up in the soup. How about the billions of galaxies with trillions of sentient beings where we could evolve even further our immortal journey of starlight even though this journey, quest if you choose, involves struggle and suffering – but what brilliance there is in that struggle..

I don’t buy into Karma as it is taught. Remember for every action there is a reaction or consequence/result. Movement is essential – right action (heart action) – what we do, our actions, do vibrate for eternity. Each incarnation, our soul, starlight, is the sum total of all our incarnations – our actions including not acting. No one is being punished for a previous lifetime – punishment is a human construct not one of the Divine Mind even though the lying Jewish scribes would want you to believe…

So, I’ve symbolically wrestled with the whole concept of transmigration more so with just the human side – (of course as some of us know – cats are higher souls!)

What type of incarnation does a soul such as Hitler’s receive? Organized Religion, of course, uses a dualistic ax of heaven (paradise) or hell – so act like Hitler end up in Hell – no incarnation for you – this is nothing more than terroristic bullshit.

But through his actions what happens to his starlight, which determines his body in time and space. Of course, Hitler is an extreme but how about our actions during our present journey of life – what happens in the next life?

This does get very complicated – but in simplistic terms – our actions during our journey of life determine if we will take the next step on the metaphoric ladder of soul evolution, remain on the same rung and have to face the same issues again in a different body, space and time—or have we fallen down the ladder – how far depends on what happens in our next life …


[i] http://mbsoft/believe/txo/transmig.htm


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