Death is Life and Life is Death


I usually post awesome pictures of nature. Accordingly, I have a question for you to ponder. What went through your mind when you viewed the picture above?


Life is a gift; just ask a woman that has lost a potential child to miscarriage or stillbirth. But in our journey of life we seem to squander that gift and in the end, unprepared and resistant, we face our death in fear.

When we have not experienced many symbolic deaths in life such as the one experienced in the death and rebirth rite of bathing (symbolic death by drowning), we will cling to life no matter the circumstances.

It is nobler to die fighting that knelling as a sheep. We are born, we journey, we die, which gives us life again as we are reborn with another opportunity to give our soul’s gift back to the world. I know this, as I know the truth of reincarnation.

It is better to die nobly not a straw death in bed or hooked up to tubes. Go out with a song on your lips with your loved ones singing your passage to the Otherworld—and it is Not a one way trip.

Life is choice. Every day we make the choice to do right or not. In Norse-Germanic philosophy a gift given needs a gift returned. The choice to spend a life seeking materialism and external power does not equate a gift given back to our soul, to our family, the Otherworld, or to the earth.

But it’s never too late to give back and choose to do right for the greater wellbeing. And in the giving and right action, we will receive—our bond to nature, others and the divine will strengthen. And then at the end of our journey, death is not a foe to fear but a friend to embrace.

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