There is only One Race


The following is excerpted from Do You Like Jesus—Not the Church?

There is only one race and that is the human race whose divinity is its unity and its humanness is its diversity. Hate and conflict based on a certain pigment color of skin is encouraged and propagated by a dualistic consciousness reinforced by dogmatic religions and cultural, social and material inequality.

Our individual sense of reality (of separateness or duality) is just an extension illusion of our basic core sense perceptions. Our eyes perceive separation between us and all things viewed. This constant reinforcement tricks us into thinking and believing we are separate and islands unto ourselves. Reinforced by messages from childhood, we build stronger and thicker walls around our islands to protect us (the unhealthy ego). This core belief leads to behaviors and actions based on fear and protective neurosis of the unhealthy ego. Constant vigilance is needed to overcome and release our dualistic thinking, dualistic believing, and behaviors that are attached to this false paradigm of dualism.

Oneness Equals Mental Tranquility

When the two hemispheres of our brains are united in an interpenetration of the logical and the intuitive, we experience reality not as separate from us but as a part of us and us as a part of it. This breaks down the barrier between our ordinary minds and our enlightened minds. The mirror of our minds will then reflect things in their true, original state.

There still may be dust on our mirrors, but we will see clearer than the ones that remain stuck in a dualistic reality. When we realize that reality is not based on an either-or, us-them paradigm of duality, we will finally discover a great peace within ourselves. There is great solace in knowing that we may be both enlightened as well as deluded. We do not have to be one or the other. We do not have to win or lose. This shift alone will transform us from self-centered beings into divine human beings that are participating in a journey of life and experience along with all other humans and all other creatures of the earth.

Our minds become purer and calmer when we view and sense reality as united, not as a separate thing that may threaten our egotistic sense of safety and security. When we can see ourselves in all other things, not only another human being, but animals, moths, trees, and so forth, we achieve a state of being that is peaceful, benevolent, and compassionate. This is something not just achievable in meditation, but more importantly, in every waking second of our lives.

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